Bullying. What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you read the word bullying? Childhood bullying is your first thought. Certainly, one of the many campaigns seen on TV to stop bullying is foremost in your mind. Did you think about the bullying that goes on in adult life?

Adult intimidation is a topic that is not openly recognized. In my hypnosis practice, clients are seeking emotional release from feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.  Harassment is a root causes of depression, anxiety, stomachache, and many other physical symptoms.

Definition of Bullying

The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time. It’s often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is taken.

Did you notice that the definition is really referring to children?

Information on adults badgered in the workforce is harder to find. More often than not, it’s a supervisor doing the persecution. Certainly, employees feel their work is inadequate. Other times, the individual feels they are invisible and ignored or ostracized.

Reasons for bullies attacking people

The reasons are the same for adult bullies as for child bullies. Oftentimes, a bully experiences low self-esteem. They feel threatened by your talent in the work environment. The individual is attempting to make up for their own inadequates. However, they do not see themselves as bullies. Once I had a supervisor who was a bully. Her words, “I’m just trying to make you a better nurse.” I planned to file a harassment complaint with the Union before something was done by the Director of Nursing.

Actions you can take

When someone is complaining about you, the easiest way to put a stop to it is to say “ok”. What else can they say after that? Stop being the victim. If they are trying to embarrass you, laugh at the joke alone with them. If they keep bringing up past mistakes, tell them that you have moved on and are no longer going to worry about it.

How can hypnosis help with bullying?

In my practice, the client deals with each episode of bullying throughout their lifetime. The fear is identify with each incident. At this point, I have their adult self talk with the child self. The client realizes they survived the pressure. They see their  inner strength. The client sees that the underlying fear is an illusion.  It now longer has control over them.