The sacral chakra is the second chakra.

This wheel of light, the second chakra, is the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. Because, its element is water and its energy is characterized by flow and flexibility, it’s connected with the emotions. The sacral chakra is directed by the principle of pleasure. As a result, passion fuels this chakra.

The sacral chakra is psychological and behavioral functions:

  • Emotions, feelings
  • Relationships, relating
  • Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure
  • Feeling the outer and inner worlds
  • Creativity
  • Fantasies

Our emotions are fluid like water and like water, they are always changing. If the second chakra becomes blocked or restricted, there are consequences that will affect our health.

Unbalanced or blocked second chakra causes:

  • Dependency, co-dependency with other people or a substance that grants you easy access to pleasure
  • It rules your emotions
  • The opposite: Feeling numb, out of touch with yourself and how you feel
  • Overindulgence in fantasies, sexual obsessions
  • Or the opposite: Lack of sexual desire or satisfaction
  • Feeling stuck in a particular feeling or mood

Balancing the second chakra:

  • Movement as in dancing or yoga
  • Meditation and becoming centered
  • Stand outside barefoot and connect to the energy of the earth
  • Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet, eat orange colored foods
  • Practice mindfulness and be in the moment
  • Acknowledge your sensual and sexual energy in your body

First of all, sexuality is a hot topic within our society. As a result, it seems like there are all kinds of rules on Thy Shall Not, nice girls don’t, good guys don’t…. Consequently, each religion has its own teachings and rules.

However, one must realize that sexuality is not just about having sex. Sexuality is about who we are, what we believe, what we feel, and how we relate to others. We are created as sexual beings. Above all else, God made us sexual, not asexual. Furthermore, by suppressing our feelings and emotions we find ourselves having difficulty in relating to others and to ourselves.

Finding balance in sexuality

Similarly, one has to find a balanced approach to human sexuality to stay healthy mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Where is that balance? It seems like, this is for you to determine. There are very few people who find meaning or satisfaction in having indiscriminate sex. Because it can lead to impetus in both men and women, more problems arise. Most noteworthy, there is an unfulfilled feeling and loneness with indiscriminate sex. Certainly, there is the issue of sexually transmitted disease, guilt, feelings of low self-esteem, and feelings of sinfulness.

Even more so, humans have the need to want to feel connected to a “significant other” and to be intimate. When one is in a healthy relationship, they are able to express their sensuality and sexuality in a healthy way.

Finally, this article is about being healthy mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Furthermore, it is not about religious teachings. In this article, I encourage you to acknowledge your feelings and emotions that arise from your sacral chakra. We have to be balanced in all areas of our lives to remain healthy. So, I encourage you to be in touch with your sexuality and your sensuality and to embrace this aspect of who you are. In doing so, you will find balance in your life.