Americans are lazy when it comes to our health! We want someone else to be in charge and make the decisions for us. That way if the outcomes are not what we want, we can blame the healthcare provider. We don’t want to take responsibility for ourselves. Let someone else make the decisions!

Clearing out the gunk

As this article is being written, the end of a decade is rapidly approaching. People make New Year’s Resolutions only to see them fall to the wayside in just a few weeks. One of the most popular resolutions is, “I’m going to lose weight this year and keep it off.”

You look for the latest fad diet promising that you will lose 20 pounds the first month. We want fast results with little effort! Most diets are restrictive and don’t help you change behavior. Behavior modification is the key for success.

How do you clear out the gunk from your diet? Have you decided how much weight you want to lose? Are you pumped up and ready to get started?

What is the gunk that you need to clear out of your diet? How much junk food are you eating? You know, cookies, pies, cakes, soda pop, fast foods, and the list continues. I don’t need to tell you what junk foods are, you already know.

What are the steps to behavior modification?


The very first step is to examine your desire and reason to lose weight. Do you want to lose weight for yourself, or is someone nagging you? Have you set a realistic weight loss goal? Is there a plan in place to help you succeed? Is your support system in place?

The second step is to implement the plan. How you go about losing weight will determine your success. If you have been on the diet rollercoaster ride, you will need some tools to help you. A life coach or talking with a counselor is one tool to add to your tool belt.

Hypnosis and weight loss

Hypnosis is a proven tool to use.  With hypnosis, you are able to get past the gatekeeper, the subconscious mind. With hypnosis, you will be able to get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating. Did you know that the seeds for our overeating is often planted in our childhood? Clean your plate, don’t waste the food. Or if you grew up in an environment where food was scarce, you may be trying to fill up your stomach because you don’t know when or where your next meal will come from. It doesn’t matter that you are no longer in the environment of lack of food. Hypnosis will help you learn to listen to what your body is telling you.

More often than not, people overeat to try to fill an emotional void. We feel empty on the inside and it’s not a good feeling. We want the emptiness to go away. Through hypnosis, you can explore where this feeling of lack is coming from.

Step three is to take the first step towards being free of the stress that extra weight has caused in your life. You have the tools you need, all you have to do is take the first step. Stay in the moment and don’t stress about how much weight you are losing or not losing.


Take that first step! Move forward!

Don’t try to make big drastic changes from the start. Take small steps. Once you have made up your mind that you are making these changes for yourself, you’re ready to get started.

Enlist the help you need from your tool belt. Contact a life coach or seek out a counselor who specializes in eating disorders. Schedule an appointment with a certified hypnotist.

Get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating! Knowledge is the key to success!

Forget about going on a diet!

When you say, “I’m going on a diet”, it indicates that you will be going “off” the diet at some point in time.

Instead begin to clear out the gunk in your diet. Take small steps in this process. When you go to the grocery store, stay away from the store shelves with the potato chips. Bypass the cookie isle. Run away from the diet drinks! They have been proven to add weight to your body.

Don’t try to clear out all the junk food at the same time. Eliminate one junk food, then after a week eliminate another one. You’re not in a sprint, but you are in a marathon. You didn’t put the weight on over night. You’re not going to lose it overnight.

It’s not about how much weight to lose. It’s about being healthy.

Most of us don’t set realistic weight loss goals. It’s not about a number, but about health. As you explore the causes of your extra poundage and change behavior traits, you are well on your way to success. Your body will guide you on the path of being healthy.

Take that first step! The first step on a journey is the most important!