
Getting Over Aging part 2 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We know that hormonal changes in women can cause mood swings. The least little thing can cause irritation and either tempers flare or tears stream. Didn’t that happen in puberty? Not fair! Why should women have to experience mood swings twice.

The truth is, this is not necessarily the case. There are common themes that we all share. 

The most common challenge is loss of loved ones. We lose spouses, friends and grown children along with other family members. At times, it’s hard to work through the grief. There are support groups to help with the loss of a spouse and children. These groups give us the tools we need to work through the grief. Grief can be intense. There now is a diagnosis of Broken Heart Death. So, when someone says that a person died of a broken heart, it is now recognized.

We lose the financial support that we once had when a spouse dies. Our lifestyle changes. At times, the change is not for the better. We are no longer able to maintain the upkeep on our home financially or physically. 

Anxiety, stress, change physically and mentally weigh heavily on us. However, there are many more tools available to us to help us in the transition.

It’s all about attitude. Are you the glass is half empty or the glass is half full and about to overflow?

Depression tends to diminish our cognitive abilities. Reach out for help if you find yourself in this position.

Having said this, mental decline is not the norm as we age. Overall, even the very old have clear thinking and learning skills.

Stay engaged with family and friends. Plan activities that keep your mind busy. Get out of the house and join different groups in the community that are designed for older people. Senior Citizen Centers fill a lot of these needs.

Make New Friends

Make new friends. Seriously. Most of my friends are a few decades younger than I am. These friendship are solid and not just superficial. One of my daughters met a close friend of mine who is her age. When I introduced them, my daughter said, “Oh it’s like you have another daughter.” My friend stopped my daughter and said, “NO, Jan is my best friend!” Difference in age is easily transcended.

A sensitive topic is the summer/winter romances. Many young men prefer older women. They are done with the expectations and drama of women their age. I personally know women who are married to younger men and there is more than one decade difference in age between them.

Why is it ok for a man to have a younger wife and not ok for a woman to have a younger husband? These stereotypes have to be changed. Remember, HIV/AIDS never went away. Sexually Transmitted Disease is high in all age groups, including mature adults. You must have safe sex! Use protection or both people should have a blood test if they have been sexually active with several people.

Youth Should Not Be Worshiped

The American culture worships youth. Why? The young know nothing! They have very little life experience. Youth is fleeting. Our culture is backwards.

Many other cultures honor the elderly. They seek out their wisdom and advice. In these cultures, the elderly live healthier lives and longer.


Read and do your own research, remember to stay safe if you are having sex with more than one person.

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Sex and the Mature Person, Part One by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Sex is a taboo subject in the Western world. Sex is for the younger generation, not the mature person. Older people don’t have sex! Once you reach a certain age, your sex life is over.

Really?! We, as a society have to get over beliefs that no longer serve us. I’m not going to address society’s misconceptions and morals centering around sex. However, I am discussing the reality of the sex life as an older person.

Myths about older people and sex
  1. When you get older, you stop having sex
  2. Older men aren’t able to get an erection
  3. Older persons don’t have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
  4. The mature woman doesn’t want sex, it hurts
  5. Mature bodies aren’t sexy
  6. Older men and women don’t have casual sex
  7. Sex can be dangerous for an older person
  8. It’s your respnsibility to make sure your partener has an organism

Where is it written as you age, you stop having sex? Studies show that mature adults in advanced years are having sex at least once a week. Not only are they still having sex, it’s reported that the sexual experience is more satisifying in advanced years. A person’s sexuality is always there. It’s a part of who you are. The desire doesn’t disappear just because you are older.

A study of men over the age of 70 shows that erectile dysfunction is not a problem for 75% of men. The erection may not be as firm and a little more foreplay may be needed, but they are able to enjoy the act of sex immensely.

Pregancy may not be a concern for the mature person, but STD is. Rates are doubling for STI’s in people who are in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.  Over the last decade infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are on the rise. So, yes mature people have casual sex.

As women go through menopause, their sexual desire may diminish slightly. But overall the sexual desire is there.

As we age, gravity takes over. Skin may sag and there may be a few extra pounds added to the body, but who doesn’t have body issues at any age?

Give me a break about sex being dangerous for the older generation! Yes, body parts may be needing replacement, such as knees and hips, but one can adapt to different positions during sex.

And lastly, it’s never been your responsibility to make sure your partner has an organism. It’s not about performance! Never has been.

Changing your attitude!

Society needs an attitude adjustment about sexuality in general. It’s time for an overhaul in the way society looks at sex in any age group.

Having said this, part two will cover women’s issues. We will explore the goddess within. Women have to reclaim their power as a woman!

Part three will take a look at men’s concerns and how men can over come these concerns.