Spirituality is defined; as of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.   Is there a connection between the mind and the spirit?  Can one affect the other?  Can you see the spirit?

Most of us seek to know God, but do we seek to be known by God?  There is a difference.  We can know a good deal about God without having much knowledge of God.  We become intrenched in the theology of our religion, we can quote Bible verse, we know the history of our religion, and we can talk our way through any discussion on God, but is that really knowing God?

How do we know God?  The first step in knowing God is to realize the deception in our relationship with God.  The lie that has been told for eons, the lie of separation.  We are taught that we are separate from God, that He is out there in the universe or heaven.  We are taught that He is a separate being from us who sits in judgement of each deed we do and each thought we have.  But what happens when the veil of deception is removed?  We learn that we are not separate from God, but that we are of God.  We are told that we are made in the image of God and if this is true, then how can we be separated from God?

Lots of questions right?  We will see in this section how the mind/body and spirit are tied together and how one affects the other.  If one is out of balance, how it affects the other parts.

Science has conducted research through the years to find tangible proof of the spirit.  People have been weighed just before their death and then afterwards.  The results revealed that the body did indeed weigh less after death than just before death.  Not real proof that there is a spirit.  The most convincing evidence of the spirit is the reports from people who have had near death experiences and who were brought back from the dead.  Yes, man can bring one back from the dead.  Modern science has given mankind the ability to do just that.

I have been a nurse for many years and I have been with many people through the years as they died.  I was nineteen when I saw my first death and couldn’t understand what I had just seen.  You see, I saw the spirit leave the body of my patient.  I have seen the spirit leave the body on many occasions and I have often wonder about what I witnessed each time.  At one point, I was a hospice nurse for three years and I enjoyed the privilege of comforting patients and their families and helping them through this transition in life.  I have learned a lot from my patients through the years.

So, what are your thoughts on what the spirit is?