
Dimensional Shift and the Effects on the Body by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Ascension is the acceleration of vibrational energy and the shift of awareness in our consciousness.  When a human being raises their vibrational energy to a higher frequency, it is known as ascension.  Having said this, many changes occur during the ascension process. Similarly, as one ascends to a higher vibrational level and expands, symptoms are noted in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. 

Additionally, as we move through the Ascension process there will be periods of time when we will notice that the energy and symptoms of this process are more intense than other times.  Therefore, symptoms may last hours, several days or even weeks.  The symptoms may be mild or intense.  After that, the symptoms are different for each person and the number of symptoms and the intensity can vary depending upon ones awareness and sensitivity.  

Symptoms of Ascension

Ascension signs and symptoms include:

1. You have a “knowing” that something is happening or changing. Therefore, you “know” that something is about to happen or to come, yet you don’t know what or when. 

2. You can have stomach or digestive issues that you would not normally have.  

3. Changes in body temperature either being cold or hot are noted. 

4. Symptoms of cold or flu will appear and then disappear without exacerbation. 

5. Sinus and allergy symptoms are escalated and you may notice smells that are strange to you coming out of nowhere. 

6. A change in vision and perception is seen and sensations such as mist or smoke, flashes of lights, seeing shadows, color changes, sparkles and swirling energy is noted.

Oh, the ears!

7. However, you may notice changes in hearing; high pitched sounds, ringing in the ears, tonal changes with frequency changes, buzzing, or whooshing sounds.

8. You may notice a change in diet.  Foods that you once liked are no longer tolerable or you may find that you are having craving. You may have a weight change that is unexplained.

9. Your sleep patterns may change and you may go from periods of sleeping too much to having insomnia, waking up at odd times during the night especially around 3 in the morning. You may feel restless and not know why.

10. You may be having more day dreams, visions, flashes of insight and creativity.

11. You may experience waves of heat or hot flashes especially over the chakra areas.  You may have night sweats or chills.

12. You can have generalized aches and pains and body soreness that have no explanation.

13. You possibly experience increased static electricity in the body with the shocks from touching an object or another person.  One may have unexplained muscle twitches and spasms. You see electrical devices malfunction in your presence.

14. You may find that you are dropping objects or you are clumsier than you would normally be.  You may have vertigo or feel ungrounded.

15. You may have a sudden burst of energy or having panic attacks, scattered thoughts or confusion, and increased mental energy.  

16. You may experience unusual vibrations or tingling sensations in or around the chakra areas.

17. Mood swings from crying to laughter to anger for no apparent reason.

18. You may experience periods of increased heart rate with no explanation or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.

And there’s more:

19. You may have skin reactions such as rashes, hives, or tingling sensations or itching that come and go.

20. There may be changes in hair and nail growth, they may grow faster than normal and the texture and color may change.

21. Moreover, you may feel drawn to nature or quieter surroundings or to be alone.

22. There may be an increase in synchronistic events such as seeing recurrent numbers or phrases.

23. Subsequently, you may have a strong urge to change locations, jobs, friends, or marriage status.

24. Therefore, physical reality may seem unreal at times like a dream state and the dream state may seem more like reality.

25. You may find that you are having issues with your voice or speech and may notice more internal dialog with yourself.

We’re not done yet!

26. Also, you feel detached from the world around you.  In addition, you may feel invisible.

27. Likewise, you feel as though you no longer know who you are and are driven to find your true self. There may be a longing to go Home, yet you don’t know where home is.

28. You may have a deep sense that,“something” is going to happen or that you are running out of time.

29. Likewise, you may have moments where you feel that you are receiving channeled information, or experience automatic writing.

30. You may have spacey thoughts, feeling detached, sudden periods of confusion, forgetting things and in a dream-like trance.

31. Above all, time may seem as though it is speeding up or slowing down.  You may lose track of time.

32. After that, you may start to see auras around people, animals, plants, and nonliving objects. You may have sensitivity to light or your vision may become blurry.

33. In other words, one can experience telepathy with people or animals whom you are close with and you may have flashes of increased intuition or insight.

34. Above all, there may be an insight that you have a Divine purpose to fill that there is a specific mission you are to reach.

 35. During, dreamtime one can become bizarre, prophetic, and dream like visions may increase.

36. As a result, you feel that you are not alone and that there are unseen presences with you.  You may feel angels, spirits or messengers and guides with you. 

Ascension by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I hear the term ‘Ascension’ a lot these days. In the metaphysical community it’s the number one topic. I also hear the term ‘Awakened’ frequently. Today, I talk about both of these terms. Therefore, maybe some of the confusion will be cleared up for people who are new to the metaphysical realm.


The definition of ascension is:

the act of rising to an important position or a higher level
In other words, to put it simply, ascension in the spiritual sense is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment. The concept of Enlightened is found in Buddhism. (Which is a philosophy.) Enlightened simply means to have full comprehension of a situation. In Western terms, ‘the light bulb’ turned on!
Last night, I enjoyed sharing dinner and conversation with a lovely young woman. We explored this notion of rising to a higher level. For instance, we talked about the struggle she is facing. She is rejected by some family members for learning about her spiritual side. In addition, she is told that she is wrong in her beliefs.
She is told her practice in yoga is of the devil. (I know! I too think exercise is of the devil at times! Sore muscles and all…) The truth is, whenever, we try something new or unknown to others, it doesn’t set well. Family is like the subconscious mind, it/they resist anything new. How dare you veer out of our rut! Stay in the family rut! Therefore, never question the beliefs you have been taught! Keep your blindfold on!

Awakened means:

“spiritually aware of the universe and [its] direct metaphysical connection to one’s own being and the connection it has to all life forces.”
In other words, she woke up! She came out of the deep slumber. Now, my young friend is aware of the opportunities in front of her. She sees the options clearly. Her eyes opened wide, now new thoughts have entered the mind. In addition, to this new knowledge, she is experiencing doubts. Mostly doubting herself. Once our eyes are opened to all the possibilities the universe has to offer, there’s no limit! But, when we see clearly, doubt in what we see clouds our judgment.
Why do we doubt ourselves? We question ourselves because we have stepped out of the norm of society. What one must realize is the ‘norm’ of society isn’t always right. Common beliefs in society are based on lies to control the population. Hard to believe, I know! We’re lied to! Do you know that 75 books were removed from the Bible? Yes, indeed, there were 141 books originally. However, I am told there are 777 in the original text. I have not be able to confirm that information. Anyway, books are censored. In other words, I wonder who decided these books gave too much information. Yes, I have read a few of them. Very interesting books.
My studies in religion taught me that we’re separate from God. Therefore, we’re not worthy of direct contact with our Creator. However, I read that we are made in the image of Source. Source is perfection. I AM THAT I AM is pure love.
So, in other words, I’m created in the image of the Divine. I am made from Spirit.  However, I’m not worthy to speak directly to God? That makes no sense! I know religion can’t exist without blind followers. But, no one has the right to tell you what to think!
Now that I have throughly ‘ticked’ off a few people, know I respect you have the right to any beliefs you feel comfortable with. Just don’t judge others by their thoughts.  “Judge not, lest you be judged!”
In Summary

Be very careful that you are not a snob in this process. I see those individuals who are enlightened looking down their noses. If you look down your nose at others, you’re not as ascended as you think you are.

I am exactly were I’m supposed to be at this point in my life. I know you are where you’re supposed to be in your life.

Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking, “I’m not doing enough.” Be careful of this trap.

The truth is, we change the world one person at a time. Therefore, you change yourself and you have changed the world.

Go forth in peace, love and light!

Ascension vs Evolution by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We hear the word ‘ascension’ quite a bit in the spiritual arena. However, it’s not really all that clear what the term means. When I hear the word ascension, I visualize someone rising up in the air and going to who knows where. Like Christ did after the resurrection.


What is the definition of ascension?

ascension: the act of rising to an important position or a higher level.

Then there’s the religious definition: the ascent of Christ into heaven on the fortieth day after the Resurrection.

Next there’s the New Age concept of ascension: choosing the path to walk/work so you can ascend to a higher level of consciousness.

Therefore, ascension is not something that just ‘happens’ to us. It’s a conscious decision.

Tell me more

Remember in Star Trek the wording, “to boldly go where no man has gone before”? I believe that’s what we’re looking at with the word ascension. I think this word is one that I don’t want to use. It’s vague in its imagery. There’s not a clear concept about what’s really going on. And then, there’s the ‘holier than thou’ feeling with the word.

Ascension is a process, that sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it? For instance, one is aligning with Higher Consciousness one step at a time. Ascension is not only a spiritual process, but a physical and mental undertaking. Sounds like an enormous amount of energy is needed. This is a total transformation to enlightenment.

In addition to this transformation, one has to awaken! To awaken to the ‘truth’ is to have understanding of higher realms and having a different perspective of awarenesses. I guess we’ve been oblivious to what’s going on around us. Above all, who’s to say what the truth is? One person’s truth may not be another’s truth. That doesn’t mean one person is right and one is wrong. Think about it!

After that, you have to clear out lower energies, ground yourself and balance one’s self as well. I don’t know about you, but, this is making me tired.

I know I sound like I’m being condescending, I’m really not. However, my thoughts are, more simple. Last night, I was told life is complicated. In other words, there are things going on that we can’t understand or comprehend. There may be things going on and we may not have all the information, but it doesn’t mean it’s complicated. I guess I must be simple minded. Seeing past the illusions has always been easy for me.


Evolution has a few definitions, but one is more in line with this topic. I like the description of a pattern of movements or maneuvers. After that, my other choices are growth, development, unfolding and change to name a few.

Let me start to tie all this together for you. Ascension seems a little pompous to me. You know, the better than thou attitude. Evolution is letting life unfold to allow one to grow and learn in a natural way.

Another concept of evolution in the spiritual sense is:

Spiritual evolution is the philosophical, theological, esoteric or spiritual idea that nature and human beings evolve: either from an established cosmological pattern (ascent), or in accordance with certain pre-established potentials. (Wikipedia)

It really doesn’t have to be this complicated! To evolve, is to grow. Learning a different way of looking at things. Opening one’s mind to the possibilities!

In summary

Jesus once said to reach the kingdom of heaven, we have to become like little children. A child is pure and open to seeing the truth in the matter. A child senses beyond the logical and feels into a situation. As a result, a child is in tune with what’s going on around them. They may not have the words to describe what’s happening, but they ‘know’.

In this ‘knowing’, one is able to see clearly. Life really isn’t complicated. We make it that way by trying to read things into a situation that’s not there.

In other words, become like a child and clearly see beyond the illusions.




Are You Grounded? What Does That Mean? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.


We hear the words, “stay grounded” quite often.  What does that really mean?   I am grounded, is a term used in metaphysical circles that tells us we are connected to the earth.  Is that what we really want to do?

Definition of Grounding

A spiritual definition tells us, the term grounding refers to having your personal spiritual energy connected to the energy of the earth.  We are often told to imagine our energy penetrating deep into the earth.  The instructions are, imagine your energy being like that of the roots of a tree, reaching deep into the earth to hold us in alignment with Mother Earth’s energy.

Another definition, is the disciplinary action a parent takes with a definite child.

Being Grounded in Mother Earth

I have given a great deal of thought to this concept of being grounded into the earth.  In recent weeks with all the energy changes going on in the universe, I have found that my personal spiritual energy has changed.

The transition was a difficult one for me.  I struggled with physical symptoms of headache, nausea, change in the frequency in the pitch of ringing in my ears, and at times a little dizziness.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  It actually turned out to be a three week process of ascension for me that was draining at times.  I went into a hermit mode and allowed the growth to progress at its own pace.  Once I disconnected from social media, I rested.

Throughout this process I thought about staying grounded to the earth’s energy.  My vibrational frequency has changed.  I feel lighter in my energy field and I quite like it.  My innate abilities have expanded and grown.  Understanding how my abilities have changed is an interesting development as well.  I will not go into detail on my personal growth in this posting.  My vibration reached a higher frequency.  I am longer tied to the earth.

What is the alternative?

Earthing took on a new meaning for me.  I am able to move forward in my growth and development as a spiritual being when I’m not anchored.  One can be connected to Gaia without extending spiritual roots deep into the planet’s energy.   Above all, it’s being balanced within ourselves that’s the most important thing one needs to remember.

As you ascend to higher vibrational levels, your energy requirements will change.  Also, as your energy becomes lighter, the vibration frequency becomes faster.  I found that as I have ascended in my personal growth, I no longer want to be grounded into Gaia.  I don’t want to be stuck in one place and stagnant.  I like reaching for the higher vibrational frequencies.

As you ascend in your development, you may find that you no longer want to be grounded as well.