Have ever known something, but didn’t know how you knew the information? You just knew that a specific incident was going to happen.  Do you find yourself deep in thought and suddenly a deep understanding about a certain subject becomes crystal clear?  You find yourself in a timeless, spaceless place and feel such joy and bliss.  This type of bliss and joy you have never known before.  What has happened?

What is the Crown Charka?

The Crown charka is your connection to All-That-There-Is, Divine Intelligence, or God.  Everyone has the ability to gain access to higher knowledge. The discovery of truth and wisdom is dependent on the healthfulness of your crown chakra.  This is our communication center between us and Universal Knowledge.  Through deep meditation or prayer we are able to connect with our higher self and with the Divine All-Knowing.  We are able to learn truths about life and our relationship with our Creator.  The colors associated with the Crown charka are purple or white.

What happens if the Crown charka is out of balance?

As we have learned in past discussions on the charkas, charka is known as ‘spinning wheels of light’. Each energy center spins is a certain direction and at a specific speed.

If the charka is overactive (or hyperactive), the seventh Chakra can lead a person to have obsessive thoughts. These individuals live in the past or are constantly thinking about the future. Overactive Crown Chakra can also give rise to obsessive spirituality, so much so that the individual’s other responsibilities are neglected.

A blockage in the Crown Chakra can render it inactive. This individual tends to be rigid, selfish and spiritually unaware. They may have general depression. You will note they have lack of joy and loss of meaning or identity in their life.  A blocked Crown Chakra can also lead to selfish thoughts, inability to see the bigger picture in life and a general lack of values and ethics.

A person with a closed Crown Chakra receives no guidance from their Supreme Power.  This situation tends to anger the individual but they also feel unworthy of receiving such help in the first place.

A blocked or overactive Crown Chakra can lead to various physical ailments such as depression, headaches, neurological issues such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, senility, and dementia are also linked to imbalance in the seventh Chakra.

How do you balance the Crown charka?
  1. Meditate upon the Crown Chakra. Focus your attention on the top of the head and clearly set your intention of balancing the Chakra. Visualize the violet color when doing this.
  2. Thank the Universe and connect to the Higher Being. Gratitude and contentment are the simplest ways of strengthening this Chakra.
  3. Aromatherapy with floral essences such as Lotus, Angelica and white tulip when applied to the pulse points can aid in the meditation process.
  4. Yoga postures like Shavasana (corpse position) or Lotus position (Padmasana) are recommended for aiding the Crown Chakra. An advanced pose, the headstand or Shirshasan, also helps balance the Crown Chakra by increasing blood flow to the top of the head.
  5. Detoxifying and fasting for a day or two is also recommended to balance the Seventh Chakra. Light meals, broth, stews and soups, violet colored fruits and vegetables along with plenty of water must be used to clear the Crown Chakra and enable it to receive the Divine Energy.

Reference: https://www.color-meanings.com/crown-chakra-the-seventh-chakra/

Unless we’re connected with our Divine Source to God, we are not able to function a whole individuals.  If we are not in communion with Source, we feel abandoned and at a loss.  We do not feel as though we belong to our community of family or more importantly, we don’t feel attached to our Higher Power or our intuition.