We work hard to avoid failure, especially when it comes to our job.  One thinks about failure often.  If I try out this new idea and I fail, I will look like a fool.  I will not proceed with this new idea because I’m afraid I will fail and lose my job.


Why is it that we decide we will fail before we even try out the new idea?  What about the fear of failure in romance?  People run from romance like a wild fire is behind them!  A broke heart is something that we can’t bear to think about, much less endure the pain that comes with failure and rejection.  What is the self-talk that you utter beneath your breath to yourself?  I’m not good enough.  That person couldn’t possibly love me, they are out of my class.

I AM not… smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough, worthy?  Is this what you are telling yourself?  Why are you shooting yourself in the foot before you even take the first step?

Fear of Success

I think people are more afraid of success than they are of failure.  After all, if one fails they can make up hundreds of excuses as to why they failed.  But, if one is successful that will take a certain amount of change.  You have to adapt to the new life style that comes with success and to the new responsibilities that come with it.

With success comes adapting to the expectations that others will have of you.  Success brings us out from the shadows into the spot light.  We tell ourselves how great life will be when success finally become a reality.

“No!  I’m not afraid of success!  I have struggled all my life trying to be successful!”

Really? What to rethink that last statement?

If an individual is not afraid of success, then why is it that we won’t move forward to improve our lives when the right tools for abundance are given to us?  What is the reason you will not take that first step to move forward in life?  Change is scary, it takes us out of our comfort zone.  The subconscious mind does not want change, it wants what it knows!

Take your health for example.  Your thirty pounds overweight, your blood pressure is too high, and you hurt!  To be triumphant will take some effort and to be honest, most of us are just too lazy to actually use the tools we are given to move forward.  We don’t want to do the work that goes with using theses tools to dig ourselves out of the rut we are in.

Hypnosis and the Subconscious Mind

Hypnosis is one of the tools in our shed of self-improvement.  What will it take to get you to pick up the phone and call a hypnotist?  After all, one only has to sit in a chair and relax and listen the hypnotist for an hour or so as the session is conducted.  How hard is that to do?  What excuses are you using to prevent improving you life?  Money?  Really?  Do you want to go there?  After all, you have the money to buy the junk food that is destroying your life.  The money is there when the urge comes to get that new tattoo.

When will you decide to make a positive investment in yourself?  Will it take a life threatening event to get you to move forward?

I think people are more afraid of success than they are of failure.  After all with success, comes change and people are more afraid of change.

So, what is your choice?