Inspiration means to be inspired or to inhale oxygen into the lungs. When were you last  mentally stimulated to do or feel something? Especially to do something creative. Or to draw in a deep breath?

However, I know you think that there’s a big difference between the two meanings. But, is there? You have a creative inspired moment and you take in a deep breath as the light bulb turns on! The aha moment!  The sense of satisfaction welling up inside of you.

Yes, there is a difference between the two. This article explores the creative process that affects our spiritual lives. Having said this, we look at how the creative inspiration affects the physical as well.


Inspiration is easy for me. I look at the stars in the sky and wonder about all that there is beyond what we see. For instance, I think life is in all parts of the universe. Just because we don’t have proof, doesn’t mean it’s not there. I think we are arrogant to believe that we are the only living creatures in existence. But, life on other planets is not what this article is about.

I find creativity in almost anything I do or see. However, there are moments that are truly more stimulating than others. The first time I saw a live birth was incredible! I find the whole process of life forming from a sperm and egg amazing. This life grows and is now a human is pushing its way into the world.


I learned that mediation was a way of life for me early on. You mediate when you daydream. No joke, daydreams are a form of meditation. Sitting in that fishing boat being in the moment is mediation.

You ask, “What is the point of meditation?” Mediation allows us to connect is a higher consciousness. That higher awareness is known by many different names. God, I AM THAT I AM, Creator Source, All That There Is, it doesn’t matter what name you chose to call your expressive energy.

Prayer is the most common method of meditation.  First, when you pray, you go deep inside of yourself, you become quiet. Second, you speak from the heart. Thirdly, you listen to that soft voice that comes from your heart.

Once you open your mind and heart to listen to what is being spoken to you, inspiration is allowed to present itself. It’s in that moment you are opened to creativity.

Find Your Inspiration

Find your creative voice:

  1. Move forward in life. For instance, get out in nature. Walk, run, skip, hop, jump, it doesn’t matter. Be playful. Just get the blood flowing.
  2. Next, be open to learning new things. For example, take a different way to work. In doing, this you see new sights. In addition, to learning new things, you’re creating new neural pathways.
  3. Similarly, make new friends. Expand your social network. As you learn these people’s stories, you learn new information. You get new ideas.
  4. We know that there are no limits to the possibilities, but reign it in. Too many choices are overwhelming. Besides, we only need one flash of innovation to get us moving.
  5. Lastly, trust in yourself. Don’t look outside of yourself to know your own worth. For instance, imagination comes from you. No one else can give it to you.

Yes, I hear you say, but, “I’m not creative!” Sure you are. You have to pay attention to yourself. That’s called, “being in the moment.” Stay in the moment. In addition, don’t worry about tomorrow or yesterday either. The moment you are in is all that there is.  This moment is your inspiration!

You experience the joy of your individuality during moments of inspiration. The satisfaction of this new idea brings pleasure to you. You take in a deep breath, feel your heart beat just a little faster as you indulge in the moment.

To be inspired doesn’t mean that something big and life changing is happening. For instance, most often it’s the little moments of satisfaction, completing a job well done. Knowing that life is good. All is well with you. The pleasure of having completed the day and watching the sun set.

I’m inspired right now as I write this article. In addition, my generator is doing its weekly test run and a crew with heavy equipment has pulled into the neighborhood. Inspiration comes during moments of chaos too.

Embrace life! Pay attention to what’s going on in your life! If you do, you will see and feel those creative moments. They are there. You just have to be aware.