What is the story of your life?  Do you hear what you’re saying about yourself to yourself?  Do you really hear what you’re saying?  How are your words on self-talk affecting your relationships?  The words you use in self-talk brings into reality what you dwell on.

What Goes Into Your Head Comes Out In Your Reality

So, what thoughts are you putting into your head?  Notice in the above photo and that the dialog quotes are empty.  We have a new year and a new decade rapidly approaching.  You have a fresh start coming up.  Before we can begin the new year and decade, we have to clear out the residue left over from the past.

Look back over the last ten years, the last year, how have you held yourself back?  Release the negative thoughts about yourself and those around you.  It’s time to let go of the past, because that’s just what it is, the past.  The pain from the previous decade no longer serves its purpose and needs to be released. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, allow the negative talk to evaporate.

You have a clean slate.  Remember, the thoughts you allow to settle into your brain, will become the reality you will live.

Creating A New Reality

As your thoughts dwell on a certain topic or belief, you began to manifest these thoughts and feelings into your life.  We’ve talked about the power of the words I AM before.  If you tell yourself, “I AM sick”, then you become sick.  Telling yourself, “I AM poor” creates poverty.  However, if you say, “I AM healthy”, you will experience better health.  It’s the same when we tell ourselves, “I AM happy”, we are happy within ourselves.  As a result, we are better able to cope with difficult moments in our lives.

How are you going to fill in the blank dialog quotes?  It’s your choice.  I choose to tell myself that I am able to create abundance, love, joy, and happiness within my reality.  My story is one of I AM worthy of these aspects in life.

Sure, life throws us a curve at times, but it’s up to us to determine how we will react in those situations.  I choose to be proactive in my world.  I AM not a victim in the events that come about in my reality.  The victim role is one that I will not participate in.

Life is not always easy.  Events happen in our existence that we don’t have control over.  We do, however, have control over our reactions to the situations that arise.

It’s Your Choice

Really take this time to think about what you want in this lifetime.  You are the one who is telling your life story.  What words will you use in your self-talk?