Since the last article I wrote on quantum frequencies, I earned certification in Quantum Biofeedback. Exciting, I know! At least, for me it is. And for my volunteers who graciously participate as I learn the technology. However, having said this, I am continually amazed by the readings I get during each session.

You can lie to yourself, but not to your aura!

We all lie to ourselves. No one likes to admit their own weakness. Therefore, each of us paint a picture of who we want to see ourselves as. So, I run a session on myself and, there it is, the emotional baggage staring back at me. I’m amazed at the information showing up in my energetic field. I don’t like to admit at times I worry.  Yes, I know! I’m consider the modern day version of Scarlett O’Hara in the sense that I don’t worry about things I can’t change. In other words, “Who me worry?”

In Quantum Biofeedback, I record a sample of my client’s voice. Next, I take a photo of the individual. Both the voice and photo are converted into a frequency range. Then, I process both frequencies and analyze the aura. I talked about auras in past articles, you may want to read it. With the first aura reading, I can see the colors associated with the clients energy being emitted at that point.

I see what’s going on with each client at that moment in the aura field. If the colors are murky, it shows stagnation in that area of the body. More often than not, this stagnation is chronic. It’s important to get the energy flowing freely. Having said this, getting the stagnation to move may require digging deeper into the emotional field. If energy stays stagnated, illness can show up in the body at some point in time. The aura should look bright in color when the qi is flowing.

Peeling the onion

I look at each layer of one’s energy field. There’s the body, the emotional and biofield. Under each of these categories are several areas to look at. In my practice, I observe the whole person. One size does not fit all. In other words, two people may come to me with the same issue. In allopathy medicine, western medicine, the doctor will basically prescribe the same medications for each patient who comes into the office with the same problem.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine explores the whole man or woman. Using the Quantum Biofeedback technology, I find my job is made easier. In each energy field of my client, I see what is currently going on. Therefore, I can see that the emotions being felt at the time are affecting the digestion. The digestion is also affected by the food eaten. And on it goes. With Quantum Biofeedback, it’s easier to look at the layers under a microscope so to speak.

   Looking at each layer of the aura gives me better insight into what my client is dealing with. Looking at each aspect of the energy field gives me the understanding in what’s going on with that individual’s body. With Quantum Biofeedback I work on one energy layer and then I move on to the next layer. Always digging deeper is important.


Looking back helps resolve issues in the present!

Ok, now what I have to say will seem “woo, woo” to western populations. When I do hypnosis on clients, I regress the client back to the time when their issue began. Some of my clients regress back to a past life. Yes, it happens. No, I’m not debating on whether past life is real or not.

However, using Quantum Biofeedback, I look at the Past Life energy field. I know in my case, I was stunned at what I saw in my aura. I’m certified in Past Life Regression. The classes for this certification were 12 hours a day for a week. Yes, I know some of my past lives. Interestingly, these past lives showed up in my biofeedback session. The past imprints on the cells of our body and affects what is happening in our life today. Clear this trauma from the aura and you’re free to move on from those issues.

Quantum Biofeedback and health care

Quantum biofeedback is a good tool that is used in helping one reach a higher level of health. When we have better insight into what’s going on within our body, we’re better able to support our health. To be healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually is after all the goal.

Quantum Biofeedback can be done remotely as well. I find this piece of information fascinating!

Here’s to better health and new tools to help you in 2021! Better health equals a better life!