
Good Vibrations! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The Beach Boys have a song, Good Vibrations. It’s a fun song. However, there’s a deeper meaning to good vibrations.

What in the world are you talking about? Good vibes is just an expressing, right? Are you talking about a “woo, woo” topic? You know, one of those weird things that metaphysical people talk about.

What are Quantum Frequencies

The history of quantum mechanics is a fundamental part of the history of modern day physics. In 1838 the discovery of cathode rays by Michael Faraday, then the 1859–60 winter statement of the black-body radiation problem by Gustav Kirchhoff. In 1900, the German physicist Max Planck introduced the idea that energy is quantized. Look up the history of quantum mechanics if you want to know more, I’m not giving a history class today. Quantum mechanics is the beginning of the quantum discoveries.

In active standards the quantum transitions of atoms and molecules lead directly to the radiation of electromagnetic waves whose frequency serves as a standard or reference frequency. Such instruments are also called quantum generators.

So, what’s the point of this information? Quantum frequencies may not be seen, but they are measurable. Therefore, they affect everything on earth, including you.

Quantum Energy Medicine

What is Quantum Energy Medicine? Part of my training is in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese philosophy calls this vital energy qi and it’s described as the body’s innate intelligence. However, this intangible energy is measurable as homeostasis. Homeostasis is your body’s ability to balance its internal environment to create good health.

TCM assesses the body’s balance. Low energy frequency can show up in the body’s aura or energy field before an illness shows up in the body. Our energy field is either balanced or running ‘hot’ vs ‘cold’.

Therefore, a deficiency in your qi can manifest as insomnia, decreases in vitality, or changes in appetite. I know many individuals experience mental tiredness with decreased energy.

In addition, a ‘hot’ qi shows up as being hyper and not able to focus or to sit still. You’re out of balance.

Ok, get to the point!

I work with clients on their qi. However, I recently acquired a new tool that gives me and my client a visual demonstration on what their energy field looks like at the time of service. Image, seeing what your energy field looks like before an energy frequency session and then seeing the after affect! It’s amazing!

In the past, when I worked with a client’s frequency field, there were no visual aids for the client to see. Having said that, I have had clients tell me that they can see colors coming from my hands as I was interacting with their aura.

Science has proven what Light Workers and Energy Medicine practitioners have know for thousands of years. Science has finally caught up with TCM, at least to a point.

In Summary

I will be writing more about this new technology in up coming articles. Client stories will be shared, with their permission, and they can tell you the results they had.

Remember, that energy work can help balance one’s aura, but as an energy practitioner, I make no claims of cures. Major hospitals around the U.S. are exploring having energy workers on staff. So, far the results are good.

My clients are mostly from a medical background. That’s an eyeopener isn’t it? Referrals actually come from doctors, advanced practice nurses and other medical related fields. Open your mind to the possibilities of the mind-body connection. In addition, know that your body is aware of what it needs to be balanced and healthy. Your body talks to you all the time. Unfortunately, you don’t listen until it’s screaming at you. Learn to listen to the subtle conversation it is having with you.



Sugar & Spice & Nothing Nice! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Remember the children’s poem about little boys being made of snails and puppy dog tails? Then little girls are sugar and spice and everything nice. Yes, sugar is sweet and taste nice! However, sugar is not necessarily nice to your body. But, I hear you say, “The body needs sugar to function properly.” You are correct! Therefore, I’m giving you a new tool, the truth about sugar.

Sugar is Sugar. Right?

I bet you don’t know there are ten different kinds of sugar. Take a look at these different sugars and keep your mind open.

  • Granulated Sugar: is refined, white, or table sugar, granulated sugar it’s the most common type of sugar and is used everyday.
  • Caster Sugar: a common baking ingredient used in the U.K and Australia, caster sugar is a white, refined sugar popularly.
  • Confectioners’ Sugar: known as powdered sugar, confectioners’ sugar is the type of sugar that is finely grounded into a powdered form. Confectioners’ sugar has the ability to dissolve easily which is why it is ideal for frostings and icings.
  • Pearl Sugar: is produced by breaking big blocks of regular sugar and is hard.  It’s used for baking purposes such as sprinkling crushed pearl sugar on top of pastries.
  • Cane Sugar: is produced solely from sugarcane and comes from either sugar beets or sugarcane.
  • Demerara Sugar: demerara sugar is light brown, minimally refined, and produced from the crystallization of cane juice. The cane juice is crystallized, then the particles achieve caramel color and are known as demerara sugar. Demerara sugar is commonly produced in countries like Hawaii, India, and Mexico.
  • Turbinado Sugar: often referred to as raw sugar, turbinado sugar is naturally grown and possesses a caramel flavor. However, the FDA states that turbinado sugar isn’t raw because raw sugar is never intended for consumption as it contains contaminants like sand and other impurities. Therefore, turbinado sugar is refined mechanically which makes it a type of processed sugar.
  • Muscovado sugar: a deep brown, unrefined cane sugar that contains organic molasses.The molasses present in muscovado offer antioxidants like gallic acid and polyphenols. These antioxidants prevent cells from damage by eliminating free radicals.
  • Brown sugar: produced when white sugar is mixed and flavored with molasses. In light brown sugar, the quantity of molasses is less giving it a light brown color to it.
  • Dark brown sugar: comes in its darker version having more molasses added to it.
Our Body Knows The Difference Between Sugars. Correct?

Not really. There is two main kinds of sugar, monosaccharides and disaccharides. Monosaccharides or single sugar molecules include fructose, galactose, and glucose. This sugar takes the fast track into the bloodstream. Hence, the sugar rush!

Disaccharides are two single molecules linked together. This is known as glucose and fructose. These get broken down by the liver into single glucose molecules before entering the bloodstream. As a result, they raise your blood sugar a little more slowly. It’s known as, slow and steady.

Therefore, while the nutritional value of a peach is totally different from a piece of chocolate cake, your body can’t tell the difference between a molecule of fructose, glucose, sucrose, or any other sugar molecule. Our body will digest them all the same way.

But, What About Fruit and Vegetable Sugars?

I’m glad you asked! We just determined that your body doesn’t know the difference between sugars. So, why worry about it? I agree, we shouldn’t worry! Worry stresses the body and mind! However, having knowledge helps us make better choices.

Glucose is the primary fuel to generate energy. We need glucose for the body’s cells to carry out metabolic and biological functions. Glucose is essential for the brain, red blood cells and muscle cells during exercise.

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of providing beneficial glucose. What do you mean beneficial glucose?

Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy sugars. When you include vegetables and fruits in your diet, you are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases.

Processed sugars provide no health benefits. In addition, they provide empty calories! Glucose from fruits and vegetables not only provides the glucose our body needs to function properly, but adds vitamins and minerals. Fiber is found in these foods as well. We know the importance of fiber in the body!

Time to wrap it up!

As, you’ve just learned, the body does need glucose to maintain health. However, the source of the sugar is important. Remember, moderation in everything! Don’t over do it on the fruits and vegetables high in natural sugar. No, I’m not going to list the foods naturally high in sugars. You need to take an active role in your health. You can research which foods need to be eaten in small amounts.

In conclusion, enjoy the holidays and family gatherings. Instead of reaching for the fourth chocolate chip cook, grab a handful of grapes.


How To Protect Your Health With Food by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Allopathy medicine tells us that we need pills and injections to protect our health. Natural Health practitioners tells us that food builds our immunity. Then, we’re told that the soil is depleted and our food supply is inadequate. However, if the soil is lacking, how do plants manage to grow? Is your head spinning yet? I know mine is!

What can I do?

One would think that I would encourage you to take a couple of handfuls of vitamins and minerals. That’s not the case. But, I do recommend certain steps to take to strengthen one’s immune system. I hear you asking me, “What do I need to do to boost my immune system?”

Immune System support is a broad based approach consisting of essential vitamins and minerals to support and boost your immune system. This combination helps create the ideal environment for optimal immune function.

Therefore, a common sense approach is recommended. (Yes, I know, what’s common sense?)

  • First, eat a well-rounded diet.
  • Then, exercise regularly. Walk your way to health.
  • In addition, get enough sleep. Sleep is important!
  • Remember, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Reduce your stress. For instance, stop being plugged into the news media!
Strengthen your immune system naturally

The natural way to boost your body’s defenses is to eat a variety of vegetables daily. After that, look at the type of foods you eat. Similarly, shop the edges of the grocery store where the fresh food is. Remember, eat the rainbow!

Consume vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, collard greens, and spinach. These foods are a great source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber. Fruits such as blueberries, bananas , and mangoes are good sources of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Citrus foods high in vitamin C include grapefruit. oranges. tangerines. lemons, and limes.


While the list of supplements can be long, I will discuss the basic supplement supporters. Seek out a good multivitamin geared for your gender and age. Research the different brands on the market.

Having said this, let’s look at a few boosters. Take a probiotic to keep your gut in shape. A healthy gut equals a healthy body.

Therefore, vitamin C has been found to boost the natural resistance of the body, improve gum health and alleviate dry mouth. Consuming vitamin C tablets also helps in treating allergies such as hay fever, asthma and eczema. This supplement can lessen the effects of sun exposure such as redness or sunburn.

Vitamin E can stop oxidative stress and repair free radicals to help strengthen the immune response.

B vitamins play an important role in cell metabolism. Vitamin B Complex consist of (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12). Make sure your B complex includes all of these B vitamins.  Vitamin B6 is known as a catalyst for multiple biochemicals reactions that take place in the immune system. However, taking vitamin B12 helps you produce DNA and red blood cells. It encourages healthy nerve function. It’s found naturally only in animal sources. Which means people who don’t eat meat or dairy products can have trouble reaching the daily recommended 2.4 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin B12. B6 helps to improve immune markers such as T lymphocytes and neutrophils.

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin found in food and supplements. Vitamin D is one of the best vitamins for immune system health. The D vitamin helps in reducing inflammation, fights bacteria and viruses and regulate differentiation, cell proliferation, and cell death.

Wrapping It Up

Eat your fruits and veggies! Take a good multivitamin containing the ones listed above. Get enough sleep! In addition to these recommendations, breathe deeply to circulate the oxygen in your body. Move! Any form of exercise is good.

Most importantly, relax, stop watching the drama on the news! Above all, enjoy life! Life is too short for worry. Know you are in charge of your health! In other words, trust yourself, you’ve got this! You have the knowledge to maintain your health! Now, you have the tools, use them!

Eat healthy and live well!




Boost Your Immune System Naturally! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I never get sick! So, my immune system must be healthy so I don’t need to think about boosting it. I’m good to go!

Are you sure about that? Are you telling me people who have allergies have a poor immune system?

The Immune System

Bet you didn’t know we have three immune systems! Yes, indeed we do.

  • Innate immunity: Everyone is born with an innate (or natural) immunity, a type of general protection. Without this general protection, most of us would die shortly after birth. The moment you’re born, you have entered the minefield of bacteria, both good and bad.
  • Adaptive immunity: Adaptive (or active) immunity develops throughout our lives. Through exposure to environmental pathogens, our body learns to recognize those germs that are harmful to us. Active immunity is the immunity which results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen.
  • Passive immunity: Passive immunity is “borrowed” from another source and it lasts for a short time. What is passive immunity? Passive immunity is the short-term immunity which results from the introduction of antibodies from another person or animal.
Show and Tell

I’m not going to get technical in this article, but I will touch base on the basics. I like “show and tell”, so I will show you the basic immune cells. You can go in depth on how much you want to know about each cell.

Basic information includes:

  1. They destroy the disease-causing agents like microorganism’s, parasites, and the toxins related to them, thereby preventing infections from taking hold.
  2. Some of the cells work by neutralization of foreign material. They are the warriors or “exterminators”, our protectors.
  3. The function of other cells is to eat and destroy the disease-causing microbes. Who said cannibalism is wrong? At least in this case, it’s a good thing!
  4. However, a few of the cells help to keep a memory or blueprint of the previous attack. This is done so as to launch a quick attack in-case of another infection.

It’s amazing how the immune system works. I’ve just given you a thumbnail of information. Needless to say, our immune system is complex. The immune system protects your body from outside invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and the toxins or chemicals produced by these microbes. It’s made up of different organs, cells, and proteins that work together. Amazing isn’t it?

The cells from the parts of the immune system are made in various organs of the body. These organs include: Adenoids. Two glands located at the back of the nasal passage. Bone marrow. The soft, spongy tissue found in bone cavities. Lymph nodes. Are you impressed yet? Our body is very smart!

I will leave the basic lecture at this point because I don’t want to teach a class on the immune network in this article.

But wait! There is a little more!

The definition of active immunity is:

Active immunity involves the production of antibodies (by B lymphocytes) and cell-mediated response (with T lymphocytes). It provides relatively longer immunity (compared to passive immunity).

Active immunity is a scientific term used to describe the process through which a being, typically a human or an animal, builds up a specific resistance to a harmful invading substance.

Lastly, naturally acquired active immunity occurs when a person is exposed to a live pathogen. Then they may develop the disease. By having the disease one becomes immune as a result of the primary immune response. Once a microbe penetrates the body’s skin (our largest organ), mucous membranes, or other primary defenses, it interacts with the immune system. It’s exposed to the immune process which gives the body the upper hand.

Is there a disadvantage to active immunity?

Disadvantages of active immunity includes suffering from the disease, and the disease may be so severe that it may kill the individual. However, vaccines can kill as well. You have to weigh the facts before choosing what action you will take. (Read my earlier article on the flu vaccine.)
So, what do we do to support the immune system?

Go back to the basics! Chuck the junk foods! Not only does eating fast foods impair the body’s ability to protect itself, it also, destroys the workings of the body’s repair system.

Eat as much organic fruits and vegetables as possible. Limit the organic meat and grains. You’re heard me say in the past to “eat the rainbow”! It’s essential to eat a variety of foods. Foods rich in color have more nutrients than those with little color.

The best vitamins and minerals for a strong immune system include vitamins A, C, D and E, zinc, selenium, copper and iron . Research shows these nutrients have a great impact on the immune response. These nutrients are directly responsible for maintaining the health of various structures in the immune system and actively support  strengthening the body.

Furthermore, it’s important to get enough sleep, exercise (just move the body), breathe from the diaphragm to move the oxygen throughout the body, and don’t forget the healthy fats. As always, limit sugar! Many diseases are fed by sugar. Limit the food supply and the germ dies.

In addition to the above, stay hydrated not only with water, but with organic teas such as Green Tea or Turmeric Tea. Drinking fluids that will help support the body and nourish it are essential to keeping you healthy.

What else can we do?

 I’m glad you asked! Meditation along with breathing exercises will help you reduce stress. You know the difference between good stress and bad stress, so, reduce the bad stress. Prolonged stress weakens the body. Take a walk and breathe deeply to help reduce stress.

In addition to the recommendations above you may find that:

  • Research has shown Elderberry can reduce the symptoms of viral upper respiratory infections, but more research is needed.
  • You know that coneflower you think that’s so pretty? It’s called Echinacea. A study in over 700 people found that those who took echinacea recovered from colds slightly more quickly than those who received a placebo or no treatment, but some researchers feel the difference is insignificant. Recommendation in taking Echinacea is for six weeks. Start it just before the cold and flu season. Stop it when the season is ended.
  • Garlic. A 12-week study in 146 people found that supplementing with garlic reduced the incidence of the common cold by about 30%. However, please make sure you take the odorless supplement. Otherwise, you will run off more than the common cold!
  • A good general multivitamin is recommended routinely for building the body’s defense system and overall health.

Remember, what your mind dwells on is what you will manifest into your life. Positive thinking promotes health, whereas, pessimistic thinking undermines healthiness. It’s ok to have fun with your food! Take a lead from children, they know how to enjoy their meals!

As always, talk to your doctor before starting a new regime. 




Flu Vaccine Program Failure by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

It’s flu season again. In my community there were advertisements to get your flu shot in August. Seems a little early to get a flu vaccine you might think. However, it takes about two weeks after getting the flu vaccine before enough antibodies build up in your body to protect against the flu. Still think it’s too early? So do I!  Boosters with the flu shot is encouraged throughout the flu season. I remember when only one inoculation was required for the flu months.

Facts about flu vaccine

In the United States, flu is detected throughout the year. Therefore, maybe the flu vaccine in August isn’t so far out of line. But, the increase in flu is between October and December. The peak is between December to February according to the CDC.

Go to the CDC information site on the flu and the flu vaccine. Once you read the information, you may be confused. Don’t be discouraged. Let’s look at what’s in the flu vaccine.

The vaccine contains flu viruses that are inactivated, or dead. The presence of these inactive viruses triggers the body’s natural defense mechanism. Therefore, the immune system is stimulated to produce antibodies to fight these viruses. They cannot cause the flu. The nasal spray contains live viruses, but they are weakened, or attenuated, so that they, too, cannot cause the flu

Ok, so what’s in the vaccine?

We are told formaldehyde is a chemical typically present in the human body, it is a product of healthy digestive function.

However, formaldehyde is also a colorless, strong-smelling gas used in making building materials and many household products. It is used in pressed-wood products, such as particleboard, plywood, and fiberboard; glues and adhesives; permanent-press fabrics; paper product coatings; and certain insulation materials. It is also used to make other chemicals. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want this in my body.

Aluminum salts are adjuvants which are supposed to help the body develop a stronger immune response against the virus in the vaccine.

Aluminum salts (hydroxide or phosphate) are the only adjuvants broadly licensed for inclusion in human vaccines. They have been widely used for 70 years and injected into more than 1 billion people worldwide.

Aluminum causes weakness and deformation in the bone structure with crippling effects. In other words, toxicity can result in aching muscles, speech problems, anemia, digestive problems, lowered liver function, colic and impaired kidney function. Are you concerned yet?

More ingredients

Thimerosal is a preservative, it keeps vaccines from becoming contaminated. This ingredient is present in a multi-dose bottle. Multi-dose bottles have more than one dose in a bottle.

The pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, back in 1929, did a study on Thimerosal. Their test revealed horrific results. It showed that 100% of the kids injected with trace amounts of Merthiolate — the trade name for thimerosal — died from meningitis.

On January 5, 1982, the FDA published its notice of proposed rule-making regarding thimerosal. The finding is that at the cellular level, thimerosal had been found to be more toxic for human epithelial cells in vitro than mercuric chloride, mercuric nitrate, and merbromim (mercurochrome).

The inactivated influenza viruses present in vaccines are usually grown inside fertilized chicken eggs, where the virus replicates. Then, the manufacturers separate the virus from the egg and include it in the vaccine. If you’re allergic to eggs, don’t take the vaccine.

Gelatin is present in the flu shot as a stabilizer. It keeps the vaccine effective from the point of production to the moment of use.

Antibiotics are used in flu vaccines keep bacteria from growing during the production and storage of the products.

How effective is the flu vaccine?

Look at the CDC website on how effective the vaccine is. It talks about two general types of studies are used to determine how well influenza vaccines work: randomized controlled trials and observational studies. Basically, you think there’s a lot of double talk on how the studies are done. I agree with you, it is double talk.

I’m trained to look at Evidence Base Performance information. Let’s look at the chart from the CDC on effectiveness of the vaccine.

Bottom Line It!

The CDC says that the effectiveness rate of the flu vaccine is 10%! Now you know the truth! The flu vaccine has a 90% failure rate!

Moreover, as bad as these figures are, there’s some reason to think they might be intentionally inflated.

We know for a fact that the public has been mislead on the facts of Covid-19. Those numbers have been inflated. Anthony Fauci is proven to mislead the public, along with others.


Don’t take my word for it, do your own research. I worked, battled and  questioned the medical field for 47 years. As a nurse, I saw what goes on behind the scenes. Doctors are harassed by the AMA to fall in line, or suffer the consequences. Since most doctors today work for a hospital company, they are bullied by their employers. Why? It’s about money or as the saying goes in the medical field, “A head in the bed.” The hospitals want the beds filled. Otherwise, revenue is down.

Preliminary end of season influenza vaccine effectiveness for all vaccine types, Against influenza A or B viruses
Age group (years) Influenza positive
Influenza positive
(% Vaccinated)
Influenza negative
Influenza negative
(% Vaccinated)
Adjusted VE % Adjusted 95% CI
All ages 2723 1158 (43) 6121 3414 (56) 39 (32, 45)
6 mos–8 645 271 (42) 1361 763 (56) 33 (17, 45)
9–17 471 158 (34) 722 327 (45) 37 (17, 51)
18–49 1057 395 (37) 2203 1001 (45) 35 (24, 45)
50–64 351 184 (52) 999 624 (62) 42 (24, 56)
≥65 199 150 (75) 836 699 (84) 37 (5, 58)
More statics from the CDC
CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020, there have been:
39,000,000 – 56,000,000person coughing iconflu illnesses
18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits

doctor patient icon




410,000 – 740,000
flu hospitalizations

24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths

flu virus icon


Disclaimer: Follow your doctors advice for you.

Output the Input by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The year 2020 is a difficult year. Some may say that it’s been traumatic. In other words, 2020 is dumping a lot of input into our brains! Doubt, anxiety, uncertainty, and instability into ones belief system, you’ve been kicked to the curb! Turned upside down and shaken like a stuffed toy in a dogs mouth!

What do you mean by input?

Global events are just that! Global! The whole world is dealing with the same life changing event, COVID-19. This article is not another story about the virus, rather, it’s about what the virus is doing to the peoples of the Earth.

Our brain is like a dry sponge. It soaks up information and we’re not aware that this is happening. At least not until physical symptoms began to emerge. Be careful of what you expose yourself too. Protect your mind from the hysteria that is currently being circulated by the mainstream news media. Remember, they are more interested in the number of viewers and ratings than in reporting the truth. (That’s another story for another time.) Back to the topic, input.

How the brain uses information

Stage 1: Input

The brain is exposed to a stimuli, the information is then analyzed and evaluated. For example, you are exposed to new information, at that time you determine whether it’s worth remembering. However, the brain is sometimes stimulated to information that the subconscious decides to hold on to. You’re not even aware how powerful this seemingly insignificant piece of information was on your thought process.

Stage 2: Storage

Our brain stores the information for later use. Next, the data is added to our mental framework and is processed for storage. If the information is not reinforced, the brain may simply forget it over time. However, with the constant exposure to the pandemic, the information is reinforced over and over again.

Stage 3: Output

Your brain decides what it’s going to do with the information. Then it determines how it will react to the stimulus. For example, after listening to the latest update on the virus, you decide how you will use the information.

How to output the input

Pay attention to what you’re thinking! You’ve seen my articles on this topic. You become what you think about!

Do you know that sleep can help you throw out the trash from your mind? You know those nights when you can’t fall asleep? This is an example of your mind being filled to over capacity.

Your brain washes itself when you sleep. Your brain cells begin to shrink by up to 60% during sleep. This process is to clear out space so your glial cells can remove the waste and clean the synapses. (Glial – the connective tissue of the nervous system, consisting of several different types of cells associated with neurons.)

Therefore, you actually have some control over what your brain decides to delete while you sleep. The synaptic connections you don’t use are the ones that get slated for deleting. The ones you do use are the ones that are stored. So, pay attention to what you’re thinking!

Help is here

Stress causes physical symptoms. You know the signs. If not, I’ve written articles on stress you can read. If, you find that you’re having difficulty in releasing unwanted thoughts, seek out help.

Just let it go, is not helpful to hear. In other words, take action! A fast and reliable action to take is hypnosis. Some people find hypnosis scary and don’t want to try it. What are other options?

Talk therapy is helpful for most people. This is usually short-term and the results can be quite good.

Find a support group. During this time of quarantine, it may be difficult. Online support groups can be found. Skype and zoom are being used more now than in the past in the mental health arena.

Take a second look at hypnosis

Why are you reluctant to try hypnosis? Is it because you really don’t understand how it works? You are an active participant in the process. Really, you are. You are aware of what’s going on throughout the entire session.

Being in a relaxed state is great! It’s through being relaxed that the work is done. I can’t make a client do something that they normally wouldn’t do. Certainly, you will not tell a deep dark secret, unless you want to. The control is yours at all times.

I work with my clients through this relaxed state. The back door to the subconscious is used.  Sneaky I know! But, it’s very effective. During this relaxed state of being, you are able to remember things that are the root cause to your current issues.

Anyone who wants to be hypnotized can be. Hypnosis with a skilled hypnotist is very effective. You are released from the stressors in your life. In other words, you have an insight in a short time. With this insight, you resolve the stressors causing you discomfort.

Choosing a skilled hypnotist

Look online for hypnotist in your area. Interview the hypnotist before you make an appointment. You feel at ease when talking with this person. You make a connection with them. It’s then you know you’ve found the skilled professional to work with on your issues.

If there are no listings for hypnotist in your area, you can contact the National Guild of Hypnotist for help in locating a professional.

National Guild of Hypnotists · Phone
3 Lesa Dr, Merrimack, NH 03054
(603) 429-9438
Tips to remember
  1. A professional hypnotist will take the time to talk with you before you schedule an appointment.
  2. If the hypnotist wants to schedule a session on the phone, run! Hypnosis sessions on the phone are not ethical, especially if you have never been hypnotized.
  3. Listen to your “gut” about the hypnotist you’re interviewing. Sometimes people just don’t connect. That doesn’t mean that there’s a problem with the professional. It just means that you need to continue to look for a professional you feel comfortable with.
  4. Realize that you may have to travel to see a hypnotist. I’ve had clients come from out of state to see me.
  5. Be prepared for one of the most rewarding experiences you will have. Your first session will be an eye-opener for you!
In conclusion

Now is the time to dump the input that 2020 has loaded into your brain. Start 2021 in a better state of mind. Remember, output the input that’s not needed!