

When people think of hypnosis, they think about people being on stage clucking like a chicken or barking like a dog.  While stage hypnosis may be fun to watch, there is a very serious and practical side to hypnosis.

Unlike what Hollywood would like for you to believe, when one is hypnotized you can not be made to do something that you would not normally do.  No, you can not be hypnotized and given a suggestion to kill someone, not unless that is your profession as a “hit person” and I sincerely hope that if it is, you do not come to me for hypnosis.  You can not be enticed to tell a deep, dark secret when induced, not unless you want to tell the secret.  You can not be given a suggestion under hypnosis that would go against your nature, religious beliefs or moral standards.  And speaking of religion, hypnosis is endorsed by many religious leaders.  I know of one religious leader who is also a professional hypnotist.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnotic techniques intended to move a client toward health and wholeness. Hypnosis is also used to help you reach goals when nothing else has helped.

Is hypnosis safe? Yes, hypnosis is safe.  It is very similar to a daydream.  Usually you will feel very relaxed when doing hypnosis.  Scientists, medical professionals, psychologist, psychiatrist and hypnotherapist have been using hypnosis for over 200 years and no one has ever been harmed by simply going into hypnosis.

My therapeutic hypnosis training was intense, it was 10 hours a day for two weeks.  I had 100 hours of practice under my belt when I receive my certification.  I received advanced training in regression hypnosis a couple of years later.  These classes were 12 hours a day for a week, so, I had 60 hours of practice when I received certification for regression therapy.  I plan to receive advanced training in medical hypnosis later this year.  So, in future posts, I will talk about the long list of areas where hypnosis can help.  I will tell you about my experience with children and hypnosis.

By the way, do you know how the stage hypnotist picks who comes on stage?  It’s the person in the audience waving their arms saying, “Pick me, pick me!”


Spirituality is defined; as of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.   Is there a connection between the mind and the spirit?  Can one affect the other?  Can you see the spirit?

Most of us seek to know God, but do we seek to be known by God?  There is a difference.  We can know a good deal about God without having much knowledge of God.  We become intrenched in the theology of our religion, we can quote Bible verse, we know the history of our religion, and we can talk our way through any discussion on God, but is that really knowing God?

How do we know God?  The first step in knowing God is to realize the deception in our relationship with God.  The lie that has been told for eons, the lie of separation.  We are taught that we are separate from God, that He is out there in the universe or heaven.  We are taught that He is a separate being from us who sits in judgement of each deed we do and each thought we have.  But what happens when the veil of deception is removed?  We learn that we are not separate from God, but that we are of God.  We are told that we are made in the image of God and if this is true, then how can we be separated from God?

Lots of questions right?  We will see in this section how the mind/body and spirit are tied together and how one affects the other.  If one is out of balance, how it affects the other parts.

Science has conducted research through the years to find tangible proof of the spirit.  People have been weighed just before their death and then afterwards.  The results revealed that the body did indeed weigh less after death than just before death.  Not real proof that there is a spirit.  The most convincing evidence of the spirit is the reports from people who have had near death experiences and who were brought back from the dead.  Yes, man can bring one back from the dead.  Modern science has given mankind the ability to do just that.

I have been a nurse for many years and I have been with many people through the years as they died.  I was nineteen when I saw my first death and couldn’t understand what I had just seen.  You see, I saw the spirit leave the body of my patient.  I have seen the spirit leave the body on many occasions and I have often wonder about what I witnessed each time.  At one point, I was a hospice nurse for three years and I enjoyed the privilege of comforting patients and their families and helping them through this transition in life.  I have learned a lot from my patients through the years.

So, what are your thoughts on what the spirit is?


“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessing.”       -Hippocrates

Socrates once said, “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”

Is it that simple?  Nature intended for us to fuel our bodies with the right nutritional substances in order for the body to function at its fullest potential.  Somewhere along the way, we lost this knowledge.  We buy processed foods that are made to pop into the oven and are ready to eat in a short time.  Our foods are filled with additives to give it a long shelf-life.  Have you noticed that birds will no longer eat the bread that is thrown out in the yard for them?  Wonder why?

The definition of nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.  The definition of diet is the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.  Interesting how the two definitions tie together and yet we have somehow wandered off the path in understanding nutrition.

We easily fall into the latest celebrity diet and wonder why the results are not lasting or why they make us feel tired and lethargic.  We become irritable and wonder what’s wrong with us when we are not able to achieve the results that the endorsers of the diet have achieved.

The term, going on a diet sets us up for failure because “going on” is an indication that we will “come off” of the diet.  We restrict ourselves to eating only certain foods and restricting calories.  Our intake of vitamins, protein, minerals, and electrolytes are out of balance on these diets.  We feel dis-ease while on these diets which can lead to disease.

Is there really a mind/body connection?  Can the mind sabotage how we think and react to food?  Can proper nutrition cure diseases?

Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurveda is not only a science, but religion and philosophy.  The word religion is used to note the beliefs and disciplines toward a state of being in which openings of perception to all areas of life may enter.

Ayurveda is based on the Samkhya philosophy of creation.  Samkhya means “truth” and “to know”.  I ask that you open your mind and heart toward the philosophy of Samkhya because it is intimately connected to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is the science of daily living based on this system of knowledge that evolved from the practical, philosophical and religious illumination that is rooted in the understanding of the creation.

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that is widely practiced in India.  The word Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term meaning “science of life”.  Ayurveda was first recorded in the Vedas, which is the world’s oldest literature dating back more than 5,000 years.

Ayurveda teaches that man is a microcosm and he is a universe within himself. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, each individual has four biological and spiritual instincts: religious, financial,  procreative and the instinct toward freedom.  It is a medical-metaphysical healing life-science and the mother of all healing practices.  Ayurveda is designed to promote happiness, health, the knowledge of self-healing,  and creative growth.

See where I’m going with this – Mind/Body Connection approach to health and wellness?  I will tie each category together with each posting.

So, this is a very short introduction to Ayurveda medicine.  Remember, the saying, “And the truth shall set you free”?  This is the first step in that direction.

Do you think that Western “Allopathy” medicine is the only approach to health and wellness?

Mind/Body Connection

Welcome to my blog on Mind/Body Connection.  I have been a health care provider for eons and I have seen many changes in the medical field.  Some changes are for the better, while others are not.

As a health care provider, I began to look for alternatives to wellness  when conventional medicine seemed to miss the mark.  Through the years my education evolved.  I started out my career as a LPN, then received an Associate in Science in Nursing or RN, the RN evolved into a B.S.N., and before I knew it I was earning a Master’s in Health Care Administration while simultaneously earning a Ph.D. in Natural Health.  Along the way I received certification in Therapeutic Hypnosis and advanced training in Regression Hypnosis.  So, what did I learn from all these degrees and training?  That I didn’t know much and that one must continue learning and moving forward or you become stagnant.

In this blog, there are sections on hypnosis, Natural Health and nutrition.  So, you can take a look at the section you are interested in or hopefully all categories. I hope you find some interesting tools to use in your life, mostly I hope you have some fun with this blog.

So, let’s get started!  What is hypnosis and what can it do for me?

Hypnosis is the state of heightened suggestibility.  You will experience a state of focused consciousness.  You will be able to do this with the help of your hypnotherapist.  Your hypnotherapist will assist you in learning how to achieve this state by guiding you into it by using hypnotic induction.

Do you think you are unconscious during hypnosis?