
Third Charka is the Power House by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.


The third chakra is called Manipura, which means “lustrous gem.” This charka is located around the navel in the area of the solar plexus and up to the breastbone. It’s a source of personal power and governs self-esteem, it’s our warrior energy.  Again, it gives us the power of transformation. The third chakra also controls metabolism and digestion.

Know Your Gut Feeling

All of us have used the term, “Going with my gut feeling”. We rely on it more than we realize.  What is the purpose of the third charka?   How do we have a healthy third charka?

The 3rd chakra gives us:

  • Will and personal power
  • Taking responsibility for one’s life. Taking control of all areas of our life.
  • Mental abilities, the intellect
  • Forming personal opinions and beliefs
  • Making decisions, setting the direction you want to go in
  • Clarity of judgments
  • Personal identity, personality – who we are
  • Self-assurance, confidence
  • Self-discipline
  • Likewise, it gives us our Independence

What is a weak third charka like?

  • Also, one feels hopeless and powerless
  • We see ourselves as a failure
  • One is fearful of the future
  • You are always trying to reach a higher goal and feel like a failure even when you reach your goal.

How do you strengthen the 3rd charka?

  1. Participate in a vigorous sport or activity. Movement helps to clear the charkas.
  2. Equally important is to set a goal. Break it down into easy steps. Set a timeline for finishing each step and see it through to the end.  Then celebrate your success.
  3. In addition, use yellow in clothing or decorate a room in a shade of yellow that is pleasing and energizing to you. Use the yellow color with a sense of purpose, feeling it energizing your 3rd chakra.
  4. Equally important is to state and think on positive affirmation such as: I manifest my heart’s deepest desires. Know that you’re capable. My needs are important.  I can solve any problem that may come up in my life. Respect yourself and your beliefs.  I stand up for myself.

Taking care of the digestive system

  • Moreover, it’s important to eat with mindfulness – don’t watch TV while eating, pay attention to your eating
  • Like wise, limit drinking fluids just before and during eating and after eating – drinking fluids dilutes the digestive juices
  • Also, make sure you eliminate digestive waste by eating enough fiber
  • Then stay active and enjoy the out of doors

Final thoughts on the 3rd chakra

We tend to think that our brain makes all the decisions and directs who we are.  In reality, who we are is not determined by the brain.  As we become more in-tune with our 3rd charka and learn to trust our “gut feelings”, we will feel more in control of our lives.  By listening to our “gut” we will make better decisions.  Of course, use the color yellow to boost your energy.

Furthermore, remember, that houses with yellow doors are considered to be happier places to live in.


Are You Blind To What’s Around You? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Heaven is within each of us.  It is not some far away place. It’s all around us and until we realize this, we will not be able to experience the love, joy, peace, and harmony of heaven.

Sermon on the Mount

Emmet Fox tells us in his book, Sermon on the Mount, about the story of the Rich Young Man. He states that it is one of the saddest stories written because the young man missed out on the greatest opportunity in history.  Then the story talks about the young man having great possessions. The story goes deeper than material possessions. It’s about possessions being preconceived judgments and ideas.  This story is tragic not because the young man had wealth. But because his heart was imprisoned by the love of money and his beliefs about money and material possessions. 

Are You Blind?

Emmet Fox compares us with a color blind man who lives in a world of beautiful colors in the flowers, the sky, and the colors in nature.  All he sees are shades of black, gray, and white. The color blind man does not see the clouds in the blue sky. Nor does he see the life giving green shades of the trees. He does not see the bright red of the male Cardinal as it tries to attract a mate.  Alas, this poor man cannot see the breathtaking colors of red, pink, yellow, and orange of a sunset or sunrise.  If he were also without the sense of smell, then the garden would have no meaning for him and it is forever hidden from him. 

Bringing the Point Home

This passage had profound new meaning for me as I recently walked through a garden nursery filled with a large variety of flowers. The colors were red, yellow, blue, purple, just about any color you wanted to see.  There was a large selection of trees and bushes all around in varying shades of green.  The sweet aromas from the flowering plants were all around me. Aromas lingering in the air as I was immersed in the beauty of this living creation of nature.  

As I walked through the flowers and trees, I saw a blind man standing in the center of the plants.  He was wearing his sunglasses to hide his eyes and had his red striped cane in his hands.  He tapped along the pathways until he found a place to sit down as he waited for his companion to finish shopping.  I wondered if he was able to smell the sweet aromas of the fragrant plants surrounding him.  Or was the garden totally hidden from him?

Are We Blind?

It occurred to me that we to, are like the blind man.  While we have our vision, we do not really see all the beauty that is around us.  We can’t see the ‘trees for the forest’ so to speak.  We have become blinded to our surrounding and we do not see God Our Father who is standing right in front of us.  We have become so caught up in life, that we are not living life.

Have We Missed the Blessings?

Are we not seeing the blessings that have been placed along our path as we walk it.  Do we feel the sensations of the textures with our fingertips of the plants encircling us? Do you feel the smoothness of the rose petals?  The roughness of the peeling bark on a Weeping Willow?  Do we feel the emotions of love, grace, peace, hope, and joy that life offers us?  Or, are we blindly, emotionlessly, senselessly going through life, not experiencing life at all? 

Are We an Automaton?

Are we like an automaton, just moving through life?  How sad it is for the blind man in the garden center, surrounded by all the beauty of the colors that the plants had to offer.  But, it is also sadly tragic for those of us who just exist, blindly and senselessly going through life not experiencing the blessings surrounding us.  We have closed ourselves off to the majesty of life itself.  We have essentially become both the blind man and the rich young man at the same time.  I think this story is more heartbreaking than the story of the Rich Young Man.  The sad reality is, that we did it to ourselves.

Did We Blind Ourselves?

We blinded ourselves and we placed importance on the activities in life that are in truth, nothing more than busy work.  We have not only missed out on the garden, but we have missed out on the true meaning of life.  We have missed out on the Love of Our Father who created us.

Bullying by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Bullying. What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you read the word bullying? Childhood bullying is your first thought. Certainly, one of the many campaigns seen on TV to stop bullying is foremost in your mind. Did you think about the bullying that goes on in adult life?

Adult intimidation is a topic that is not openly recognized. In my hypnosis practice, clients are seeking emotional release from feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.  Harassment is a root causes of depression, anxiety, stomachache, and many other physical symptoms.

Definition of Bullying

The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time. It’s often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is taken.

Did you notice that the definition is really referring to children?

Information on adults badgered in the workforce is harder to find. More often than not, it’s a supervisor doing the persecution. Certainly, employees feel their work is inadequate. Other times, the individual feels they are invisible and ignored or ostracized.

Reasons for bullies attacking people

The reasons are the same for adult bullies as for child bullies. Oftentimes, a bully experiences low self-esteem. They feel threatened by your talent in the work environment. The individual is attempting to make up for their own inadequates. However, they do not see themselves as bullies. Once I had a supervisor who was a bully. Her words, “I’m just trying to make you a better nurse.” I planned to file a harassment complaint with the Union before something was done by the Director of Nursing.

Actions you can take

When someone is complaining about you, the easiest way to put a stop to it is to say “ok”. What else can they say after that? Stop being the victim. If they are trying to embarrass you, laugh at the joke alone with them. If they keep bringing up past mistakes, tell them that you have moved on and are no longer going to worry about it.

How can hypnosis help with bullying?

In my practice, the client deals with each episode of bullying throughout their lifetime. The fear is identify with each incident. At this point, I have their adult self talk with the child self. The client realizes they survived the pressure. They see their  inner strength. The client sees that the underlying fear is an illusion.  It now longer has control over them.

Wheels of Light Second Chakra by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The sacral chakra is the second chakra.

This wheel of light, the second chakra, is the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. Because, its element is water and its energy is characterized by flow and flexibility, it’s connected with the emotions. The sacral chakra is directed by the principle of pleasure. As a result, passion fuels this chakra.

The sacral chakra is psychological and behavioral functions:

  • Emotions, feelings
  • Relationships, relating
  • Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure
  • Feeling the outer and inner worlds
  • Creativity
  • Fantasies

Our emotions are fluid like water and like water, they are always changing. If the second chakra becomes blocked or restricted, there are consequences that will affect our health.

Unbalanced or blocked second chakra causes:

  • Dependency, co-dependency with other people or a substance that grants you easy access to pleasure
  • It rules your emotions
  • The opposite: Feeling numb, out of touch with yourself and how you feel
  • Overindulgence in fantasies, sexual obsessions
  • Or the opposite: Lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
  • Feeling stuck in a particular feeling or mood

Balancing the second chakra:

  • Movement as in dancing or yoga
  • Meditation and becoming centered
  • Stand outside barefoot and connect to the energy of the earth
  • Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet, eat orange colored foods
  • Practice mindfulness and be in the moment
  • Acknowledge your sensual and sexual energy in your body

First of all, sexuality is a hot topic within our society. As a result, it seems like there are all kinds of rules on Thy Shall Not, nice girls don’t, good guys don’t…. Consequently, each religion has its own teachings and rules.

However, one must realize that sexuality is not just about having sex. Sexuality is about who we are, what we believe, what we feel, and how we relate to others. We are created as sexual beings. Above all else, God made us sexual, not asexual. Furthermore, by suppressing our feelings and emotions we find ourselves having difficulty in relating to others and to ourselves.

Finding balance in sexuality

Similarly, one has to find a balanced approach to human sexuality to stay healthy mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Where is that balance? It seems like, this is for you to determine. There are very few people who find meaning or satisfaction in having indiscriminate sex. Because it can lead to impetus in both men and women, more problems arise. Most noteworthy, there is an unfulfilled feeling and loneness with indiscriminate sex. Certainly, there is the issue of sexually transmitted disease, guilt, feelings of low self-esteem, and feelings of sinfulness.

Even more so, humans have the need to want to feel connected to a “significant other” and to be intimate. When one is in a healthy relationship, they are able to express their sensuality and sexuality in a healthy way.

Finally, this article is about being healthy mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Furthermore, it is not about religious teachings. In this article, I encourage you to acknowledge your feelings and emotions that arise from your sacral chakra. We have to be balanced in all areas of our lives to remain healthy. So, I encourage you to be in touch with your sexuality and your sensuality and to embrace this aspect of who you are. In doing so, you will find balance in your life.

Tissue Memory by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Tissue memory is a concept stating that the body’s cells and tissues have the ability to retain memories of trauma.

These traumas include not only physical trauma, but emotional trauma that affects one’s physical health. Memories are stored in the tissues, not in the central nervous system.

You’ve read articles about people who have received heart transplants.

The recipient suddenly has new traits or food cravings for foods they never had before. One story is about an eight-year-old girl who received the heart of a ten-year-old murder victim. The eight-year-old recipient had vivid dreams about the murder. Then there is the video of a baby who was crying uncontrollably. Once the recipient of his mother’s heart held him, he heard his mother’s heart beat, he stopped crying.

So, how can hypnosis help with tissue memory release?

When I am working with clients for pain management, I regress the client back to the time when the trauma occurred. This trauma is causing the current issue with pain. In many cases, the original trauma to the tissue was not when the client thought it occurred. It occurred during a different time and the client had forgotten about this experience.

The original trauma is identified and we begin the process of releasing this memory from the tissue. The memory is released and the client moves forward in life without the pain.

But what happens if the client does not want to release the trauma from the tissue’s memory?

I keep in mind that when this happens, the client has a vested reason to retain the pain. For some people, the pain is who they are. Without the pain, they would lose their identity, they would lose the attention that the pain has given them.

I ask the client if they want to move forward in re-identifying who they are. If the client does not wish to release the pain that they have become invested in, then I have to ask the client if they wish to learn techniques to manage their pain.  Once the client is in agreement, then I take them through a process in which I teach them how to manage the pain.

When I bring the client out of hypnosis, I discuss with the client about possible side effects of holding on to the pain and the possible outcomes the pain will have on the client in the future. I will encourage the client to seek counseling to help them explore their reasons for wanting to hold on to the pain.

This is a rare occurrence that a client will want to hold on to the pain. In most cases the client is able to release the memory of the trauma in the tissue and regain their health. They are able to move forward in life pain free or with considerably less pain.

Do you need to release the trauma of a tissue memory?