Resolution and forgiveness may not seem possible at times, but for emotional, mental and physical health it is a necessity.  Can hypnosis help you to acquire the resolution with a past situation that has held you hostage?  Can you achieve a state of forgiveness to the person who hurt you even though they are no longer alive or involved in your life?

The answer is yes, both resolution and forgiveness can be accomplished through hypnosis.  Over this last weekend I had two clients who were able to do just that in both cases.

The first client needed to resolve feelings of being abandoned by her father.  For various reasons her father had to leave the family, causing my client to feel he had rejected her and abandoned her.  This lovely client had had the opportunity to talk with her father while he was still living about her feelings. However, she still could not move past feeling abandoned.  Through hypnosis she was regressed back to the age of five when she first felt abandoned.  As a hypnotist I have learned through advanced training how beneficial this process is.  I actually use this process more often than not.  During the process, my adult client listened to her five year old self talk to her adult self about how she felt.  The feelings of the five year old were then validated and the child felt like her voice had been heard.

The second step, was getting my client into a deeper state of relaxation so she could have a conversation with her father.  We created a safe environment in her imagination for her to have this conversation with her father.  My client told her father how she felt and how the experience had affected her throughout her life.  Next, she listened as her father talked to her about how sorry he was that she had felt abandoned and that he had loved her very much.

The third step, was to forgive once resolution was completed.  My client was able to forgive her father and in the process she felt compassion for him.  She was able to see his vulnerability as a man and was able to not only feel compassion for him, but to forgive him.

While still in the heightened state of relaxed focus, my client saw a ballon in her imagination.  We attached a basket to the ballon and filled the basket with all the hurt feelings that went along with her feelings of being deserted.  These  thoughts no longer served her and needed to be released.  She released the ballon with the basket attached and as the ballon floated out of sight, she felt the weight of her grief being lifted from her.

The last step was to fill the emptied space with new emotions of self love, gratitude, joy, self worth, and unconditional love.

As, I brought her out of hypnosis I gave her post hypnotic suggestions so she would know that her session was successful.  After hypnosis, I listened as my client told me about her experience.   She felt resolution, forgiveness and compassion for her father.  My client told me how much lighter she now feels since her session.  This lovely woman felt the empty space was filled with the emotions of love, joy, gratitude and self worth.  She felt such relief in knowing that her father had loved her.  Even though he had told her, before he died that he had always loved her, she had still felt discarded.  Hypnosis helped her move past the feeling of being unloved.  This woman walked out of the office on Saturday with a feeling of being loved and with a great burden lifted from her shoulders.