
Time for Reflection by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I make a terrible patient! I’m down for the count, making me pause and think about my life. You see, I pulled the muscles in my right hip and can’t walk very well, it’s been over a week. My injury is not an interesting story. However, I do have plenty of time to think about life and current events. Therefore, reassessment of my life is taking place.

Thinking Can Be Dangerous!

However, on the other hand, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. I think there was a commercial on TV about that years ago. Anyway, life can surprise one at times. For instance, this global quarantine has disconnected people from the ‘rat race’ and from each other. Thinking about the effects of quarantine on one’s health is an interesting topic.

This quarantine is impacting three important areas of mental health: emotional well-being, psychological well-being and social well-being. Therefore, quarantine has left many people confined to their homes leading to unforeseen risks.

Do you know, according to one research paper, that extended quarantine causes some serious health issues?

Reading one summary paper on quarantine in The Lancet, it’s reported that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), confusion and anger are some of the psychological results.

Effects of Long-term Quarantine

Certainly, there are other stressors to take note of. The list is long, but I’ll focus on just a few key topics.

  1. Prolonged isolation can lead to depression and substance abuse
  2. Most importantly, financial loss
  3. In addition, fear of becoming infected and loss of health is a big one
  4. Included is the fear of not having enough supplies – food and money for example
  5. Next, is boredom and frustration with the interruptions in our daily lives, feeling stuck
  6. PTSD is reported four times higher in children in prolonged quarantine
Above All

You do have resources to rely on to help you through an extended quarantine. Here are a few suggestions to assist you:

First, stay active as much as possible. For instance, now is a good time to tackle some of those projects you’ve been putting off. Why not reorganize your closet? Clean the garage, throw out broken toys, clear out the clutter, just to name a few activities you can do. Make that list! Check the chores off! You’ll have a sense of accomplishment!

Exercise as much as possible. Any type of movement is good. Put on your favorite music and dance! Take a walk in your neighborhood! Moreover, you may actually meet some of your neighbors if they are outside.

A few months ago, I closed out all my social media accounts. Moreover, I’m happier since I did. I’m not exposed to the negative talk, anger and fears. In addition, my family is actually communicating more with each other.

More ideas
  • Eat your meals together as a family! If you’re single, use the good dishes! Play background music. Treat yourself as that special person you are.
  • Talk with friends and family on the phone, zoom, FaceTime. Write a letter to someone special, the old fashion way, by hand and mail it.
  • Check in with family members who are at risk for depression more often.
  • Read a light-hearted book or watch a funny movie – remember to laugh!
  • Work on a hobby – if you don’t have one, now is a good time to explore your interest.

The year 2020 is rapidly coming to an end. Plan ahead for 2021. Most importantly, current circumstances are not going to change in the next week or so. In other words, plan ahead on how your family with navigate the upcoming holidays. Therefore, traditions are evolving and transforming to reflect the times.

I know it seems like this quarantine will never end. However, this too shall pass. Nothing stays the same. Life is forever changing. Above all, remember, change is not bad. We are adapting to current times.

Do You Know Who You Are? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I received a phone call one day last week from a friend. She told me that she was lonely. I asked her what she had done that day and she responded by telling me all the people she had talked with so far that day. I was the 5th or 6th person she had called.

Social media is booming right now with so many people being home. I noted a posting from a former classmate stating she was feeling lonely. This particular past classmate is raising a seven year old grandson. She has been posting photos of activities she and her grandson are doing at home. She’s also homeschooling this child now that everyone is in quarantine.

I can’t help but wonder why people feel lonely during this time-out we are all in.

Loneliness vs Isolation

Why is it that people feel lonely when they are surrounded by other people? How do we understand the underlying motivation to our loneliness? What is the difference between being lonely and feeling isolated?

The first lie we’re told is that we are separated from God. In reality, that’s not true. Each of us are connected to I AM THAT I AM. This is not what I want to talk with you about. But, keep in mind, this is an underlying factor to loneliness.

I’m lonely

The short definition of lonely is: sad because one has no friends or company. So, if you have friends and you have communication with them, why are you lonely? Where is that feeling of loneliness coming from? I understand being in a relationship and feeling lonely, even though that person was with me. It’s not a good feeling to have.

You can be in someone’s company, but if there is no connection mentally, physically or emotionally, one can certainly feel aloneness.

I’m sure you remember reading about babies during World War II who where in an orphanage and these babies were dying even though they were being cared for. These babies were feed, diapered, sheltered, and given what they needed for survival. Yet, they were failing to thrive and many died. As it turned out, the orphanage was short staffed. These babies didn’t have the physical contact of touch and human interaction. They died because of lack of human touch and contact.

We’re not babies who need the extra touching and cuddling to thrive. Yes, as adults, we still need human contact, but I want to dig a little deeper. What is the emotional and spiritual component that is being overlooked?


The definition of isolation is: being separated from other people, segregation, quarantined.

Notice the main difference between lonely and isolation is the word ‘sad’. Both definitions are similar, but the subtle difference is how one feels.

Above, we talked about being with someone and feeling lonely because of lack of connection with that person. The lack of connection can come from not having common interest to growing apart from each other.

Many marriages have failed because couples didn’t marry for the right reasons. The foundation for these marriages is loneliness. People don’t like being alone; so they get married. Several years into the marriage they find being with someone and still being lonely is often worse than being by ones self. Loneliness is a weak foundation for a marriage. It’s a weak foundation for any relationship.

Who am I?

The majority of people on earth don’t really know themselves. Hold on before you tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about!

Men tend to identify themselves through their jobs. They see themselves by what they do. The profession gives the man his identity in life. Men judge themselves by how well they are able to provide for their families. The provider and protector.

Women on the other hand are not that dissimilar. We judge ourselves by how well we care for our families and by our professions as well. Nurture and caregiver.

However, do you really know who you are? What are your core values? I’m not talking about the values that we are taught by our parents and society. If you examine those values you were taught as a child, you may find that they don’t register with you. We are taught who we are as children by what others tells us about ourselves.

“You’re such a sweet girl. You never cause any problems.”

“You’re a great athlete! You’ll go far in life!”

“Do you know how smart you are? You can do anything in life.”

Or just the opposite: “Why can’t you do anything right?”

“If you lose some weight, you’ll get a boyfriend.”

Forget about what you’ve been told!

Release the programing from your childhood. These beliefs are what others think about you. Pay attention to your self-talk. What are you telling yourself? Are you still stuck in the programing of your youth? Let it go! 

Take this time while we are all in quarantine to learn who you really are. What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? Remember what you think of as a weakness is really a strength.

How do I learn who I am?

Good question! But, keep in mind to know one’s self is an ongoing process. Humankind is always evolving and growing. No one is the same today as you were ten years ago. That person you were ten years ago has had ten years of new experiences which has changed you.

Let’s get started on this journey of self discovery.

Be honest with yourself. There is no right or wrong here. No one else needs to see what you have written down about yourself.

  1. Know your own personality. Are you optimistic? Pessimistic? Happy or sad?
  2. What are your core values are. What’s important to you? How do you relate to these values to your lifestyle? Are you self condemning or do you show yourself compassion when you mess up?
  3. Get to know your own body. Do you listen to your body? Your body does talk to you. Have you stopped long enough to ask your body what it  need to flourish? When was the last time you treated your body to a nourishing moment of rest?
  4. Get to know your dreams. What is your heart’s desire? How badly do you want it? If you had your heart’s desire, how would your life be different?
  5. What are your likes and dislikes. Believe it or not, most of us only think we know what we like and don’t like. For years I thought I didn’t like asparagus. I didn’t like the asparagus in a can, but when I tasted fresh steamed asparagus, I loved it!

Think about these things listed above. Really take the time to think about what you value in life. Not what others have told you that you should cherish. Write down your thoughts, it helps you to better identify who you really are. Seeing what you think in writing helps you to be more honest with yourself.

The first step is the most important step in self discovery!

Moving forward can be difficult, especially if you don’t really know who you are.

“I don’t know how to take the first step”, you say. “What do I do?”

  1. Get quiet and focus on your breathing. Just focus on how you’re breathing. Breath from your diaphragm. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. If you’re breathing from the diaphragm (like we are supposed to be) your stomach will rise higher than your chest.
  2. Take a deep breath in slowly and release it slowly. As you breath in feel your muscles relaxing. Breathing out slowly and let go of the stress you’ve been carrying around.
  3. Ask yourself, “What do I need to know?” Listen to that inner voice as it gives you your answer. Trust what you hear.
In summary

Open your mind and heart. Dump out old programming. Clean house so to speak. Throw out those beliefs that were feed to you as a child. Once you clear out the clutter, you will have space for your own beliefs. This is the beginning of a new love affair with yourself.

Being lonely is not a bad thing. Being lonely is however, your inner-self calling out for self-care. Take advantage of this isolation and get to know the wonderful person you truly are.


You might want to order my book: Guilty Prayers by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D. on Amazon or Kindle or any book distributor.

Also check out my YouTube: HEY! IT’S BREAK TIME!

How Are You Doing? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We are living in uncertain times. The unknown can play havoc on us emotionally. So, how are you doing mentally and emotionally during this world crisis? I’m not going to talk about the Coronavirus that is affecting the world. What I am going to talk about is the mental health of the world.

Global Reset

Basically, we’re experiencing a global reset. Life will never be the same. That can be exciting or it can be frightening. For me, it’s exciting!  If you have been following my blog, you know that I am an optimistic person.  My cup is full and overflowing!

It’s from this perspective that I want to talk with you.  Being in quarantine for whole countries is not a new event. The last national quarantine for the U.S. was in 1918, to curtail the Spanish Flu. However, this event is worldwide.  Let’s look at the implications on this world event.

Quarantine, a Time for Self Care

We have the power to chose and the power to decide where we are going to place our focus. One has to feel in control of their life. What outlet are you using to help you care for your mind, your mental health?  Your are in control of your thoughts. Use this time to learn about yourself!  Be an active participant in your own life!  Where does your pleasure come from? This is a good time to learn something new.  A time to get to know where your interest lie. Once we feel mentally strong, we feel empowered.

A few years back, there was a term “cocooning”. The goal was to be able to work from home. People were tired of the “rat race”! Many people were able to get their bosses on board with working from home. Productivity actually improved as individuals were allow to work from home. Stress was reduced on people since they didn’t have to fight the traffic to get to work. Companies learned that with happier employees, productivity increased.

Now is a good time for self care.  Get the extra rest you need!  Read that book you’ve been wanting to read. Clean your house or apartment. Get outside on nice days and feel the sunshine! The fresh air will help you.

We’re All in This Together!

The entire world is in the same boat. We are having deep changes throughout the world. Countries are already bankrupt and have been for a while. There are enough resources, we have to realize that now is the time to come together!

Now is the time for all countries to come together and to work together!  Maybe, we should be looking at a Year of Jubilee. The Jewish community had this reset built into their history, into their way of life.  Every aspect of every country’s core has been a mess. This chaos and uncertainty is a wake up call!

The peoples of the world need to step up and do some housecleaning in our governments. We want better cooperation between the different governments. It’s  time especially in the U.S., to clean house in our government. There needs to be cooperation in our government. There has been no cooperation for decades! The time is now for a new way of doing things.  These are the things we are able to change.  We are empowered to make the changes for the better.

Once government leaders throughout the world realize that working together is preferred over greed and power, life will move ahead in a better direction.

The slate is clean. Fill the seats with cooperation and mutual respect for each other!

What is Your Self-Talk?

You are not the only one who is having to deal with interrupts in income.  All of your neighbors are in the same situation. Now is the time to realize that the fear is an illusion in the sense of survival.  Are you telling yourself you’re going to be out on the street and homeless soon?  Why?  What good will it do for landlords to evict people from their homes?  For banks to foreclose on houses?  These buildings will set empty because everyone else is facing the same challenge with the disruption of income, so why would a landlord or mortgage company evict you?

Step out of the fear of the unknown and deal with what is.  Take steps to help yourself and your family by doing the chores that need to be done.  Stay active in doing what you do have control over.  You have control over your emotions.  One can control how they act in a situation.  What you don’t want to do is react to a situation.  When you react, you are ‘shooting for the hip’ so to speak.

Neighbors helping neighbors is the foundation our country was built on.  It’s a strong foundation.  But, somewhere along the way, it became every man for himself.

Remember the saying, “Divided we stand, divided we fall”.  The choice is ours. Are we going to stand?  Or are we going to fall?  Chose wisely.