“Stay on the straight and narrow path!” This is the instruction we are given from birth. However, this advice is wrong. I travel more than one path. No one path is right or wrong. Each path one takes in life is the correct road for you to be on at that time.

One path in life

I did a hypnoses session with a teenaged girl who was obsessed with ‘staying on the path’. Having said that she had to make sure she was on the ‘right path’, I realized this young woman needed to have her perspective on life opened up to the possibilities.

Many religions teach that there is only one path and it’s straight and narrow. We believe it’s easy to stray from this path. In other words, I will get off the right path at some point in time if I’m not careful.

I tell you, this is wrong! We create our own path. The path has twist and turns and road blocks at times. Therefore, stop and take a moment to think about why you were led to believe that there is only one path in life. Think about why you are taught that you may lose your way in life.

It’s about control

You are controlled by society to behave in a way that each culture deems right. I am a product of cultural beliefs just as you are. I have spent many years discovering that I was brainwashed. Having said this, I have to explain my journey and awakening.

Children are taught that their parents know what’s best for them. In addition, one is taught that we have to conform to societies way of thinking.

“God gave you a brain, use it!” I heard this often as I was growing up. However, when I used ‘my brain’, trouble seemed to follow. I belong to the group of people who think outside of the box. I am no longer willing to blindly follow the collective thinking on how one is to live their life.

Each culture trains their offspring on that culture’s norms. This is done to control what direction this culture will proceed in. Leaders in each population want to have control over their charges. In doing so, the governing body of that society can keep people in line. Keeping you in line makes it easier to promote their agenda.

Thus, the belief that the path is straight and narrow. As a result, there is the stress and worry of staying on the right path. Are you willing to take control of your own thinking? Like most people I don’t like being told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

I know what’s best for me!

My journey is often a difficult one in the sense of not easily accepting what I’m told by others. I’m hardheaded and strong willed. In addition, you will often have to prove to me what you’re saying is accurate.

I have learned to listen to my intuition. The ‘gut feeling’ as many people call it does not let you down. For example, how many times have you had the feeling that you needed to take a different route to work? You decided to take the route always traveled. As a result, you’re stuck in a traffic jam. You know what I’m talking about.

Let go of the fear that is controlling you. Fear is used by the ‘powers that be’ to keep you in a passive state. People are easily controlled when they go about their daily activities out of habit. There is no thinking about the possibilities life offers us. We are herded like sheep to the slater.

I was diagnosed with a life threatening illness eight years ago. I woke up from the slumber from life long conditioning. That diagnosis is the best thing that happened to me. No longer was I just existing. After that, life began for me. Eyes opened, a new chapter in my life was started. The old way of life is ended. That path ended and a new one began.

I travel on my own path now. With each twist and turn new opportunities have presented themselves. Sometimes there is a block in the path. In addition to the block, a new lesson is learned. When a block appears, one may need to go around it, or move to a new roadway.

I have taken many paths!

I know that each path traveled is the right one for me. How do I know? For instance, I was hit by a semi truck three years ago. This incident brought my life to a complete stop. The accident (I don’t believe in accidents) closed a chapter and a new one started. I knew I needed to be on a different path than the one I was on. Lessons along that road had been learned, but I didn’t  move off that pathway. I decided to explore other paths and trails, however, I played it safe by staying on the same one. One has to pay the bills, therefore, I took my time and played it safe by staying put.

Often times, I over think things. It’s hard to get out of my head. The mind knows nothing! Thought comes from the heart. Yes, they really do. I know that the current trail being traveled is an interesting one. Many lessons about universal connection have presented new opportunities for me. Learn to think from your heart. Listen to what your heart is telling you. Having said that, realize, it takes practice to trust yourself.

I know from experience it’s scary to step out of the box we are in. In other words, it’s tough to trust yourself. In addition to trusting yourself, doubts will creep in to herd you back into the pack. To clarify how disquieting it can be to look to yourself for guidance, know that anxiety, panic, self doubt, and insecurity will take over. The mind wants to stay in what’s familiar. Certainly, the familiar feels safe. However, playing it safe keeps us stuck and growth is stifled.

How do you trust?

I bought into the cultural teachings as a child. But, as an adult, I put away childish thoughts.

Steps to take in self trust:

  • Be yourself. Realize that other people are too concerned about themselves to give much thought to what you’re doing.
  • Set goals that are attainable. Be realistic about what you want in life. If you don’t know what you want, get quiet and listen to your higher self. Trust what you’re told.
  • Learn to meditate. As above, get still and be quiet. Turn off all distractions such as the TV, radio, background sounds. In the stillness, you receive the information you seek.
  • Trust yourself. No one else knows what’s best for you. Only you know that. Know that your higher self will guide you in the direction that’s in your highest good.
  • This leads us to acknowledge your personal power. It was given over to others when you were young. They have no idea what’s best for you. It’s your power, take it back.
  • Know that when you feel something is right for you, it is. Once you feel the heart’s desire, then it will materialize. Stay in the emotion of knowing this is right for you. It feels good.
  • In addition, know that you’re not alone. You have the support of Universal Love, God, Creator, whatever name you want to use for this creative source of love.
  • You have all the resources available to you. Don’t let fear creep in. You are enough. You have a higher power to help you.
In summary

Above all, don’t let anyone take your personal power away from you. Understand, you are enough and you have all the support you need. In addition, call upon Creator Source for the support you need. All you need is in the asking. You are not alone.