
Let’s talk about food by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Weight loss is the number one topic in food circles. Actually, it’s the number one topic. Products for weight loss bring in billions of dollars each year. In addition, ads show people who have lost a lot of weight, sometimes over 100 pounds.

I’m curious about these products. Therefore, I read the labels on the bottles. Herbs are combined in various combinations and strengths. However, curiosity has made me test some of these products. A money back guarantee is a safe bet.


Ok, I admit, I ordered a product or two for testing. Each time I test a product, I get my money back! Really, no kidding. In other words, the product did nothing. The product is expensive, in addition, the ads make you think that you will lose the excessive weight rapidly.

These companies have a good marketing team. Marketing teams know how to put a good spin on a product. Remember, ads do not always tell the truth. They tell you what you want to hear.

Buyer be aware!

Therefore, let’s take a look at some facts.

  • You will lose weight without dieting or exercising. (Do you really believe that?)
  • You don’t have to watch your calorie intake to lose weight. (Yes, you do!)
  • This product guarantees you’ll lose weight permanently. (No one can guarantee that!)
  • To lose weight, all you have to do is follow this diet plan and take this product. (Not true.)
  • This product works for millions of people. (Oh, please! Those people lost weight because they changed their lifestyle, not because of a pill.)

Meanwhile, having said this, know that millions of people are fooled. You’re not the only one. Above all, know that there is no magic formula or pill that melts the weight off. In addition, the manufacturers are not looking out for your health. The ‘bottom line’ is their only interest.

But, on the other hand, weight loss is possible. Having said this, you have to take responsibility for your own health. Like wise, don’t blame someone else for your lack of results.

True facts

All calories are not the same! Sugar is an empty calorie. It has no nutritional value. However, calories from fats are not the same either. There are ‘good’ fats and ‘bad’ fats. Therefore, a protein calorie can increase metabolism, reduce appetite, and improve the function of weight-regulating hormones.

The fewer the calories, the better. No, that’s not true! When too few calories are taken in, the body goes into what is called ‘starvation mode’. In other words, the body thinks it’s starving and will slow metabolism to try to prevent death. Above all, you have to give your body the nutrients it needs to be healthy.

Stop lying to yourself! For instance, you’re not big boned and therefore you weight more. It’s not likely to be a thyroid problem either. Similarly, it’s hereditary doesn’t cut it either. Stop with the excuses! Yes, there are a few people who do have physical, hormonal factors, but not that many.

Bottom line

Going on a ‘diet’ is not going to work. When you say, “I’m going on a diet”, you’re telling yourself at some point you’re coming off the diet. Refer back to my article on hypnosis and weight loss.

Being healthy is not about having a skinny body. Body image is tainted by the media. Do you realize that the paintings and statues of goddesses are of woman with well rounded bodies?

However, eating a well balanced diet is what your body needs. Make friends with yourself. Stop comparing yourself with what the media tells you!

Look back on my previous article on the food pyramid. Make friends with healthy foods. Learn to eat more vegetables.

First of all, don’t get stuck in a routine of eating the same foods. For instance, we get in a rut. Food becomes boring. Be creative in meal preparation. Make meal time an event. Don’t save the good dishes for special occasions, every moment is a grand event.

Second, explore the large variety of vegetables and fruits. In addition to exploring the large choices available to us, be courageous and try something new.

However, remember to relax and enjoy life. Yes, the sugary cookies and pastries are delicious, but they are filled with empty calories. Sugar feeds cancer, not your body!

Therefore, as you change your diet, your taste buds will change. You notice that you feel better overall. After that, you will notice that your outlook on life is improved.

One feels good to be in control of their own health. Once you stop eating the foods filled with sugar, you notice that if you do eat some sugar, it makes you feel bad.

In conclusion

Healthy eating is a lifestyle choice. Similarly, as one takes control of their food choices, our confidence grows. Don’t be fooled by the ads. Turn off the TV. Go outside and connect with nature. Walk, ride a bicycle, hike, in other words, just move the body. It will thank you.

Indeed, it is your life. What kind of life do you have? What do you intend to do with you life? Get up off the couch! Turn off the computer! Stop looking at Twitter! Other people’s lives are just that. Their lives. Believe me, their life isn’t what it appears to be. Live your life to the fullest! Go cook yourself a wonderful meal. Light the candles, turn on some music and enjoy the art of creating a great meal and a great moment in time.



Diabetes, Nutrition & Natural Health by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Worldwide diabetes type 2 is on the rise. In 2019 the reports show that around 9.3 percent of the global adult population have diabetes. The projected number shows a rise to 11 percent by the year 2045. Frighting isn’t it? Or is it?

Keep in mind, I recommend organic foods. No, they are not always more expensive. Often times the price is the same or less than non-organic foods. What price do you put on your health?

Statistics on Diabetes

In April 2019 the estimated growth of the world population had reached 7.7 billion people. Quoting statistics to manipulate people is common practice. Numbers prove an agenda by scaring people with increased stats or down play a fact being discussed. Two sides to the coin so to speak.

Look at the estimated rise in diabetes, it appears we are headed for a worldwide crisis. However, by looking at the world population we are better able to put the numbers in prospective.

Why are we seeing a rise in diabetes?

I want to take a look from a different view point than just the lousy food choices we make.

Diabetes is rising because the population has increased and because the fastest growing age group is the ‘oldest old’. Having said this, we ask, ‘Who are the oldest old?’ People 80 years old and older are the oldest old.

Therefore, the number of centenarians has jumped to more than 340,000 worldwide today. The highest concentration is in the U.S. with Japan coming in nose to nose (using a racing term) according to the latest information from the Census Bureau. This number is projected to grow at more than 20 times the rate of the total population by 2050. For that reason, centurions are now the fastest growing age segment.

Living healthy as the ‘oldest old’

Since the centurion population is the fastest growing age group, how do we age healthy? At one time I did health physicals on elders applying for long term health insurance. Medical providers become blinded in our practices. Just like a horse with blinders, we are not able to see the peripheral view. For that reason, all we see are the sick and unhealthy population.

Once we take the blinders off, we see a totally different perspective. Now is the time to practice ‘preventive health’ care. I teach prevention to my clients. It’s easier to prevent a problem than it is to cure it.

Putting healthy living into practice

Because people have short attention spans, I will try keep this simple. Generally speaking, and let’s be honest, we don’t like to exercise. We don’t like to take responsibility for our own health, we want to blame the health care providers when we don’t have good outcomes. While it’s easier to make someone else responsible for our health status, our health is still our responsibility. Change your mindset, it’s not that hard. (If you’re having that much difficulty, then you need to schedule an appointment with me for hypnosis.)

Eating habits

Immediately you notice I didn’t say diet. Diet brings to mind a restricted food list and being hungry. Simultaneously, we feel deprived. Take the blinders off and think outside of the box. Take a look at my article on the food pyramid.

Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. Yes, diabetics can eat fruit.

A. Eat blueberries, strawberries, or any other type of berry because they are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, also, they’re low-GI. Tart cherries are also packed with antioxidants, which help fight heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

B. Adding peaches into your food list is important because they contain vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. Peaches are delicious on their own or tossed into iced tea or water for a fruity twist.

C. Eat apricots, four apricots equal one serving. They provide more than 50 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement.

D. An apple a day… Apples provide a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Don’t peel your apples, though, the skins are the most nutritious part, full of antioxidants.

E. Oranges also contain folateand potassium, which may help normalize blood pressure. Don’t forget that other citrus fruits, like grapefruit, are also great choices.

F.  Pears are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin K.

G. You may not know that the brown fuzzy kiwi peel hides a beautiful bright green fruit. Kiwi is a good source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.

From fruits to veggies

Don’t forget to eat your veggies! Eat the rainbow! Remember the more colors you add into your diet, the larger variety of nutrients you will get.Vegetables for diabetics include asparagus, broccoli, green cabbage, Swiss chard, bok choy, spinach, Brussels sprouts, celery, chayote, artichoke, cucumber and kale, along with collard, mustard and turnip greens. You will get a plentiful serving of vitamins A, C, E and K, along with calcium, potassium and magnesium. Green vegetables tend to be low-carb foods.

B. Deep purple color signals a food that is rich in phytonutrients, especially antioxidant-rich flavonoids. Healthy purple vegetables include eggplant, purple cabbage, turnips and rutabaga.

C. Orange, Red, Yellow vegetables include carrots, baby corn, squash, tomatoes and radishes when you want to have fun with bright orange, red and yellow vegetables. Red tomatoes contain high concentrations of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to ward prevent cancers of the prostate, lung, bladder, ovaries, colon and pancreas.

D. Some healthy white vegetables include cauliflower, bamboo shoots, jicama, water chestnuts, onions, garlic, and leeks and scallions. Having said this, pick vegetables with color over white ones because they have more vitamins and minerals. Purple onion is healthier than white onion.






The main points with meat are: eat lean meats and remember that a serving is the size of the palm of your hand.


The top super fat nuts and seeds for diabetics include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts.

Himalayan Salt

I’ve been asked about Himalayan Salt for diabetics, but I want to expand it to anyone wanting to have salt in their diet.  Make sure you read my article on Himalayan salt.

One of Himalayan Crystal Salt natural benefits includes an extraordinary capacity to balance glucose levels within diabetics.

Table salt contains a stabilizer in the form of sugar, which will raise your blood sugar levels. This makes unrefined sea salt a better choice if you are diabetic, as it does not contain any unnatural ingredients which spike the sugar levels, nor does it contain aluminum.

As always consult with your personal health care provider.

Clearing Out The Gunk From Your Diet By Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Americans are lazy when it comes to our health! We want someone else to be in charge and make the decisions for us. That way if the outcomes are not what we want, we can blame the healthcare provider. We don’t want to take responsibility for ourselves. Let someone else make the decisions!

Clearing out the gunk

As this article is being written, the end of a decade is rapidly approaching. People make New Year’s Resolutions only to see them fall to the wayside in just a few weeks. One of the most popular resolutions is, “I’m going to lose weight this year and keep it off.”

You look for the latest fad diet promising that you will lose 20 pounds the first month. We want fast results with little effort! Most diets are restrictive and don’t help you change behavior. Behavior modification is the key for success.

How do you clear out the gunk from your diet? Have you decided how much weight you want to lose? Are you pumped up and ready to get started?

What is the gunk that you need to clear out of your diet? How much junk food are you eating? You know, cookies, pies, cakes, soda pop, fast foods, and the list continues. I don’t need to tell you what junk foods are, you already know.

What are the steps to behavior modification?


The very first step is to examine your desire and reason to lose weight. Do you want to lose weight for yourself, or is someone nagging you? Have you set a realistic weight loss goal? Is there a plan in place to help you succeed? Is your support system in place?

The second step is to implement the plan. How you go about losing weight will determine your success. If you have been on the diet rollercoaster ride, you will need some tools to help you. A life coach or talking with a counselor is one tool to add to your tool belt.

Hypnosis and weight loss

Hypnosis is a proven tool to use.  With hypnosis, you are able to get past the gatekeeper, the subconscious mind. With hypnosis, you will be able to get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating. Did you know that the seeds for our overeating is often planted in our childhood? Clean your plate, don’t waste the food. Or if you grew up in an environment where food was scarce, you may be trying to fill up your stomach because you don’t know when or where your next meal will come from. It doesn’t matter that you are no longer in the environment of lack of food. Hypnosis will help you learn to listen to what your body is telling you.

More often than not, people overeat to try to fill an emotional void. We feel empty on the inside and it’s not a good feeling. We want the emptiness to go away. Through hypnosis, you can explore where this feeling of lack is coming from.

Step three is to take the first step towards being free of the stress that extra weight has caused in your life. You have the tools you need, all you have to do is take the first step. Stay in the moment and don’t stress about how much weight you are losing or not losing.


Take that first step! Move forward!

Don’t try to make big drastic changes from the start. Take small steps. Once you have made up your mind that you are making these changes for yourself, you’re ready to get started.

Enlist the help you need from your tool belt. Contact a life coach or seek out a counselor who specializes in eating disorders. Schedule an appointment with a certified hypnotist.

Get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating! Knowledge is the key to success!

Forget about going on a diet!

When you say, “I’m going on a diet”, it indicates that you will be going “off” the diet at some point in time.

Instead begin to clear out the gunk in your diet. Take small steps in this process. When you go to the grocery store, stay away from the store shelves with the potato chips. Bypass the cookie isle. Run away from the diet drinks! They have been proven to add weight to your body.

Don’t try to clear out all the junk food at the same time. Eliminate one junk food, then after a week eliminate another one. You’re not in a sprint, but you are in a marathon. You didn’t put the weight on over night. You’re not going to lose it overnight.

It’s not about how much weight to lose. It’s about being healthy.

Most of us don’t set realistic weight loss goals. It’s not about a number, but about health. As you explore the causes of your extra poundage and change behavior traits, you are well on your way to success. Your body will guide you on the path of being healthy.

Take that first step! The first step on a journey is the most important!

What? There are 36 Deficiencies Contribute to Alzheimer’s? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

Do you know that we all die from the same disease?  Yes, we really do!  The root cause of all illness is inflammation.  Dementias are inflamed brains.  In this article, I will talk about some of the most common deficiencies contributing to dementia.

Dr. Dale Bredesen is a researcher on Alzheimer’s disease explains how each deficiency fits together in creating memory problems.  Below will be a link on Dr. Dale Bredesen if you want to do further reading on his research.

What are some of the deficiencies contributing to Alzheimer’s?

Research has shown that individuals who are experiencing memory problems should be tested by having blood drawn to determine such markers as Vitamin D level, Insulin level, hormone level, and the use of DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) to improve any faulty connections in the brain activity.

In Dr. Bredesen’s research it was noted that the individual subjects improved once they were on an individual combination therapy.  The study was a very small study of 10 subjects, so this study should be replicated for further validation.  Within a few months nine of the participants were showing improvement with their cognitive level.  Six of the subjects who were struggling to remain employed, had shown significant improvement in their ability to preform their job duties.  Some of the participants showed improvement and returned to a normal level. There was only one subject who did not show improvement.  This subject was in the final stages of Alzheimer’s.

What are some of the steps to eliminate Alzheimer’s?
  1. Reduce Inflammation and stabilize glucose levels in the bloodstream. People with Type 2 Diabetes have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s since high levels of glucose in the blood are commonly known as one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s.  The treatment is diet.  A diet low in grains, simple carbohydrates, and sugars on the low glycemic index are recommended for this step.  Instead of processed foods, you should eat fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, and lean meats.  I recommend that meat be on the occasional list.  Don’t eat within 3 hours of bed time.  Your body needs this fasting time to balance the hormones such as insulin production and to eliminate waste and toxins from the body.  Try to eat as much organic foods as you can. So, are there supplements that are recommended? DHA or omega – 3 fatty acid, EPA,(eicosapentaenoic acid) which is also an omega – 3 fatty acid, and curcumin. Curcumin is naturally found in turmeric.  This supplement helps to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain which enables better brain function.

    Other treatment is good oral care.  Poor dental care can lead to inflammation of the gums and teeth.  In turn this causes the inflammatory response through the body.

  2. Optimize Hormone levels.  The aging process contributes to changes in the production of hormone levels. (I will not recommend hormone treatments. This is between you and your physician.  However, I encourage you to research the natural protocols on hormone replacement.)  The most common hormonal problems are related to the thyroid and decreasing estrogen production.  Research showed it’s not necessary to have hormone replacement therapy to restore cognitive function.  Treatment for hormone level starts with a simple blood test.  You have to know what your levels are before you can know how to treat them.  Reduce stress!  As you already know, stress can cause heart disease, anxiety, stroke… you get the picture.  Learn stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, exercise such as going for a walk in nature. Supplements recommended are vitamin D3, ashwagandha which helps to prevent beta-amyloid plaques from forming in the brain.
  3. Antioxidants. Research has shown the importance of antioxidants when it comes to fats oxidizing in the brain and the strong correlation with Alzheimer’s.  Increase your vitamin C and beta-carotene in reducing fat oxidization in the brain.  As in step one, the same diet recommendations are made.  Also, spinach, kale, oranges and foods high in beta-carotene and vitamin C.  Organic blueberries are rich in these vitamins. Supplements recommended are tocotrienols and tocopherols which are forms of vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, N-Acetyl cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid.
  4. Optimize Gut health.  Researchers have discovered a link between the number of healthy flora in the gut and brain function.  Gut health is essential for overall health.  The diet recommended is the same as in step one.  Grains are hard to digest and are hard on gut flora.  Reduce the grains in your diet.  Supplements recommended are a good probiotic (make sure it has live flora).  Probiotics break down the glutamate which is known to produce gamma-amino butyric acid otherwise known as GABA.  GABA is a neurotransmitter in the brain.  When there is a decline in GABA, there is a decline in brain function.  So, probiotics are essential in ensuring healthy levels of GABA.
  5. Fats. I am talking about healthy fats to absorb fat soluble vitamins.  These healthy fats are needed to keep our brain in good working order. Healthy fats include olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, and olives.  These fats help produce acetylcholine which is vital in learning and concentration and memory.  Once again, the diet remains the same as already suggested. Along with DHA and EPA one should add MCT oil which is derived from coconuts.  As far as fats go, if the table says partially hydrogenated, this means trans-fat.  Leave it on the shelf!

In the next article, I will address the next five steps in brain health.  Take this time to really look at your diet.  It’s up to you if you want to improve brain health or not.

Through the years, I have seen more patients than not just wanting the doctor to give them a pill to “fix” the problem.  Patients often would ask the physician to increase the dose of their medication to control glucose levels, instead of improving their diet.

I ask you… Are you going to continue being lazy? Or, are you going to take responsibility for your own health?


resource: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/dale-bredesen








There are as many diet books out there as there are people, so it seems.  There are books out there stating there are no “bad” foods,  eat whatever you want to eat and lose weight, count calories, don’t count calories, and the book “What would Jesus eat?”,  just to name a very few.

Statements are made that our soil is depleted and that food has no nutritional value.  If that statement were true, then nothing would grow.  I do agree that we need to add minerals to the soil when we plant a garden or grow crops.

There is the concern about genetically altered foods and the effect it has on the body.  We have or at least should have concerns about the preservatives and additives added to our foods.  Why is it that the American population seems to be struggling with morbid obesity?   In this section, I will attempt to offer some thoughts, research, and suggestions on nutrition and healthier life styles.

Do you know that the food industry is allowed to add substances to foods that cause cravings?  Think about this, how can the food manufactures make more money?  By selling more food, right?  How can they sell more food?  By having additives that cause cravings.  Preservatives are added to foods to give a  longer shelf life.  Do you remember when a loaf of bread was bought, it had to be eaten in a few days or it would begin to have mold growing on it?  No longer, it will last for weeks now.

I threw out some store bought tomatoes last summer that were getting old.  I noticed that the birds were not eating them.  I had a visitor that day and he remarked, “I wonder what’s wrong with the tomatoes if the birds won’t eat them?”  I no longer buy that brand of tomatoes.  I have noticed the same thing with bread.  If you throw the bread out the birds will not eat it.  I noticed that some bread was thrown into the neighborhood pond to feed the fish and the fish would not eat it.  What do the animals know that we do not know?

In the next posting I will present research addressing some of the concerns stated in this posting.