
How to Reduce Those Nasty Oxalates by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

It’s always something isn’t it? New information comes out daily on food. We are told about all the harmful chemicals in foods and the list seems to continue to grow. Lectins and now the focus is on oxalates. In reality none of this information is new. When I was a mire child in nursing school, I learned about lectins, oxalates, arsenic, cyanide, sugar, fats and many other scary chemicals found in food.

If we eliminated all the foods that contain these chemicals there would be nothing left to eat.

Plants Defense Systems

Plants evolve over the centuries to develop defense systems. The chemicals that are developed are to keep insects and animals from eating them. Plants don’t want to be eaten. Not by insects, animals, or humans. I’m not getting into the science on plant cells and how plants develop. What I want to zero in is some of the chemicals plants develop to protect themselves and how to get around them.

The defense chemicals that plants use include tannins, saponins, isothiocyantes, lectins, oxalates, and cyanogenic glycosides that will damage your gut. These chemicals also inhibit nutrient absorption, interfere with your hormones, and make you have stinky farts!

Most of the time we are able to dispose of the toxins without any problems. At times, some people can have problems with certain plants. Oxalates can affect the kidneys and contribute to kidney stones. Oxalates are like tiny chards of glass going through the body’s organs. Sounds serious doesn’t it. In some cases it can be. Generally speaking, most of us are able to flush out these chemicals without much of a problem.

Foods High in Oxalates

Some of our most favorite foods are high in oxalates. French fries being one. Below is a list of foods high in oxalates, keep in mind however, many of these plants contain important nutrients that we need to stay healthy.

  1. Spinach – A half-cup of cooked spinach contains 755 milligrams.
  2. Soy products – A 3-ounce serving of firm tofu has 235 milligrams, while 1 cup of soy milk or yogurt can have up to 336 milligrams per serving. I tend to stay away from all soy products because of the estrogen hormones and the fact that soy beans have been adulterated by Monsanto to the point that it’s not safe.
  3. Almonds – One ounce of almonds, or about 22 nuts, contains 122 milligrams of oxalates. Most of the oxalates are found in the skin of the almond.
  4. Potatoes – A medium baked potato has 97 milligrams of oxalates per serving. Most of this content is in the potato’s skin.
  5. Beets – At 152 milligrams per cup, they’re also one of the vegetables highest in oxalates. 
  6. Navy beans – navy beans are on the high end with 76 milligrams per half-cup.
  7. Rasberries – raspberries are considered a high-oxalate food with 48 milligrams per cup.
  8. Dates – Dates are high in sugar and concentrated with oxalates with one date containing 24 milligrams. Dates should be eaten in moderation if for no other reason than the sugar content.

Foods Low in Oxalates

Fruits: bananas, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, apples, apricots, lemons, peaches.

Vegetables: mustard greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, peas, zucchini.

Grains and starches: white rice, corn flour, oat bran. Proteins: eggs, meat, fish, poultry.

Problems with High Oxalates

For people who are prone to kidney stones the above foods should be restricted or avoided all together.  When oxalate levels are high, there’s a greater chance it will bind to calcium, forming kidney stones.

Because oxalates bind to minerals they lower mineral absorption in our bodies. This includes all minerals such as copper, zinc, and calcium to name a few of these essential nutrients.

Individuals who have gut problems tend to have more difficulty in breaking down oxalates. Antibiotics decrease the good bacteria in the gut and with higher levels of oxalates, it can become a bigger problem.

So, What do we do?

Limit high level oxalate foods, like the ones listed above. See the fruits that are high in oxalates also. Eat more fruits and vegetables on the low end of the scale. Drink water to flush out the oxalates. Boiling vegetables can reduce the level of oxalates by 87% in some foods.

As with any other food, eat in moderation. It’s essential that we eat a large variety of foods to maintain optimal health.

Don’t get caught up in the YouTubers trying to draw more people to their channels. As always, do your own research.

I Don’t Remember by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Dementia is as feared as cancer. The general consensus is that dementia is an old-age process and it terrifies people. However, working in the mental heath outpatient department at the Fayetteville, Arkansas VA, we were seeing early onset dementia. Most of this early onset dementia was seen in veterans who used marijuana on a regular bases.

What are other causes of dementia?

Many commonly prescribed medications can cause dementia. The commonly known memory interfering and dangerous medications are those with anticholinergic properties. Medications that block the effect of acetylcholine. Acetyclcholine is an important brain chemical and neurotransmitter that becomes less plentiful in the aging brain. Acetylcholine is essential for brain health and function.

These medications have an impact on brain cells. By blocking the receptor molecules in the brain these medications can help people experience relief from symptoms such as insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other medical conditions. Among the clinically significant anticholinergic medications are medications such as tolterodine, which is often used to treat urinary incontinence. In addition, some antidepressants like the tricyclics such as amitriptyline, antipsychotics, cardiac medications, antispasmodics, antivertigo medications, and antiparkinsonian medications have anticholinergic effects.

Anxiety and Insomnia Medications

Benzodiazepines are a class of medications that are used to treat anxiety or insomnia. These medications are another group that has been linked with cognitive difficulties. While these medications can give significant relief to individuals suffering from debilitating anxiety, their use has a sedation and mental slowing side-effect are concerning. A recent study has suggested that prolonged use of benzodiazepines might be a risk factor for dementia. Primary care doctors continue to prescribe anti-anxiety medications such as lorazepam (Ativan) and alprazolam (Xanax) or sleeping pills such as temazepam (Restoril) and consider them very beneficial when used properly. The psychiatrist I have worked with do not prescribe benzodiazepines because of the serious side-effects.


Corticosteroids can be life-saving for people having sever allergic reactions when prescribed accordingly. However, they have the capacity to induce delirium, mood changes, or even psychotic symptoms. Prednisone has been identified in cases of clinical symptoms that mimic different mental disorders including cognitive changes. I was given Prednisone once and I literally felt homicidal. I had only taken three of the pills when this symptom onset. I warned my teenagers to stay away from me until the pills wore off. Teenagers tend to push a parents buttons on a good day.

Pain Medications

Pain medications, especially opioids, can be life changing when used properly. Their disastrous effects on short-term memory have been studied and recognized. Pain relief is necessary for an individual to be able to function. The proper use of pain relievers is important so people can function. However, negative cognitive effects are reversible after the medications are stopped. Opioids were never intended for long-term use. Doctors started using them in this off-label prescribed treatment which has caused the devastating problem we now see. Opioids were one of the biggest problems I had to deal with as a nurse trying to educate my patients. It’s the most abused category of drugs.

Chemotherapy Drugs

Cognitive changes associated with anticancer chemotherapeutic agents is well-documented. “Chemo brain” is now a commonly known term that describes the affects chemotherapy has on patients. The side-effects include being unable to focus or lack of attention, working memory, and executive function. Unfortunately these side-effects sometimes leaves lasting changes.


The cholesterol-lowering statins have been suspected of creating mental slowing and memory problems in some people for a while now. The research in this area is divided in opinion. Smaller case studies have reported people are experiencing the medications interfering with cognition. Other larger and well-designed studies have not confirmed this effect. So, the jury is still out on whether this is a side-effect or not.

Recently, more doctors are acknowledging that the true benefits of this classification of drugs is in question. Newer studies are showing that the Statins are not very effective, especially considering the severity of the side-effects.

The Impact of Aging

We need to be aware that the effects of aging with drug action and metabolism are of the upmost importance. The liver and kidneys are less efficient in detoxing drug effects as we age. The aging brain has less protective cognitive resources. More importantly, the practice of multiple prescribed medications for older adults offer many opportunities for drug interactions. All medications have adverse reactions. The harmful effects of medications are exacerbated when the medications are not taken as prescribed. Then when alcohol is thrown into the mix it’s a disaster happening. Even a small amount of alcohol use can add serious adverse side-effects of medications.

So, the fact that your can’t remember, might not be dementia. There are safer drugs and alternative therapies that are effective.

Don’t forget about over the counter drugs!

Common medications such as Benadryl which is commonly used not only for allergies, but as a sleep aid can affect your memory.

Never stop or change any medication regimen without talking with your doctor first. Never add over the counter drugs without talking with your pharmacist first.

How Do You Reinforce Positive Self-Talk by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I speak about self-talk often. How we talk to ourselves is so important. However, today I want to talk with you about how to anchor the positive self discussion into your subconscious mind.

By now, you should have learned that the words, I AM, are the most powerful words that can be spoken. No other words are more powerful. Furthermore, the narrative one should be having with self should be positive affirmations. If you need a review, scroll back through previous articles I have written.

Anchors Away!

Congratulations! Your conversation with self is upbeat and positive. Now what? How do we keep up the momentum?

Each night as you are going to sleep, give thanks for the opportunities you had that day. Remember, it doesn’t matter how small the opportunity is. It’s the little things that add up. You remembered where you put your keys as you were rushing out the door and didn’t have to spend time looking for them. It didn’t rain or maybe it did because rain is needed. A child was in need of help and you were there to help them. See where I’m going with this?

Express joyfulness. What happened today that made you feel joy? Did you live in the moment? Did you step out of the “ruminating” and disconnect from the one thought loop that we all get stuck in at times. For many of us, just waking up in the morning feeling rested is a big step. Notice what’s around you. Really look at your surroundings and experience the joy from being out in nature. Don’t just look around, see what’s around you.

Show gratitude for people and events that happened today. Give gratitude for the difficult moments in your life today. While we all want to have an easy path, it’s the difficult times that helps us grow. No one likes to have challenges, but these moments teach us about how strong we are.

As you start to drift off into slumber, repeat your positive affirmations to yourself. Repeating your positive self-talk durning this state of drifting off, is the perfect time to hook your new attitude into the subconscious. The conscious mind is easy to slip around during this stage. Once you get past the “gatekeeper” and move the conscious mind to the side, it’s so much easier to ground the positive thoughts.


In the morning as you’re waking up, when you are still in the dreamy stage, start the day by giving thanks for the opportunities that will come your way. Before you know it, the subconscious has anchored in the new thought process.

Repetition is the key to changing your life.

What am I grateful for today? I’m grateful that I’m able to help people. It brings me joy to see people come into the center not feeling well, but by the time they leave, they are feeling so much better.

Gratitude ~ Message from Our Board President - Unitarian Universalist ...

What Are You Thinking? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I talk about paying attention to what you think about. However, I will focus on how your thoughts not only affect you, but the effect they have on the world.

How do my thoughts affect anyone else?  Much less the whole world?

We’re interconnected

Science proved we are all connected on an energetic level. This section of science is fascinating. Remember my article on the experiment with hundreds of people meditating at the same time on peace? In that experiment it is proven that thoughts do affect the outcome in communities.

Einstein’s theory of general relativity looks at the cosmic scales and the relationship between gravity, time and space. It predicts continuum to an infinitive point of singularity.

The God Gene is found in each of us. Photos of the God Gene are specular.

The Law of One states, “The first known thing in the creation is infinity. Infinity is a creation.”

Try a simple experiment to see how you thoughts affect someone else. I want you to look at someone who’s not aware that you are there. Now, I want you to think about what you are seeing them do at that moment. Watch and see how long it takes them to turn around and look in your direction. You’ve had that happen to you. You felt someone looking at you and you turned around to see who is looking at you.

Take it a step further

Keep in mind what you already know about the meditation experiment and the experience of feeling someone looking at you.

Therefore, how do we apply what we already know about being interconnected? Furthermore, why should you care?

Because of what we’re being fed by mainstream news media about a nuclear event on the verge of happening, people are fearful. Fear is what the news media focuses on because it attracts more viewers.

Another key point is that fear keeps us bound. As a matter of fact, we are easily manipulated once fear takes over. Thinking is foggy and making a decision becomes more difficult.

So what do we do?

Take control of your emotions. Don’t believe everything you hear on the mainstream news media. In addition, do your own research. We are highly intelligent and by using our own critical thinking one will know the truth in any situation.

Go back to the basics. Pay attention to your thoughts. If everyone is living in fear of what might happen, then the fear is what the collective will project. Also, once we change our thoughts, situations in the world will change. Remember the meditation experiment, crime when down drastically during that two week period.

Change your focus. Basically, if you want to change the world, then you start with changing your perspective. We have no control over “what ifs” or “what might happen”. Stay in the present moment. The present moment is all we have. The Past is just that, past. The Future isn’t here.

Form your own support group of like minded people. As it is noted, when two or more come together in agreement on a topic, change happens.


Certainly, the above advise may seem “simple minded”, but it is in the simplest of thoughts and moments that change is made.

Instead of worrying about the escalating inflation and all the issues that go with it, focus on what you can do. You can consolidate your errands to one trip. Make a plan on what you can do.

Most of all, join with others to focus on changing the outcome of what is going on in the world around us. As we hold each other up in support, the energy begins to change.

After all, as the light becomes brighter, the darkness recedes into nothingness.

So, What Are You Thinking?

Listen to Yourself! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I haven’t written an article on hypnosis in a long time. As I’ve shared with you, I’ve been traveling for the last seven months for Tesla BioHealing. I actually did hypnosis sessions while I was on the road. It seems as though people find me wherever I am. The right people, the right time and the right reason to do hypnosis.

About two weeks before I moved back to my hometown, I started getting request for hypnosis sessions. I find this really interesting since I closed my office and stopped advertising two years ago. There have been more request for hypnosis sessions since I closed my office.

Why do you want hypnosis?

This is the first question I usually ask when someone contacts me. As I have my pre-hypnosis discussion with each individual, I listen closely to what they are saying. You see, if I hear phrases like, “My spouse wants me to stop smoking, chewing tobacco” or … whatever the reason is I decline to do a hypnosis session. Why? Well, if they are only doing hypnosis to get their significant other off their back, it’s not going to work.

It doesn’t work because you’re telling yourself, “I don’t want to quit.” You’re listening to yourself. However, when I hear someone say, “I’m just ready to stop. I don’t like the process I have to go through to support this habit.”

That’s what I heard with the client in today’s session. He’s just tired of the whole process. Think about it. If you smoke or chew, you have to plan when you can make the time to do it. You have to plan to buy the product, then there’s the cost. If you work, there are only designated times you can take your smoke break. If you chew tobacco, you have to make sure you have a container to spit in. Then you have to have a way to dispose of the by-product. Think about what are you going to do with the spit, the tobacco wad, how do you dispose of it. It’s hard to find a way to dispose of the after effect. Do you put all the spit and tobacco wad in the trash? It’s not a good idea to flush it down the toilet.

Listening to when the time is right

Timing is everything! When the time is right, it’s right! I’m going to be speaking to a couple of children next week about hypnosis. One is ten and he’s interested in learning about it. I’m not sure how old his sister is. I love working with children. So, I’m looking forward to talking with them before I do a session for mom. No, she doesn’t want to let them watch the process. She has an issue she wants to work on and the children don’t need to know about it. Therefore, I will do a very short session with them to walk them through the process.

Who knows? Maybe, hypnotist in training.


Remember, I’ve told you before that hypnosis is a good tool to have in your tool bag. So, listen to yourself. When the time is right and you are listening to yourself, find a hypnotist in your area to help you reach your goals.

Unresolved Grief by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I learned long ago, to tell people in my life how I feel about them. Therefore, I tell someone when I appreciate what they do for me. When I feel love for a dear friend, I tell them.

I worked hospice for a few years. As a nurse, my responsibility to my patient is to keep them comfortable and to help them express their true feelings about their impending death. I encouraged each patient to tell their loved ones how much that person means to them. However, it’s not always an easy conversation to tell someone good-bye.

Saying Good-bye

Often times, we don’t have the opportunity to tell our loved one good-bye. Death comes suddenly and things are left unsaid. When this happens, we have unresolved grief. The, “I wish I had said”, “I wish I had done”, “What if they didn’t know” is a strain on the one left behind. The toll affects the survivor’s health.

These thoughts keep coming to the forefront of your mind. In other words, the regret is never resolved. It’s hard to move forward in life. You are stuck and can’t get out of this loop.

Recently, I did hypnosis on a very sweet woman for unresolved grief. In addition, her life is in turmoil. She is having problems remembering things that she needs to do her job successfully. Similarly, she’s having problems navigating through day to day living.

Hypnosis for grief

During this session, I learned her intuition told her to go home. She did go home following this strong feeling she had. Walking into her apartment, she heard the shower running. She went to the bathroom finding her spouse of twenty-three years laying on the floor. Her first reaction was he had felt faint and laid down on the floor. However, she soon realized that he was gone.

Most importantly, the main issue is that they had been having problems in the relationship. However, they decided that they would work through any issues hindering them from having a supportive union.

Her significant other has been dead for three years now. She is not able to get past the consistent grief. Above all, she has no joy in life. Her life is held hostage from this depression.

As she sat down, this lovely woman told me, “You are my last hope. I’ve tried everything to work through this pain.”

The sadness and pain in her eyes told me she is not able to enjoy life. In the pre-hypnosis interview I gathered the information I need to formulate a plan to help her out of this loop of pain.

How hypnosis helped her resolve grief

This woman is easily regressed into a deep state of relaxation. I use regression techniques to put her back into the moment she realized he was gone. I find regression is a valuable tool to use in many different situations.

Durning the session, she is able to tell her loved one the things she wished she had been able to say. As she talked to her spouse, I see the strained look leaving her face. I see her smile as she listens to what he is telling her.

When the session is over, she tells me that she finally feels that the healing process can start. In addition, this sweet woman is a Reiki practitioner. She now feels that she can use her skills to help in her own healing process.


Hypnosis is a valuable tool to use when you can’t move forward. If you are not able to move ahead in life after losing a loved one, then you may want to consider hypnosis. I receive referrals from mental health therapist when they have a client who is stuck and not able to move forward in their sessions.

Hypnosis is used along with other modalities in the health care field. I see miracles often when clients come in for a session. The pain is no longer an issue. They have a new lease on life. This is rewarding for me to see the change in my clients after a hypnosis session.

Life is not about how many breathes we take. It’s about the moments that take our breath away. The moments of awesome love and joy.

If you want to experience hypnosis contact The National Guild of Hypnotist at https://ngh.net for the name of a hypnotist near you.

Anxiety is Learned by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D

People think anxiety is hereditary. It’s not. Anxiety is learned. But, my mother or father have anxiety and I inherited from them! No, you learned it from them.


Anxiety is defined as: a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

However, I hear you say, “Science says anxiety is genetic.” Let’s look at the facts.

In addition, to my theory that anxiety is learned, science admits they are not 100% sure what causes the disorder. We know worry is a feeling and not a mental illness. Apprehension is caused by the way we learn to live in unhealthy ways. Learned fear makes us react more fearful and stressful in certain situations.

Genes are turned on and off by the way we behave and react to our environment. Therefore, our destiny is not carved in stone. It’s true our behavior greatly influences what our genes do in certain situations, but our genes do not control our feelings.

Yes, studies show the risk of anxiety tends to run in families. But, the role of genetic influence versus the influence of the family environment remains unclear.

Which came first? The egg or the chicken?

Having said this, the same is said with anxiety. We know the brain is rewired and new circuit pathways are forged when new information is being learned. In addition, to the new electrical pathways being built, our genes react to daily stressors.

Each system of the body is connected to the other. Therefore, when one system becomes out of balance, the rest of the body is out of balance. We are a well oiled living machine. One system joined to the other and all working in tandem.

Hypnosis and Anxiety

I do hypnosis on individuals struggling with fear. I educate my clients on the background of apprehension. During the interview with my client, we talk about the concerns they have and when the fears began.

My client is regressed back to the root cause of their struggle with being anxious. More times than not, the root cause is not when or even what they think caused the uneasy feelings.

Often times, my clients are surprised to learn what actually triggered the edginess in their life. The main theme I see with my customers is lack of self-esteem. Low self-esteem and not being confident in one’s abilities to navigate through life is a recurring theme.

I’m sneaky, as are all hypnotist. However, I know how to sneak around the gatekeeper of the mind. The mind does not like change. It will do everything in its power to stay in the rut it creates.

Through hypnosis, I give the client the tools they need to break free of worry. Now with the new found skills, they are therefore able to move forward with confidence. Hence, there is a newfound freedom.

In conclusion

My reward in working with clients is seeing the freedom they have acquired after a hypnosis session. Clients come to the session stressed and anxious. I see them leave relaxed and confident.

There is no better reward for me than to see a client leave after a session with a smile on their face.

Hypnosis is a safe tool for you to use in gaining the freedom you need to live a healthier life. Many of my clients work in the medical field. Once these clients have experienced hypnosis, they refer patients to me. Hypnosis is a good tool to use along with mental health counseling. Counselors refer their patients to me when there is an impasse in counseling sessions.

Give yourself permission to use hypnosis as a tool for good mental and physical health.

For more information on anxiety and other emotional issues order my book Guilty Prayers. See the section on announcements for details on the book. You can order it from Amazon, Kindle, or any book distributor.

Output the Input by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The year 2020 is a difficult year. Some may say that it’s been traumatic. In other words, 2020 is dumping a lot of input into our brains! Doubt, anxiety, uncertainty, and instability into ones belief system, you’ve been kicked to the curb! Turned upside down and shaken like a stuffed toy in a dogs mouth!

What do you mean by input?

Global events are just that! Global! The whole world is dealing with the same life changing event, COVID-19. This article is not another story about the virus, rather, it’s about what the virus is doing to the peoples of the Earth.

Our brain is like a dry sponge. It soaks up information and we’re not aware that this is happening. At least not until physical symptoms began to emerge. Be careful of what you expose yourself too. Protect your mind from the hysteria that is currently being circulated by the mainstream news media. Remember, they are more interested in the number of viewers and ratings than in reporting the truth. (That’s another story for another time.) Back to the topic, input.

How the brain uses information

Stage 1: Input

The brain is exposed to a stimuli, the information is then analyzed and evaluated. For example, you are exposed to new information, at that time you determine whether it’s worth remembering. However, the brain is sometimes stimulated to information that the subconscious decides to hold on to. You’re not even aware how powerful this seemingly insignificant piece of information was on your thought process.

Stage 2: Storage

Our brain stores the information for later use. Next, the data is added to our mental framework and is processed for storage. If the information is not reinforced, the brain may simply forget it over time. However, with the constant exposure to the pandemic, the information is reinforced over and over again.

Stage 3: Output

Your brain decides what it’s going to do with the information. Then it determines how it will react to the stimulus. For example, after listening to the latest update on the virus, you decide how you will use the information.

How to output the input

Pay attention to what you’re thinking! You’ve seen my articles on this topic. You become what you think about!

Do you know that sleep can help you throw out the trash from your mind? You know those nights when you can’t fall asleep? This is an example of your mind being filled to over capacity.

Your brain washes itself when you sleep. Your brain cells begin to shrink by up to 60% during sleep. This process is to clear out space so your glial cells can remove the waste and clean the synapses. (Glial – the connective tissue of the nervous system, consisting of several different types of cells associated with neurons.)

Therefore, you actually have some control over what your brain decides to delete while you sleep. The synaptic connections you don’t use are the ones that get slated for deleting. The ones you do use are the ones that are stored. So, pay attention to what you’re thinking!

Help is here

Stress causes physical symptoms. You know the signs. If not, I’ve written articles on stress you can read. If, you find that you’re having difficulty in releasing unwanted thoughts, seek out help.

Just let it go, is not helpful to hear. In other words, take action! A fast and reliable action to take is hypnosis. Some people find hypnosis scary and don’t want to try it. What are other options?

Talk therapy is helpful for most people. This is usually short-term and the results can be quite good.

Find a support group. During this time of quarantine, it may be difficult. Online support groups can be found. Skype and zoom are being used more now than in the past in the mental health arena.

Take a second look at hypnosis

Why are you reluctant to try hypnosis? Is it because you really don’t understand how it works? You are an active participant in the process. Really, you are. You are aware of what’s going on throughout the entire session.

Being in a relaxed state is great! It’s through being relaxed that the work is done. I can’t make a client do something that they normally wouldn’t do. Certainly, you will not tell a deep dark secret, unless you want to. The control is yours at all times.

I work with my clients through this relaxed state. The back door to the subconscious is used.  Sneaky I know! But, it’s very effective. During this relaxed state of being, you are able to remember things that are the root cause to your current issues.

Anyone who wants to be hypnotized can be. Hypnosis with a skilled hypnotist is very effective. You are released from the stressors in your life. In other words, you have an insight in a short time. With this insight, you resolve the stressors causing you discomfort.

Choosing a skilled hypnotist

Look online for hypnotist in your area. Interview the hypnotist before you make an appointment. You feel at ease when talking with this person. You make a connection with them. It’s then you know you’ve found the skilled professional to work with on your issues.

If there are no listings for hypnotist in your area, you can contact the National Guild of Hypnotist for help in locating a professional.

National Guild of Hypnotists · Phone
3 Lesa Dr, Merrimack, NH 03054
(603) 429-9438
Tips to remember
  1. A professional hypnotist will take the time to talk with you before you schedule an appointment.
  2. If the hypnotist wants to schedule a session on the phone, run! Hypnosis sessions on the phone are not ethical, especially if you have never been hypnotized.
  3. Listen to your “gut” about the hypnotist you’re interviewing. Sometimes people just don’t connect. That doesn’t mean that there’s a problem with the professional. It just means that you need to continue to look for a professional you feel comfortable with.
  4. Realize that you may have to travel to see a hypnotist. I’ve had clients come from out of state to see me.
  5. Be prepared for one of the most rewarding experiences you will have. Your first session will be an eye-opener for you!
In conclusion

Now is the time to dump the input that 2020 has loaded into your brain. Start 2021 in a better state of mind. Remember, output the input that’s not needed!

The Mind is a Powerful Thing! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Henry knew from an early age that he would die at the age of 50. However, there were no indications that Henry would die at an early age. Henry has perfect health from birth never being sick a day in his life. He was physically strong and looked like a weight builder. Henry is blessed with intelligence and has a prestigious job. Henry’s doctor could not convince him that there is a reason to believe he would die young.

Knowing he would die at the age of 50, restricted Henry in living a full life. Yes, he has an abundance of friends, but Henry never married. He opted out of living life to the fullest because of his belief in his life expectancy. Because of this, Henry was a lonely man. He longed for a wife and children, but he didn’t want to put a family through the grief of loosing a husband and father.

When Henry turned 49 years old, his attention turned to what he wanted to experience the last year of his life. Despite his doctor’s efforts in trying to convince him of his excellent, Henry began to plan for his funeral.

Henry turned 50.

Ending #1

The night before Henry’s 50th birthday, he wrote out his instructions on how he wanted his funeral to be conducted. Henry then joined his friends for a big celebration. Everyone enjoyed the evening. Laughter, good food, friends singing… the evening is the best evening Henry has ever had.

The next morning Henry is found dead. It’s his 50th birthday.

The thoughts you dwell on are your reality. Henry willed himself to death with his belief that he would die at 50.

Ending #2

The night before Henry’s 50th birthday, he wrote out his instructions on how he wanted his funeral to be conducted. Henry then joined his friends for a big celebration. Everyone enjoyed the evening. Laughter, good food, friends singing… the evening is the best evening Henry has ever had.

The sun rose the next morning and to Henry’s surprise, he woke up on his 50th birthday! Henry live for another six months before he died.

Beware of what you think!

In my hypnosis practice, I see clients whose thoughts have manifested in their lives. The thoughts you dwell on are the ones you see directing the outcomes in your existence. Many of my clients have set themselves up for failure by the beliefs they hold on to. These ideas are not based on facts, but on internal perceptions that have no foundation.

Beware of what you wish for is a warning for us to pay attention to what we contemplate. What are your thoughts focused on? Do you realized how powerful your mind is?

Change your thoughts, change your life!

Now Is The Time To Heal! by Janet Westley, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a theme I’m seeing a lot in my hypnosis practice. PTSD is not just seen with our military, police officers, or first responders and medical staff. Trauma is seen throughout society.

PTSD in Society

Children suffer from PTSD brought on by circumstances in the family, bullying by peers, fear brought on by feelings of lack of support and low self-esteem.  It’s heart breaking to see these little ones dealing with such a heavy burden.

Women suffer from PTSD more often than is realized. Even with all the advances women have made in gaining rights and being recognized, there’s still room for improvement. I have clients I’m seeing for abduction and being held hostage and raped to one woman discovering she is being poisoned by her husband.

In reality, traumatic events are seen in every aspect of society.

Hypnosis as a tool for recovery

As I said earlier, I’m seeing more women coming to my hypnosis practice with PTSD. Often times, it’s disguised as depression or low self-esteem. Once my client is in a relaxed state of focused attention, they are able to get in touch with the root cause of their depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and insomnia.

I had a woman who had been in treatment for depression for over 20 years book an appointment with me for hypnosis in hopes of getting relief. She has been suicidal at times throughout her life and had even attempted suicide once in her twenties. On my insistence, the mental health care provider was aware of her hypnosis session with me.

(Note, I don’t routinely conduct a hypnosis session on an individual who is suicidal. Their health care provider must be aware of this session. Hypnosis does help with suicidal thoughts and is safe. However, I insist that the health care provider be aware of what’s going on. I also insist that the client stay on their current medications and keep their scheduled appointments with their mental health provider. The mental health provider is the one who will make any adjustments in the medication protocol.)

I regressed this lovely woman back to the time when her depression started. She regressed back to a time in her life when a thoughtless statement was made by her father. He told her that she just needed to make sure she wore a tight sweater to get ahead in life.

This revelation, is the release she needed to move forward in life. Now that the  root cause is determined, she has made progress with her psychiatrist.

Current Client Needs

Currently, I am seeing negative “self-talk” as being a contributor to people not being able to move froward. Through hypnosis, I address the negative self-talk. Post hypnosis, we talk about the negative self-talk and showing compassion to one’s self.

I am blessed to literally see a difference in my clients as they leave my office. Hypnosis is a viable tool to help people identify the blocks in their lives. Hypnotic therapy is a major tool to be used in mental and emotional health. While hypnosis is an important tool in helping people over come addictions such as smoking and drug abuse, it’s vital for mental health as well.


Hypnosis is a powerful tool! Through hypnosis, you are able to break free of the bondage that is holding you back.

Things to Note

Look for a hypnotist who is certified in hypnosis. Learning hypnosis is not a two hour workshop. To be certified in hypnosis, one has to have 100 hours training under a certified instructor in hypnotic techniques. Then, you have to pass a written exam as well as demonstrate your skills before certification is grated. I received my certificate through an instructor certified by the National Guild of Hypnotist. I have been doing hypnosis since 2006.

Next, if someone tells you they can do hypnosis over the phone or Skype, RUN! To do hypnosis correctly, one has to be in the same room with the hypnotist. There is certain testing I do with my clients to see how deeply in trance they are. You can’t do the proper testing over the phone! Also, one has to be present during emotional moments in a session.

Hypnosis is hard work for the client at times. Emotions can run high as the client sees the truth behind the trauma. While working through the trauma is hard work, the rewards are abundant!

I receive referrals from mental health care providers as well as primary care physicians. I have worked in the health care field as a nurse for many years. My Ph.D. in Natural Health is also a benefit for my clients.

Other resources

My book, Guilty Prayers by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D. addresses several mental health issues. The book has stories from real people and tells what happens when emotional issues such as anger get out of control. You are given tools to help you work through these emotions.

Guilty Prayers by Janet Lynas can be purchased though Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, or any book retail store.