“Now that you are in a relaxed state of hypnosis I’m going to tell you a story.  There was a little girl who asked her mother for a cookie.  Since it was close to dinner time, her mother told her that she could have one cookie.  The little girl took one of the cookies.  She looked at the top of the cookie, at the bottom of the cookie, at the sides of the cookie before she took a bite out of the cookie.  The little girl enjoyed each bite of the cookie….”

Does hypnosis really help with weight loss?  Only if you want to lose the weight.  Many people go to a hypnotherapist expecting to have results after one hypnosis session.  When they don’t see lasting results or any results, they say “hypnosis didn’t work for me.”

For hypnosis to be of benefit for you, you have to decide:

  1. That you want to lose the weight.
  2. That you will commit to the hypnosis protocol.
  3. That you will complete the course of treatment with hypnosis.  It takes between 3 to 5 sessions for the subconscious mind to incorporate the message for weight loss or any hypnosis treatment.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help you take control over the issue of weight control.  Hypnosis is safe and effective when one is committed to weight loss.  So, are you ready to take control of your life?  Are you ready to regain your health?  You have the tool to help you regain your health.  Are you going to use it?