Before the invention of electricity, the human population lived in harmony with the earth. Always connecting with her daily and seasonal cycles for our own natural cycle of life. 


The term ‘grounding or earthing’ is often used in conversations to describe being in connection with the vibration of the planet. Walking barefoot on the ground or sitting on the ground connects us to Mother Earth. The most straightforward way to ground one’s self is to simply make contact with the ground on either the dirt or concrete, which is also conductive. You don’t necessarily have to be barefoot, but you do need to have on shoes with leather soles for the earth’s vibration to penetrate into your feet. 

Swimming in a large body of water is another way to consume mass amounts of positive earth energy. This is why doctors in past centuries recommended to patients who were in need of healing from serious health conditions go to the sea or ocean. Sitting on the beach near a large body of water exposes the body to the ions needed for healing.

There is no negative consequence to grounding or earthing.  Being in communion with the earth provides the opportunity to benefit one’s overall health and well-being.

Being in balance with the energy of All-There-Is brings many health benefits such as less anxiety, better sleep, reduced pain, and overall improved health. Walking in nature helps to expand the lungs with fresh air as we breathe in deeply during our hike. Circulation of the blood brings in more oxygen which in turn helps to clear the cobwebs from the mind.

Disconnection from Earth

Research shows everything alive responds to the subtlest changes in the magnetic and electromagnetic fields surrounding it. It appears we are creating an environment that is out of tune with nature itself. Technology has provided conveniences, but in doing so has created interference with the natural vibrational frequencies caused by the super accelerator inventions of modern day life.

There has been an increase in the number of people suffering from autoimmune diseases and other chronic conditions. Losing touch with the earth and no longer being nourished by our land has contributed to an increase of:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Lupus
  • Inflammatory bowel disorders
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Chronic headache
  • Irritability 

The truth is, we have become disconnected from our source of life. We’re ungrounded and we are literally no longer in touch with the Earth. Is this disconnection a major contributing factor in the increase of illnesses noted above?

Benefits of Earthing

Benefits of being one with the earth include: 

  • Inflammation has been linked to nearly every degenerative disease recorded — cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, glaucoma, autoimmune disorders, cancer and many more. Grounding reduces chronic inflammation and related chronic pain
  • Earthing neutralizes the free radicals in our bodies, significantly reducing oxidative stress and readily helps us to recover from injuries, trauma and exhaustion
  • Earthing is recommended for anyone who has an auto-immune condition
  • Grounding affects your DNA immediately
  • When you ground to the electrons enriched in the earth, there is an improved balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  • Enhances circulation, which leads to increased energy
  • Earth is the natural antidote for electron deficiency and achieving a healthy balance in the body
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduces hormonal and menstrual symptoms

Go barefoot for a half-hour or so outside and see what a difference that makes on your pain or stress level. Sit, stand, or walk on soil, grass, sand, or concrete. These are all conductive surfaces from which your body can draw the Earth’s energy. Wood, asphalt, and vinyl are not conductive. Ditch the shoes made with plastic or rubber as much as possible. When you take these steps, you may discover how much better you feel. You may notice the reduction in pain, anxiety and that you are sleeping better.

After a time, the communion between your body, mind, and emotions with the earth will bring a shift in your inner and outer worlds. You will begin to feel aligned and balanced with your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Being balanced within and outward brings a sense of wholeness and peace to oneself. 


Visit my YouTube: HEY! IT’S BREAK TIME! By Janet Lynas Westley