The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra.  It is the first of the higher or spiritual chakras. This chakra is located at the throat in the region of the neck and shoulders and its color is blue.  The fifth chakra or throat chakra is the center where we speak our truth. From this chakra you seek knowledge that is true. This knowledge goes beyond the limitations of time and space, beyond cultural and family conditioning. We are able to listen more closely from our throat charka. This is one of the qualities that comes with “speaking our truth”.

Problems of a blocked Throat Charka

When the throat charka is blocked, one feels that they are not able to express their truth. Also,  when you feel your ability to communicate effectively is impaired you feel fearful of ridicule and judgement. A throat chakra blockage can also manifest as the inability to express and realize your truth in the world. One may feel unable to speak your truth when you need to speak it the most. Or you may be holding back on expressing your needs and desires.  Do you know a closed throat chakra can also cause hoarseness, neck pain and thyroid problems?

Clearing your throat charka

Some steps you can take to clear your throat charka include:

  1. Say no to people when appropriate
  2. Start a conversation with someone and have the focus on that person
  3. Let your feelings be known to those you feel are trying to take advantage of you
  4. Sing, hum, yell if you need to
  5. Surround yourself with the color blue
  6. Drink more water or herbal tea
  7. Learn better listening skills
  8. Keep a journal of your feelings and what’s going on in your life
  9. Reconnect with nature by taking a walk in nature
  10. Meditation can help release negative feelings of anxiety and fear

I recently did hypnosis on an individual and afterwards we talked about her throat chakra being blocked. I explained to my client that the hoarseness she was having was coming from a blocked throat chakra. While she was speaking her truth, she did not feel that her words were being heard.

A week later, she contacted me and told me about a conversation she had with a friend. She told the friend about not feeling like she was being heard. Once she expressed her feelings, her voice suddenly changed and the hoarseness clear up instantly.  She told me the friend she was having the conversation with at the time asked, “What just happened? Your voice changed instantly!”

The truth will be known

Make sure that you speak your truth at all times.  You can speak your truth in a kind and loving way and still get your point across.  It is important to not only speak your truth but to feel like you’re being heard as well.