The Beach Boys have a song, Good Vibrations. It’s a fun song. However, there’s a deeper meaning to good vibrations.

What in the world are you talking about? Good vibes is just an expressing, right? Are you talking about a “woo, woo” topic? You know, one of those weird things that metaphysical people talk about.

What are Quantum Frequencies

The history of quantum mechanics is a fundamental part of the history of modern day physics. In 1838 the discovery of cathode rays by Michael Faraday, then the 1859–60 winter statement of the black-body radiation problem by Gustav Kirchhoff. In 1900, the German physicist Max Planck introduced the idea that energy is quantized. Look up the history of quantum mechanics if you want to know more, I’m not giving a history class today. Quantum mechanics is the beginning of the quantum discoveries.

In active standards the quantum transitions of atoms and molecules lead directly to the radiation of electromagnetic waves whose frequency serves as a standard or reference frequency. Such instruments are also called quantum generators.

So, what’s the point of this information? Quantum frequencies may not be seen, but they are measurable. Therefore, they affect everything on earth, including you.

Quantum Energy Medicine

What is Quantum Energy Medicine? Part of my training is in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese philosophy calls this vital energy qi and it’s described as the body’s innate intelligence. However, this intangible energy is measurable as homeostasis. Homeostasis is your body’s ability to balance its internal environment to create good health.

TCM assesses the body’s balance. Low energy frequency can show up in the body’s aura or energy field before an illness shows up in the body. Our energy field is either balanced or running ‘hot’ vs ‘cold’.

Therefore, a deficiency in your qi can manifest as insomnia, decreases in vitality, or changes in appetite. I know many individuals experience mental tiredness with decreased energy.

In addition, a ‘hot’ qi shows up as being hyper and not able to focus or to sit still. You’re out of balance.

Ok, get to the point!

I work with clients on their qi. However, I recently acquired a new tool that gives me and my client a visual demonstration on what their energy field looks like at the time of service. Image, seeing what your energy field looks like before an energy frequency session and then seeing the after affect! It’s amazing!

In the past, when I worked with a client’s frequency field, there were no visual aids for the client to see. Having said that, I have had clients tell me that they can see colors coming from my hands as I was interacting with their aura.

Science has proven what Light Workers and Energy Medicine practitioners have know for thousands of years. Science has finally caught up with TCM, at least to a point.

In Summary

I will be writing more about this new technology in up coming articles. Client stories will be shared, with their permission, and they can tell you the results they had.

Remember, that energy work can help balance one’s aura, but as an energy practitioner, I make no claims of cures. Major hospitals around the U.S. are exploring having energy workers on staff. So, far the results are good.

My clients are mostly from a medical background. That’s an eyeopener isn’t it? Referrals actually come from doctors, advanced practice nurses and other medical related fields. Open your mind to the possibilities of the mind-body connection. In addition, know that your body is aware of what it needs to be balanced and healthy. Your body talks to you all the time. Unfortunately, you don’t listen until it’s screaming at you. Learn to listen to the subtle conversation it is having with you.