
Dimensional Shift and the Effects on the Body by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Ascension is the acceleration of vibrational energy and the shift of awareness in our consciousness.  When a human being raises their vibrational energy to a higher frequency, it is known as ascension.  Having said this, many changes occur during the ascension process. Similarly, as one ascends to a higher vibrational level and expands, symptoms are noted in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. 

Additionally, as we move through the Ascension process there will be periods of time when we will notice that the energy and symptoms of this process are more intense than other times.  Therefore, symptoms may last hours, several days or even weeks.  The symptoms may be mild or intense.  After that, the symptoms are different for each person and the number of symptoms and the intensity can vary depending upon ones awareness and sensitivity.  

Symptoms of Ascension

Ascension signs and symptoms include:

1. You have a “knowing” that something is happening or changing. Therefore, you “know” that something is about to happen or to come, yet you don’t know what or when. 

2. You can have stomach or digestive issues that you would not normally have.  

3. Changes in body temperature either being cold or hot are noted. 

4. Symptoms of cold or flu will appear and then disappear without exacerbation. 

5. Sinus and allergy symptoms are escalated and you may notice smells that are strange to you coming out of nowhere. 

6. A change in vision and perception is seen and sensations such as mist or smoke, flashes of lights, seeing shadows, color changes, sparkles and swirling energy is noted.

Oh, the ears!

7. However, you may notice changes in hearing; high pitched sounds, ringing in the ears, tonal changes with frequency changes, buzzing, or whooshing sounds.

8. You may notice a change in diet.  Foods that you once liked are no longer tolerable or you may find that you are having craving. You may have a weight change that is unexplained.

9. Your sleep patterns may change and you may go from periods of sleeping too much to having insomnia, waking up at odd times during the night especially around 3 in the morning. You may feel restless and not know why.

10. You may be having more day dreams, visions, flashes of insight and creativity.

11. You may experience waves of heat or hot flashes especially over the chakra areas.  You may have night sweats or chills.

12. You can have generalized aches and pains and body soreness that have no explanation.

13. You possibly experience increased static electricity in the body with the shocks from touching an object or another person.  One may have unexplained muscle twitches and spasms. You see electrical devices malfunction in your presence.

14. You may find that you are dropping objects or you are clumsier than you would normally be.  You may have vertigo or feel ungrounded.

15. You may have a sudden burst of energy or having panic attacks, scattered thoughts or confusion, and increased mental energy.  

16. You may experience unusual vibrations or tingling sensations in or around the chakra areas.

17. Mood swings from crying to laughter to anger for no apparent reason.

18. You may experience periods of increased heart rate with no explanation or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.

And there’s more:

19. You may have skin reactions such as rashes, hives, or tingling sensations or itching that come and go.

20. There may be changes in hair and nail growth, they may grow faster than normal and the texture and color may change.

21. Moreover, you may feel drawn to nature or quieter surroundings or to be alone.

22. There may be an increase in synchronistic events such as seeing recurrent numbers or phrases.

23. Subsequently, you may have a strong urge to change locations, jobs, friends, or marriage status.

24. Therefore, physical reality may seem unreal at times like a dream state and the dream state may seem more like reality.

25. You may find that you are having issues with your voice or speech and may notice more internal dialog with yourself.

We’re not done yet!

26. Also, you feel detached from the world around you.  In addition, you may feel invisible.

27. Likewise, you feel as though you no longer know who you are and are driven to find your true self. There may be a longing to go Home, yet you don’t know where home is.

28. You may have a deep sense that,“something” is going to happen or that you are running out of time.

29. Likewise, you may have moments where you feel that you are receiving channeled information, or experience automatic writing.

30. You may have spacey thoughts, feeling detached, sudden periods of confusion, forgetting things and in a dream-like trance.

31. Above all, time may seem as though it is speeding up or slowing down.  You may lose track of time.

32. After that, you may start to see auras around people, animals, plants, and nonliving objects. You may have sensitivity to light or your vision may become blurry.

33. In other words, one can experience telepathy with people or animals whom you are close with and you may have flashes of increased intuition or insight.

34. Above all, there may be an insight that you have a Divine purpose to fill that there is a specific mission you are to reach.

 35. During, dreamtime one can become bizarre, prophetic, and dream like visions may increase.

36. As a result, you feel that you are not alone and that there are unseen presences with you.  You may feel angels, spirits or messengers and guides with you. 

Good Vibrations! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The Beach Boys have a song, Good Vibrations. It’s a fun song. However, there’s a deeper meaning to good vibrations.

What in the world are you talking about? Good vibes is just an expressing, right? Are you talking about a “woo, woo” topic? You know, one of those weird things that metaphysical people talk about.

What are Quantum Frequencies

The history of quantum mechanics is a fundamental part of the history of modern day physics. In 1838 the discovery of cathode rays by Michael Faraday, then the 1859–60 winter statement of the black-body radiation problem by Gustav Kirchhoff. In 1900, the German physicist Max Planck introduced the idea that energy is quantized. Look up the history of quantum mechanics if you want to know more, I’m not giving a history class today. Quantum mechanics is the beginning of the quantum discoveries.

In active standards the quantum transitions of atoms and molecules lead directly to the radiation of electromagnetic waves whose frequency serves as a standard or reference frequency. Such instruments are also called quantum generators.

So, what’s the point of this information? Quantum frequencies may not be seen, but they are measurable. Therefore, they affect everything on earth, including you.

Quantum Energy Medicine

What is Quantum Energy Medicine? Part of my training is in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese philosophy calls this vital energy qi and it’s described as the body’s innate intelligence. However, this intangible energy is measurable as homeostasis. Homeostasis is your body’s ability to balance its internal environment to create good health.

TCM assesses the body’s balance. Low energy frequency can show up in the body’s aura or energy field before an illness shows up in the body. Our energy field is either balanced or running ‘hot’ vs ‘cold’.

Therefore, a deficiency in your qi can manifest as insomnia, decreases in vitality, or changes in appetite. I know many individuals experience mental tiredness with decreased energy.

In addition, a ‘hot’ qi shows up as being hyper and not able to focus or to sit still. You’re out of balance.

Ok, get to the point!

I work with clients on their qi. However, I recently acquired a new tool that gives me and my client a visual demonstration on what their energy field looks like at the time of service. Image, seeing what your energy field looks like before an energy frequency session and then seeing the after affect! It’s amazing!

In the past, when I worked with a client’s frequency field, there were no visual aids for the client to see. Having said that, I have had clients tell me that they can see colors coming from my hands as I was interacting with their aura.

Science has proven what Light Workers and Energy Medicine practitioners have know for thousands of years. Science has finally caught up with TCM, at least to a point.

In Summary

I will be writing more about this new technology in up coming articles. Client stories will be shared, with their permission, and they can tell you the results they had.

Remember, that energy work can help balance one’s aura, but as an energy practitioner, I make no claims of cures. Major hospitals around the U.S. are exploring having energy workers on staff. So, far the results are good.

My clients are mostly from a medical background. That’s an eyeopener isn’t it? Referrals actually come from doctors, advanced practice nurses and other medical related fields. Open your mind to the possibilities of the mind-body connection. In addition, know that your body is aware of what it needs to be balanced and healthy. Your body talks to you all the time. Unfortunately, you don’t listen until it’s screaming at you. Learn to listen to the subtle conversation it is having with you.



Care of the Soul by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We care for our physical health, most of us pay attention to our mental health, and all of us care for our emotional wellbeing. Care also includes one’s children, family, so many other things in life such as our home and property.

But, do you care for your soul? How does one care for their soul?

What is the soul?

The soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, that is regarded as immortal.

Also, the soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom. Soul and body together form one unique human creation. According to the Bible, each human soul is individual and immortal, and created by God. The soul does not die with the body, but is separated at death.

There is a difference between the soul and the spirit. The soul is immortal, but the spirit is not. Your soul is who you really are, beyond the physical encasement of the body. The spirit is a mediator between body and soul. Everyone’s soul has to do with the emotional aspect and with the individual life itself.  While the spirit is the essence or force that allows the body to function.

Our soul is made of an extremely high vibrational energy coming from the spiritual universe. The soul is invisible, it cannot be seen, weighed or measured in any physical sense. The soul is thought to be associated with the heart charka.

Caring for the Soul

Caring for the soul is more intimate, deep and genuine  than care for day to day activities. When your soul is moved, you feel both love and anger. You will have strong desires and at times even stronger fears.

Throughout a lifetime, one may discovery that the needs of the soul can change and that life becomes difficult. What once nourished your soul, now has become a burden that you now feel the need to escape. To nurture your life is to reach out beyond the limits you have imposed on yourself.

In caring for the soul, we have to learn who we are by facing our shadow side and embracing all aspects of who we truly are. You learn to work with what is, rather than what you wish things to be.

To care for the soul means to open-up to our humanness and to show compassion to ourselves. We have to step out of the humdrum task of daily activities and begin to explore the psyche. Exploration of the psyche is both exciting and scary. Moving beyond the mindlessness of everyday life and into the realm of the soul is indeed the first step into fully living life.

Be brave, learn all you can about who you are, for this is part of the lessons we are to learn in this lifetime.  Reach-out, take hold of your humanness, grow past the boundaries you have built around yourself. Set your soul free! In doing so, you have taken the first step towards caring for the soul.