
Healing Abuse Through Hypnosis by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Abuse comes in many different forms.  There is physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, and spiritual abuse.  Abuse makes one feel worthless and not lovable.  Abuse can lead to suicide or death in the worse case scenarios.  It can cause lifelong issues for the person who was abused.

The effects of verbal abuse include, fear, anxiety, depression, stress and PTSD. Intrusive memories, memory gap disorders present themselves, along with sleep or eating problems, hyper-vigilance and exaggerated responses.  The startle responses, irritability, anger issues, alcohol and drug abuse become a serious problem for some people.  In severe cases, suicide, self-mutilation and assaultive behaviors take on a life of their own.

This past weekend it was my pleasure to assist a very beautiful soul to resolve the trauma of childhood abuses.

My client was abused in several different ways as a child.  As a result, she felt that she was worthless and was heavily burdened with self-esteem issues.

After the intake information was obtained and an explanation of the process on hypnosis was completed, we started.

I routinely prefer to use regression hypnosis on my clients.  Unless the root cause is identified and resolved it makes the process of healing harder to accomplish.

My client regressed back to the age of five where she relived a particularly traumatic event of verbal abuse.   This was the first time that she felt that she was “bad” and not worthwhile as a child.  She couldn’t understand why she was “bad”.  The adult she is now talked with her child-self.  The child did not believe the adult that she was lovable.  I asked my client to ask the child why she did not believe the adult.  “Because I don’t believe me” was the reply by the adult.

On occasion, I have to help the client dig a little deeper to reassure the child within that they survived the trauma.

I transitioned my client to her place of “safety”.  Her chosen environment was a valley. We explored what this valley looked like, the sounds she heard and the smells that she smelled.  At this point, we brought in the abuser.  Feeling safe in her environment, my client found her voice and had the long awaited conversation  with her abuser.  She was finally able to say what she needed to say to her nemesis.

Once the conversation was completed, butterflies were introduced into the valley.  Each butterfly identified an emotional trauma.  This beautiful lady examined each butterfly individually.  As each butterfly was examined, it was released along with it the trauma that was attached to that butterfly.

Since the trauma had been released, there was a need to fill the empty space with healing light.  I had this gentle soul connect with her creator and feel the love and protection filling her up on the inside and surrounding her on the outside.

I guide each client intuitively based on the intake interview and on what I see emerging during the hypnosis session.  With this client, we brought in her guardian angel to talk with her.  The connection was made in an instant since she already knew her angel.

The session was brought to a close with positive affirmations.  I had her repeat affirmations that her creator renewed her life.  In the post hypnosis review, she reported that she felt lighter, like the burden that was floating just to the left of her head had faded and was gone.

It is amazing to me to see the healing taking place before me with each client.  Once an individual is given the right tools to use, they are able to emerge from the shadows of abuse.  They are able to step into the light and become who they were intended to be all along.  A beautiful, strong, loving soul.

Resolution and Forgiveness by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

Resolution and forgiveness may not seem possible at times, but for emotional, mental and physical health it is a necessity.  Can hypnosis help you to acquire the resolution with a past situation that has held you hostage?  Can you achieve a state of forgiveness to the person who hurt you even though they are no longer alive or involved in your life?

The answer is yes, both resolution and forgiveness can be accomplished through hypnosis.  Over this last weekend I had two clients who were able to do just that in both cases.

The first client needed to resolve feelings of being abandoned by her father.  For various reasons her father had to leave the family, causing my client to feel he had rejected her and abandoned her.  This lovely client had had the opportunity to talk with her father while he was still living about her feelings. However, she still could not move past feeling abandoned.  Through hypnosis she was regressed back to the age of five when she first felt abandoned.  As a hypnotist I have learned through advanced training how beneficial this process is.  I actually use this process more often than not.  During the process, my adult client listened to her five year old self talk to her adult self about how she felt.  The feelings of the five year old were then validated and the child felt like her voice had been heard.

The second step, was getting my client into a deeper state of relaxation so she could have a conversation with her father.  We created a safe environment in her imagination for her to have this conversation with her father.  My client told her father how she felt and how the experience had affected her throughout her life.  Next, she listened as her father talked to her about how sorry he was that she had felt abandoned and that he had loved her very much.

The third step, was to forgive once resolution was completed.  My client was able to forgive her father and in the process she felt compassion for him.  She was able to see his vulnerability as a man and was able to not only feel compassion for him, but to forgive him.

While still in the heightened state of relaxed focus, my client saw a ballon in her imagination.  We attached a basket to the ballon and filled the basket with all the hurt feelings that went along with her feelings of being deserted.  These  thoughts no longer served her and needed to be released.  She released the ballon with the basket attached and as the ballon floated out of sight, she felt the weight of her grief being lifted from her.

The last step was to fill the emptied space with new emotions of self love, gratitude, joy, self worth, and unconditional love.

As, I brought her out of hypnosis I gave her post hypnotic suggestions so she would know that her session was successful.  After hypnosis, I listened as my client told me about her experience.   She felt resolution, forgiveness and compassion for her father.  My client told me how much lighter she now feels since her session.  This lovely woman felt the empty space was filled with the emotions of love, joy, gratitude and self worth.  She felt such relief in knowing that her father had loved her.  Even though he had told her, before he died that he had always loved her, she had still felt discarded.  Hypnosis helped her move past the feeling of being unloved.  This woman walked out of the office on Saturday with a feeling of being loved and with a great burden lifted from her shoulders.

The China Study Part 4 by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

The China Study is the most extensive research study done.  In the early 1970s, the premier of China, Chou EnLai, was dying from cancer. Premier Chou initiated a national study to be done about cancer.  This survey was the most ambitious undertaking.  This survey involved 880 million (96%) of the population at the time.  There were 650,000 workers involved in the project.

The end result was a color-coded atlas showing where certain types of cancer were prevalent and the regions with little cancer.  This atlas made clear the localized geographic areas and variations of cancer rates.  Interestingly, this atlas showed that the areas with the highest cancer rate was occurring in the population where 87% of the people were of the same ethnic group, the Han people.  This study brought up some interesting questions:

  • Why was cancer higher in some regions and not others?
  • Why were the differences so incredibly large?
  • Why was overall cancer, in the aggregate, less common in China than in the U.S.?

A world-class team of scientists was assembled.  A decision was made to make the study as comprehensive as possible.  When they were done they had more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between lifestyle, diet and disease variables.

This was a perfect opportunity to test the principles that were discovered in the animal experiments.

Diet was one critical aspect to be reviewed.  The diet of the China Study was of most importance because it provided a rare opportunity to study health-related effects of a mostly plant-based diet. The findings were standardized for a body weight of 143 pounds.  Other standardizations included: calories intake, fat % of calories, dietary fiber of g/day, total protein g/day, animal protein % of calories, and total iron mg/day.

In every category, there was a massive difference seen between the Chinese and American diet.  The Chinese have a much higher overall calorie intake, less fat, less protein, mostly from eating less animal products, more fiber, and much more iron consumed.

In the next posting we will take a closer look at the dietary findings in the China Study.

Notation:  As a nurse who has worked in the home health sector in the past, I have worked in areas of Arkansas where the cancer rate was high in certain regional areas.  In one county, the cancer rate was so high that the Health Department helped us investigate possible causes.  In that case, the area was high in radon in the soil.

You Never Know What Will Emerge by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.


You never know what will emerge in a hypnosis session.  I recently had a client who had asked for help with attention issues.  This client wanted to have better focus on task that she really didn’t want to do.  As, a result she will often procrastinate and have difficulty in starting the task and in completing it.

Just as my client was transitioning into a state of relaxation and moving into the process to improve her focus, a flood of emotions began to surface.  Remember, in a hypnotic state one will not divulge any secrets that they do not want revealed.

I have learned through the years in working with clients that there are times when other issues need to be addressed before I can tackle the challenge that the client originally came to me for.  I do a complete intake talk with each client before each hypnosis session, so it is extremely rare for me to be surprised when a client does go in a different direction.

When a client does take a  path different than the one they intended to take, I have learned that this is the time to get to the ‘root cause’ of the client’s issues.

How do you get to the ‘root cause’?  Regression hypnosis is the perfect tool to help the client achieve their goals. What is regression hypnosis?  How does regression hypnosis work?

The mind will do anything, I repeat anything, to protect us from intaking information it determines will be detrimental to us.  The mind will filter out these traumatic memories whenever possible.  It can bury the information so deep that we don’t remember it.

Regression is defined as the act of going back to a previous place or state; return or reversion.  Hypnotherapy can be an effective method for coping with stress and anxiety.  In particular, hypnosis can reduce stress and anxiety by providing a safe environment for the client to recall the first time a troubling event occurred.

So, regression hypnosis therapy is taking the client back to the first time they experienced an event blocking them from moving forward in life.

I have found regression hypnosis to be a valuable tool in most of my sessions with clients.  It really doesn’t matter what the client is coming to see me for.  If a client wants help in losing weight, I take them back to the first time that food became a challenge.  Most often the first moment the client regresses back to is not the circumstances they thought it was.  If a client has anger issues, we go back to the moment that anger reared its ugly head and decided to stay in the forefront of emotions.

I encourage anyone who is trying to work through an issue in their life to consider regression therapy if you are not making progress with your current program.

Regression therapy is a valuable tool for PTSD and other traumatic events.  It provides a safe environment for the client to face these issues and to heal from the first moment to the present.

I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Part 9 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Are you honest with yourself about what your heart’s truest desires are?  Do you know what your desires really are?

Glenn Clark in his book, I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, talks about if we are being true to our own nature.  When we ask Divine Spirit for a desire, are we asking Him for that which is true to our own nature?  Do we really want what we ask for?  Sometimes we ask for something without really thinking through our request.  Are you willing to do your part in manifesting this heart’s desire?

We have to be aware of the things we ask for.  We have to make sure that our request is an honest request, that it is true to our nature.  Once you are positively certain that what you have asked for is really what you want, then you can confidently make your petition known to God.  With prayer, more than half the job is done when we are confident that we truly and honestly desire what we have asked for.

The soul’s sincere desires are prophecies of what we truly should have, or should be, or should possess.  We have to be true to our own honest desires.  If we ask ourselves one question, “is it honest?” and if it is honest and true to our nature, we the have the right to pray for it. Pages 58-60

Most of us are not honest with ourselves about what is best for us and  certainly have no idea about what we truly want.  In today’s society, it’s a hurry up and wait situation.  We have our noses stuck in our cell phones checking our email or social media or in someone else’s business.  We are on overload and overwhelmed with all the information that is thrown at us on a daily bases and at times on a minute to minute bases.

BE STILL!!! LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR HEART IS TELLING YOU!!!  We will not know what our honest desire is until we are still and listen to what Spirit Most High is whispering into our heart.


Father, what is honest?  How can we be true to ourselves?  How do we know what is our heart’s truest desire?  God, rip down the veil of confusion and let your light of illumination shine through making clear to us what we need to know.  Let your light of truth filter into every dark corner clearing out all doubt.  Help us to become as hind’s feet and to know the honest truth in all things.  Thank you for your love.  Amen.


What is Your Vitamin & Mineral IQ? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book written by Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., CNS, FACN and Nancy Bruning is an interesting read.  They start their book out with a quiz on vitamins and minerals so you will have a base of your own knowledge on the subject.  I want to post their quiz so you can take it and see how much you do know.

  1. If I eat well, I can get all the nutrients I need from food.                                 A. True                     B. False                                                                                                                                               

2  Vitamin E has been shown to:                                                                                         A. Improve your sex life         B. Help prevent cancer                                          C. Prevent baldness                D. None of the above

3  Enriched white bread is just as nutritious as whole wheat bread.       A. True           B. False

4  Which drug(s) increase your need for certain vitamins and/or minerals?                                                                                                                               A. Antibiotics        B. Aspirin    C. Birth control pills    D. All of the above

5  Who generally requires a higher intake of vitamins and minerals?

A. Senior citizens       B. Body builders     C. Marathon runners                    D. All of the above

6  Which mineral(s) has been shown to protect against many forms of cancer?

A. Calcium     B. Magnesium   C. Selenium  D. None of the above

7  As long as you take supplements, you can eat whatever you want.

A. True                B. False

8   Vitamin C has been shown to ________________________ colds.

A. Cure      B. Prevent    C. Shorten the duration of       D. All of the above

9  Which nutrient(s) may be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease?

A. Calcium    B. Vitamin E    C. Niacin   D. All of the above

10  The more supplements you take, the better.

A. True                    B. False




  1. B. This may have been true for early humans, who lived physical active lives, ate wild, fresh whole foods, and breathed clean air.  Today, we eat relatively few nutrient-dense fruits, nuts, and vegetables.  We are under physical and psychological stresses our ancestors never dreamed of, paradoxically raising our need for many nutrients.  Our food has less nutrients because it is raises using synthetic chemicals, then stored and processed at a later date.
  2. B.  Many studies show that vitamin E helps protect us against the harmful effects of a variety of carcinogens and toxins.
  3. B. The flour used to make white bread has been stripped of over 20 nutrients.  Whole wheat and whole grain breads are higher in nutrients.
  4. D.  Many drugs interact with nutrients in the body.  Antibiotics have been shown to interfere with vitamins B, C, K, and calcium.  However, vitamin C can destroy the action of the antibiotic so do not take vitamin C if you are taking an antibiotic.  Birth control pills deplete the body of B6, folic acid, and vitamin C.  Aspirin over a long period of time may deplete the body of vitamin C and folic acid.
  5. D. People who participate in heavy exercise programs will need to increase carbohydrates and thiamin.  The elderly have reduced absorption and at times poor eating habits and are at greater need of calcium, vitamins B6, B12, E, and D; folic acid; and zinc.
  6. C. Cancer rates are higher for people who live in areas where the soil is lower in selenium.  There is evidence that calcium may help protect against colon cancer.
  7. B.  Supplements should be taken in addition to a healthy diet.  Supplements are not intended to overcome a diet that is too high in fat, sugar and low in fiber.
  8. C.  Vitamin C has been shown to  shorten the duration of colds and lessen the severity of the symptoms.  Vitamin C is necessary to support the immune system, but has never been proven to prevent or cure the common cold.
  9. D.  Studies have shown that a higher calcium intake will lower blood pressure.  Vitamin E may reduce cholesterol in the blood and increase HDL or the “good cholesterol”.  It may be effective in prevent platelets from clogging the arteries.  Niacin is effective in helping with these conditions as well.
  10. B.  There is an optimum amount of each nutrient and taking more than the recommended amount is of no benefit.


  • 7-10 Correct: Excellent
  • 4-6 Correct: Average
  • 0-3 Correct: poor

Future postings will look at vitamins and minerals and how they benefit the body.

The China Study Part 3 by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

Cancer is one of the most frightening words in the English language.  How do we go about turning off cancer?

Through the years many chemicals have been identified as causing cancer.

  • Aflatoxin the fungal toxin we talked about in the last posting found on moldy peanuts and corn
  • Dioxin from Agent Orange
  • Many artificial sweeteners including cyclamates and saccharin
  • Nitrites a meat preservative found in hot dogs and bacon
  • DDT
  • Aminotriazole a herbicide used on cranberry crops in 1959
  • More recently the product Round Up for killing weeds.

So, what is our best defense?  Read labels and educate yourself on the chemicals in your food.  Some of these chemicals may take years to show up in the body, while others rear their ugly heads early after consumption.

T. Colin Campbell tells us that the three stages of cancer are: initiation, promotion and progression.  Think of it this way, initiation is similar to planting a seed in the soil, promotion is the stage when the seed starts to grow, and progression is when the roots send out runners and the plant gets out of control.

Just like the seeds that were planted in the soil, the initial cancer cells with not grow and multiply without the right conditions.  The seeds need the right amount of water, air, temperate, sunlight, and nutrients before they will grow.  It’s the same with cancer.  The cancer cell may set dormant until the right circumstances make it grow.  Promotion will not take place until these conditions are met.  However, once these conditions of growth are met, then the cancer cells will take hold and grow out of control.

Without getting to technical, protein intake such as the peanut or corn with the aflatoxin on it is metabolized by an enzyme.  What are the ways to reduce the effect of the protein causing cancer?  As we learned in past postings, low-protein diets reduced tumors by:

  1. less aflatoxin entering the cell
  2. cells multiply more slowly
  3. multiple changes occur within the enzyme complex to reduced its activity
  4. the quantity of critical components of the relevant enzymes was reduced
  5. less aflatoxin-DNA adducts were formed

Dr. Campbell and his team discovered that a low-protein diet could decrease favorable conditions at the time of “planting” the seeds in our cancerous soil.   They learned that tiny clusters of cancer-like cells appear right after initiation is complete.  These clusters were called foci.  By studying the effects of protein on the promotion of foci they could indirectly see how tumors developed.  Foci development was almost entirely dependent on how much protein was consumed, regardless of how much aflatoxin was consumed.

Remember, not all proteins are alike.  For all of these experiments casein, which makes up 87% of cow’s milk protein was used.  So, were the results the same with plant protein?  No.  These experiments did not promote cancer growth, not even at higher intake levels.

The studies showed that animals switched from a low-protein diet to a high-protein diet developed higher rates of cancer.

At this point in the research, a pattern was emerging.  Nutrients from animal-based foods increased tumor development while nutrients from plant-based foods decreased tumor development.

We will take a further look under the nutrition section on foods that promote health with plant-based proteins.