
I Have Cancer, Will Hypnosis Help? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I have cancer. Those are scary words to utter. Time stands still when a diagnosis of cancer is given to an individual. Once the shock, begins to subside, panic sets in. There are so many questions and then there is the anxiety, fear and anger that sets in.

When one utters those words “I have” and understand the range of emotions that sweep through you when you first receive the diagnosis of cancer.survivor says, “I know how you feel”, you want to yell at them, “No you don’t!” Just because a person has had cancer, they do not know how you feel. Your feelings are just that, your feelings. No-one knows what or how you feel.

I have utter those words and understand the range of emotions that sweep through you when you first receive the diagnosis of cancer. Five years ago, I was diagnosed with melanoma on my left lower leg. Melanoma is not a nice cancer as far as cancer goes.

I had two surgeries on my leg and I was not allowed out of bed for a week. My leg was immobilized because the skin graft was very fragile. I used self hypnosis for pain management before and post surgery. I did on one occasion take a mild analgesic for discomfort in my back because I was not allowed to change my position very much. The day I was cautiously allowed out of bed to sit in a chair was indeed a joyful day. I did not have pain in my leg, not one time. Self hypnosis was used as a preventive measure for pain management.

When I met with my oncologist to learn my prognosis and to discuss treatment, I told him that I have a Ph.D. in Natural Health and he would have to work with me or I would need to find another doctor.  He said that he had no problem working with me. As we discussed my treatment, he started to tell me the side effects of the Interferon. I held up my hand to stop him. “I know the side effects and I will not have any of them,” I told him. He tried to hide the eye roll, you know the one, the one your kids give you, but I saw it. I just grinned, knowing he was about to be very surprised.

Before and during each treatment , I used self hypnosis. Not one time did I have the side effects of the medication. I had 21 IV treatments total. The staff were amazed and couldn’t understand what was going on.

One would think that the doctor and the staff would want to learn more about what I was doing since I was having such remarkable outcomes. You would also think that the doctor and the staff would want to extend this form of support to their other patients. But, sadly, they did not.

Some of the benefits of hypnosis for cancer treatment are:

  • Hypnosis can improve your mental and emotional outlook
  • Hypnosis can help reduce the side effects of cancer treatment
  • Hypnosis can help reduce or in some cases eliminate the pain associated with some cancers

I’m speaking to you from experience, hypnosis can and in my case did eliminate the side effects of my treatment. As a result, my outcome was better than the individuals who are not using hypnosis as a tool to help manage the side effects of cancer treatment.

I encourage anyone who is undergoing treatment for cancer to investigate the use of hypnosis to add to your tool box for support of treatment.

Healing Abuse Through Hypnosis by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Abuse comes in many different forms.  There is physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, and spiritual abuse.  Abuse makes one feel worthless and not lovable.  Abuse can lead to suicide or death in the worse case scenarios.  It can cause lifelong issues for the person who was abused.

The effects of verbal abuse include, fear, anxiety, depression, stress and PTSD. Intrusive memories, memory gap disorders present themselves, along with sleep or eating problems, hyper-vigilance and exaggerated responses.  The startle responses, irritability, anger issues, alcohol and drug abuse become a serious problem for some people.  In severe cases, suicide, self-mutilation and assaultive behaviors take on a life of their own.

This past weekend it was my pleasure to assist a very beautiful soul to resolve the trauma of childhood abuses.

My client was abused in several different ways as a child.  As a result, she felt that she was worthless and was heavily burdened with self-esteem issues.

After the intake information was obtained and an explanation of the process on hypnosis was completed, we started.

I routinely prefer to use regression hypnosis on my clients.  Unless the root cause is identified and resolved it makes the process of healing harder to accomplish.

My client regressed back to the age of five where she relived a particularly traumatic event of verbal abuse.   This was the first time that she felt that she was “bad” and not worthwhile as a child.  She couldn’t understand why she was “bad”.  The adult she is now talked with her child-self.  The child did not believe the adult that she was lovable.  I asked my client to ask the child why she did not believe the adult.  “Because I don’t believe me” was the reply by the adult.

On occasion, I have to help the client dig a little deeper to reassure the child within that they survived the trauma.

I transitioned my client to her place of “safety”.  Her chosen environment was a valley. We explored what this valley looked like, the sounds she heard and the smells that she smelled.  At this point, we brought in the abuser.  Feeling safe in her environment, my client found her voice and had the long awaited conversation  with her abuser.  She was finally able to say what she needed to say to her nemesis.

Once the conversation was completed, butterflies were introduced into the valley.  Each butterfly identified an emotional trauma.  This beautiful lady examined each butterfly individually.  As each butterfly was examined, it was released along with it the trauma that was attached to that butterfly.

Since the trauma had been released, there was a need to fill the empty space with healing light.  I had this gentle soul connect with her creator and feel the love and protection filling her up on the inside and surrounding her on the outside.

I guide each client intuitively based on the intake interview and on what I see emerging during the hypnosis session.  With this client, we brought in her guardian angel to talk with her.  The connection was made in an instant since she already knew her angel.

The session was brought to a close with positive affirmations.  I had her repeat affirmations that her creator renewed her life.  In the post hypnosis review, she reported that she felt lighter, like the burden that was floating just to the left of her head had faded and was gone.

It is amazing to me to see the healing taking place before me with each client.  Once an individual is given the right tools to use, they are able to emerge from the shadows of abuse.  They are able to step into the light and become who they were intended to be all along.  A beautiful, strong, loving soul.

Resolution and Forgiveness by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

Resolution and forgiveness may not seem possible at times, but for emotional, mental and physical health it is a necessity.  Can hypnosis help you to acquire the resolution with a past situation that has held you hostage?  Can you achieve a state of forgiveness to the person who hurt you even though they are no longer alive or involved in your life?

The answer is yes, both resolution and forgiveness can be accomplished through hypnosis.  Over this last weekend I had two clients who were able to do just that in both cases.

The first client needed to resolve feelings of being abandoned by her father.  For various reasons her father had to leave the family, causing my client to feel he had rejected her and abandoned her.  This lovely client had had the opportunity to talk with her father while he was still living about her feelings. However, she still could not move past feeling abandoned.  Through hypnosis she was regressed back to the age of five when she first felt abandoned.  As a hypnotist I have learned through advanced training how beneficial this process is.  I actually use this process more often than not.  During the process, my adult client listened to her five year old self talk to her adult self about how she felt.  The feelings of the five year old were then validated and the child felt like her voice had been heard.

The second step, was getting my client into a deeper state of relaxation so she could have a conversation with her father.  We created a safe environment in her imagination for her to have this conversation with her father.  My client told her father how she felt and how the experience had affected her throughout her life.  Next, she listened as her father talked to her about how sorry he was that she had felt abandoned and that he had loved her very much.

The third step, was to forgive once resolution was completed.  My client was able to forgive her father and in the process she felt compassion for him.  She was able to see his vulnerability as a man and was able to not only feel compassion for him, but to forgive him.

While still in the heightened state of relaxed focus, my client saw a ballon in her imagination.  We attached a basket to the ballon and filled the basket with all the hurt feelings that went along with her feelings of being deserted.  These  thoughts no longer served her and needed to be released.  She released the ballon with the basket attached and as the ballon floated out of sight, she felt the weight of her grief being lifted from her.

The last step was to fill the emptied space with new emotions of self love, gratitude, joy, self worth, and unconditional love.

As, I brought her out of hypnosis I gave her post hypnotic suggestions so she would know that her session was successful.  After hypnosis, I listened as my client told me about her experience.   She felt resolution, forgiveness and compassion for her father.  My client told me how much lighter she now feels since her session.  This lovely woman felt the empty space was filled with the emotions of love, joy, gratitude and self worth.  She felt such relief in knowing that her father had loved her.  Even though he had told her, before he died that he had always loved her, she had still felt discarded.  Hypnosis helped her move past the feeling of being unloved.  This woman walked out of the office on Saturday with a feeling of being loved and with a great burden lifted from her shoulders.

You Never Know What Will Emerge by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.


You never know what will emerge in a hypnosis session.  I recently had a client who had asked for help with attention issues.  This client wanted to have better focus on task that she really didn’t want to do.  As, a result she will often procrastinate and have difficulty in starting the task and in completing it.

Just as my client was transitioning into a state of relaxation and moving into the process to improve her focus, a flood of emotions began to surface.  Remember, in a hypnotic state one will not divulge any secrets that they do not want revealed.

I have learned through the years in working with clients that there are times when other issues need to be addressed before I can tackle the challenge that the client originally came to me for.  I do a complete intake talk with each client before each hypnosis session, so it is extremely rare for me to be surprised when a client does go in a different direction.

When a client does take a  path different than the one they intended to take, I have learned that this is the time to get to the ‘root cause’ of the client’s issues.

How do you get to the ‘root cause’?  Regression hypnosis is the perfect tool to help the client achieve their goals. What is regression hypnosis?  How does regression hypnosis work?

The mind will do anything, I repeat anything, to protect us from intaking information it determines will be detrimental to us.  The mind will filter out these traumatic memories whenever possible.  It can bury the information so deep that we don’t remember it.

Regression is defined as the act of going back to a previous place or state; return or reversion.  Hypnotherapy can be an effective method for coping with stress and anxiety.  In particular, hypnosis can reduce stress and anxiety by providing a safe environment for the client to recall the first time a troubling event occurred.

So, regression hypnosis therapy is taking the client back to the first time they experienced an event blocking them from moving forward in life.

I have found regression hypnosis to be a valuable tool in most of my sessions with clients.  It really doesn’t matter what the client is coming to see me for.  If a client wants help in losing weight, I take them back to the first time that food became a challenge.  Most often the first moment the client regresses back to is not the circumstances they thought it was.  If a client has anger issues, we go back to the moment that anger reared its ugly head and decided to stay in the forefront of emotions.

I encourage anyone who is trying to work through an issue in their life to consider regression therapy if you are not making progress with your current program.

Regression therapy is a valuable tool for PTSD and other traumatic events.  It provides a safe environment for the client to face these issues and to heal from the first moment to the present.

Self Hypnosis by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

August 4, 2017,  a semitrailer ran over me.  Driving to see my first Home Health patient for the day, proved to be a life changing event.  My car, did not survive.  It was totaled.

I am very fortunate and blessed to have survived the accident without broken bones, cuts or life threatening injuries.  I did however, receive an injury to one vital organ, my brain.    For nine months I have been off work on worker’s compensation.  I have ‘Post Concussion Syndrome’.  It is not fun.

What is Post Concussion Syndrome? A personal definition means that I have had the same headache, everyday since August 4, 2017.  The headache never goes away and at times the headache is worse than other times.  This headache has a migraine component to it, along with brain fog.  The accident also caused disturbances in my sleep pattern.  Many nights I did not sleep and on a good night I got about 2-3 hours sleep.  I prefer not to use drugs whenever possible.

I was given a prescription for an opioid for the headache as I was leaving the Emergency Room.  I didn’t want it.  Opioids were never intended for longterm use.  They take the edge off pain, but the pain is still there.  The side effects of opioids are not pleasant.  Our society has an opioid addiction crisis.  During a follow up appointment with employee health,  I was given a prescription for a stronger strength Ibuprofen.  I have taken this prescribed medication on very rare occasions, only when the migraine was exceptionally severe.

So, what have I done to manage the chronic headache?  I practice what I preach.  I use self hypnosis and meditation to manage the head injury pain.  I started self hypnosis the day of the accident.  I visualized my brain and saw the edema surrounding the organ.  I see the inflammation resolving and the brain returning to its normal size.  Giving myself post hypnotic suggestions that the headache will reduce in severity as the swelling in my brain begins to resolve is helpful.

A few weeks after the accident, I was referred to a neurologist for follow up on the headache.  This neurologist is open minded and was willing to work with me on a more holistic approach, especially in light of the fact that he had nothing to offer except, ‘wait and see’.  I was told that the headache may never resolve. (I don’t always take to heart a limiting diagnosis like that one.)  We added higher doses of magnesium and vitamin B 12 to be taken at night to help with the sleep disturbances.

I added meditation to my tool kit to help not only with the headache, but also with the sleeplessness.  Over the months of practicing self hypnosis and meditation, the quality and quantity of sleep has improved.  The severity of the headache has reduced.  I have not had a migraine in the last few months and most nights, I receive between 5-7 hours of sleep.

I fully believe that as I continue with my daily routine of self hypnosis and meditation, the headache will disappear.  At this point in time, the headache has dissipated from a level 6-7 on the pain scale with the migraine component, down to a level 2-3 with a dull ache and no migraine.   The brain fog is no longer a daily challenge, but a rare occasion and it does not last long.

Even after the resolution of the headache, brain fog and sleep disturbances, I will continue with self hypnosis and meditation.  I have gained valuable  insight into my self awareness.  I am now more at ease in dealing with life’s stressors.

Hypnosis and self hypnosis is an effective tool for pain management.  I know from first hand experience.  I have always taught my clients how to do self hypnosis starting with their first visit with me.

PTSD by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

There’s a song, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”  I hate that song.  Clearly whoever wrote the song does not have an understanding about life’s traumas.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a good example of how erroneous that song is.  PTSD is most often thought of for people serving in the military, but in reality, people of all ages and all walks of life suffer from PTSD.  People who have been sold into human trafficking, who are raped, beaten and abused on a daily bases are one group.  Women and men who are in abusive relationships, children who are raped and beaten, nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, anyone working with the public safety and rescue jobs have seen devastating situations.  I once was held at gun point for two hours.

It is estimated that 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. This equates to approximately 223.4 million people.  Up to 20% of these people go on to develop PTSD. As of today, that equates to approximately 44.7 million people who were or are struggling with PTSD.  An estimated 8% of Americans − 24.4 million people − have PTSD at any given time. That is equal to the total population of Texas.  An estimated one out of every nine women develops PTSD, making them about twice as likely as men.  http://www.ptsdunited.org/ptsd-statistics

When I interview people struggling with PTSD, I am told the same over and over:

1. I can’t sleep because when I close my eyes, I seen the horror and I live it again.

2. I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to go through it again by talking about it.

3. I don’t want to live.  Sometimes I feel homicidal and other times I feel suicidal.  I don’t want to be around people, not even my own family.

What tools are available to people suffering with PTSD?  Mental health professionals can provide counseling and support groups.  When I ask a client if they have pursued this avenue, they usually tell me they did and it wasn’t helpful.  PTSD sufferers tell me that the medications prescribed are not very helpful and they don’t like the side effects of the medications.

Hypnosis is a beneficial tool for individuals suffering from PTSD.  With hypnosis, one learns that by fighting and trying to resist the traumatic memories, this actually contributes to making the trauma worse.  Guidance with a skilled hypnotherapist can help the client detach from the trauma and observe the traumatic event from a different point of view and help the client realize that the event can be put into prospective and help the individual through the event.

I have worked with women who were raped and have seen first hand how beneficial hypnosis is in the recovery process.  I have seen hypnosis help people dealing with other horrific events causing PTSD.  If you are suffering from PTSD and you have tried the standard treatments with limited results, you may want to consider adding hypnosis to your tool bag to go along with your counseling.

I encourage anyone suffering from PTSD to seek help.  Life can be rebuilt and restored with the proper help and tools.  You really don’t have to deal with PTDS by yourself.


Hypnosis and Children by Janet Lynas Ph.D., N.H.D.

I love doing hypnosis with children!  They are so animated and open to any possibility.  I had one six year old girl who ended up with her feet at the top of the recliner by the time the session was over and her head on the foot rest.

This six year old girl was referred to me by her therapist who had been working with her for quite some time for a condition called Trichotillomania.  This is a psychological disorder where a person pulls out their hair and often times their eyelashes and eyebrows.  The therapist and parents were not making progress with this beautiful little girl.

Both parents came in with the child on the visit.  I talked with the parents about hypnosis and the hypnotic process.  When it came time for me to start the session, the little girl told her parents that she did not want them to come into the room during the session.  With children, I give the child and the parents the option on whether or not the parent will be in the room.

Before I left my house to go to the office for the session, I grabbed two of my pendulums.  I usually do not use a pendulum for the hypnosis session, but my intuition told me to take at least one with me.

When we got into the treatment room, the little princess asked, “Do you have one of those things that you swing?”  I asked her if she meant a pendulum and she shook her head yes.  I informed her that I not only had one with me, but two.  I let her choose which one she wanted me to use.

She was easily put into a hypnotic trance.  During the session we talked about “girl power”, being a beautiful princess, fairy princesses, and that she could do anything including having beautiful hair and eyelashes and eyebrows.  I gave her a post hypnotic suggestion, as I do with all of my clients, I suggested that she would give her mother a big hug and tell her that she loves her.

She ran to her mother after the session and gave her mother a big hug and told her that she loved her.  The mother looked at me surprised and I explained that this was the post hypnotic suggestion I gave the child.  The mother asked me when would we need to schedule the next session.  I looked at this blue eyed, blond haired child and asked, “What do you think?”

This angelic child looked at me and her mother and said, “I can do anything and I don’t need to come back.”  I smiled and told mom that I would leave it up to her if she felt like she needed to schedule another appointment later.

A couple of weeks later, I saw the referring therapist in passing and asked about the child.  The therapist told me that the parents had canceled their next session because the little princess was no longer pulling out her hair or eyelashes.

Seems as though she found her “GIRL POWER”.

Angels and Ascended Masters Visualization In Hypnosis by Janet Lynas

“Janet, can you help me? I’m in a lot of pain, I’m out of my pain medicine. I don’t see my doctor until 6:00 p.m. tonight.”

As a nurse, I know that deep surgical wounds can take months to heal and that there are painful procedures such as cleaning the infected wounds and cutting away dead tissue. I have applied wound vacs on patients to help speed the healing process. Wound vac devices are used on wounds that have large amounts of drainage and are deep wounds. These wounds have to heal from the inside out, and very rarely heal without complications. The wound vac machine is uncomfortable, noisy, bulky, and inconvenient to the individual. The client has to carry this apparatus with them where ever they go. This machine stays on the person at all times until the wound is healed. Think about having to deal first with a deep infected wound, second with pain, and third having to wear this machine for months. It is not easy for clients to deal with this situation. In some cases, these clients are also having to deal with receiving IV antibiotics at home as well.

Not long ago, I was sitting on my patio on a warm winter day enjoying the sunshine, when my neighbor came to me ask if I could help with her pain. She was out of pain medication and would not see her wound care doctor for several hours. Of course, I could, and I did help her by combining hypnosis and angel therapy.  Knowing that my neighbor is active in her ladies church group, I asked if she would like for me to invoke the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Jesus to help during this hypnosis session. Since this lovely lady had never experienced hypnosis, she was nervous and a little unsure if she should do hypnosis. She was, however, less fearful of hypnosis at the thought of having the angels being present during the session.

Once the client is induced into deep hypnosis, we take a look at the wound. I have the client talk to the wound and ask why it’s having trouble healing? My clients have always been able to have a conversation with the body and get the answers needed to promote healing.
Next Archangel Michael is called on to use his white foaming energy to wash the infection out of the wound. I have the client tell me when the wound is clean either by nodding their head or raising the index finger nearest me. After Archangel Michael has cleaned the wound, I ask Archangel Raphael to infuse his green energy into the wound to promote a faster healing. Again, I have the client let me know when this step is completed. Last, Jesus comes in to apply his golden energy light as a bandaid to hold the energy from the previous healings in place.
Once the session was over, my neighbor reported her pain was completely gone. She told me she saw the energy from each archangel and Jesus clearly. Update, she is continuing to use the tools she learned during our session and her wound is healing faster than expected and her pain is reduced and better controlled.

Cell Talk and Hypnosis by Janet Lynas

This is a photo of human brain cells.  This photo shows the electrical interaction of the brain cells transmitting information to each other and then to the rest of the body.  What happens to this information when used in hypnosis to communicate with the rest of the cells in the body?

Dr. John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M. has done an extensive study on, “Talking to Your Cell(f)” in his book Cell Talk.  Dr. Upledger has used hypnosis in his practice to help him in diagnosing different illnesses with his patients and he has asked the affected body system what it needs to heal itself.  Dr. Upledger has addressed the relationship between cell activity and consciousness.  He has discovered how living systems form and heal themselves and that organisms actually do have minds that exist.  Dr. Upledger states that anything that causes biomechanical, physiological, biochemical, toxic and emotional stress on the cell can result in mutations that can result in cell malignancy.

So, how do we take this knowledge and apply it to hypnosis?  As, part of my pre-intake with a client wanting to address health issues, I would give them information on the body system being addressed.  I would have the client view photos of the cells in the body system that needs addressing so the client will have a clear concept of what that cell looks like and how it is supposed to function.  Next, I will have a discussion with the client during the intake about what the health issue is.  We will explore all the adverse reactions the body system is having and what the client expects the out come to be.  We will have a clear understanding that there is no limitation to what the client can accomplish using hypnosis.

I just completed a certification in hypnosis for clients who have had strokes.  Mr. Donald J. Mottin, CMI, DNGH, OB presented the program, “Rewiring The Brain Through Hypnosis” and gave considerable creditability to the presentation because he used hypnosis for himself after he had a stroke.  Mr. Motting was told by doctors that he would be wheelchair bound the rest of his life.  (Why doctors set their patients up for failure and limitations I do not understand, but I have seen this happen for 46 years as a nurse.)  Mr. Mottin was not wheelchair bound durning this presentation, but was walking on the stage during the whole presentation.  Mr. Mottin had a cane with him, but it appeared he really didn’t need in much.

Now that there is published scientific evidence that the body systems do indeed communicate with each other, why wouldn’t we use this information to maintain a youthful and healthy body?

Hypnosis should be used in conjunction with regular routine health care provided by your physician.  With the help of an experienced hypnotherapist you can accomplish much in maintaining a healthy body.

Hypnosis and Aging by Janet Lynas


Can hypnosis help us reverse aging?  Can hypnosis help us look younger?  Yes, hypnosis can help us reverse aging and look younger.  Hypnosis for aging is known as Youthing Hypnosis.   Success depends on the client’s determination and dedication to the hypnosis process as to the outcome.

Durning the intake session the hypnosis therapist will explore the individual’s views on aging.  Before the first session a client will be asked to read information on the body and the rejuvenation process.  An honest discussion will take place between the client and the hypnosis therapist about the power of the mind to work with the body to slow or stop the aging process or reverse it.  Durning a session the client will learn how to view the body on the cellular level and how to understand the organ systems process of rejuvenation. During the intake session the client and hypnosis therapist will look at realistic goals that the client will want to obtain.  There will be a discussion on the internal changes in the body.  Everything starts on the inside and radiates outward.

What does it mean to you to look and feel younger? What are the characteristics of a youthful person? Youthful people are usually more energetic, have a good outlook on life, eat healthy, and act younger than their age. Youthful individuals have a zest for life and a curiosity that keeps them excited.  Youthful people talk younger, no, I’m not talking about slang, but acquiring new communication skills and how they deliver their message.  Facial expressions radiate joy and happiness instead of frowning.  Youthful people manage their time well, trying new activities and learning new skills.

The mind/body connection is a powerful one.  Yes, we can stay younger longer and hypnosis can help us explore the Youthing process.