
2025 by Dr. Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We are standing on the precipice between 2024 and 2025. Should we take a look back at 2024 or just push forward into 2025?

We had several cloudy days recently and a friend committed on the weather being bad. My remark was, “It’s all in one’s perspective.” How can I enjoy sunny weather if we don’t have the clouds and rain? The earth certainly needs both the rain and sunshine. Winter brings shorter days and longer nights. It’s the same with darkness and light. Some parts of the world live in long periods of darkness, then finding those same areas being jettisoned into long periods of light.

I enjoy watching the sky being painted with colors of yellow, pink and gold with the sunrise and sunset. We need the contrast to appreciate life. Imagine what life would be like if there was no night and day. What would life be like if the weather was always sunny and 70 degrees? It would become rather mundane.

Then we have the ups and downs in life. The birth and death. Friends coming and going in our lives. Life can be a roller coaster at times. One thing I know for sure is that life is a journey. And that journey is what I make it. We are only victims if we choose to be.

Finding Balance in Chaos

I admit it can be hard to find balance in our lives, especially when life throws you a curve ball. I have experienced a curve ball lately and it has been a challenge. For seven months I had planters fasciitis making walking difficult. I had just gotten past the planters fasciitis and now I have broken my right foot. No weight bearing which really has made me become even more creative. Crutches just are not practical and are not particularly safe. How can one carry a cup of coffee while using crutches? Not happening at all!

My friend, Gina, comes to the rescue by loaning me her mother’s walker that has a seat and wheels. (No, I didn’t take the walker away from her mother.) Now, I roll around the house with the walker doing the chores I need to do. That has been an interesting experience learning new ways of doing ordinary things.

Murphy’s Law is really in full force in my life right now. Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong will. Yesterday morning, I woke up with a severe case of vertigo! Really!!! I have felt dizzy on a rare occasion, but that’s nothing compared to vertigo. Oh my goodness! Now I know how a drunken sailor must feel on a boat rocking up and down on a choppy sea. Today is my second day with vertigo visiting. It has slacked off a little, however.

So, what’s my point in telling you about my circumstances? The blessing in all the calamity is that I will appreciate being able to walk again. I’m told this type of fracture can take months to heal. Once the vertigo subsides, I will be grateful to be steady again.

Sometimes finding balance in life takes creativity. Sometimes, we need to be out of balance to appreciate the balance. I don’t need to review 2024 to move forward into 2025. I remember the loss of loved ones and the birth of the new babies in my family.

I pray that you are able to embrace the imbalances that will come and appreciate the balances will also come.

So, as we stand on the precipice of 2025, may you always find your balance.

Is the sun rising? Or setting? It’s all in your perception.

Letting Go by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Letting go of past trauma can be quite difficult. It’s easier said than done. The question is, do you want to let go of past trauma? I know that sounds like a dumb question, but past trauma becomes a part of who we identify ourselves as being. If we let go, then we have to re-identify who we are.

Trauma Embeds In Our Cells

Do you often feel like you’re on heightened alert, waiting for the next shoe to drop? Are you stuck in all your past traumas? What happens when we don’t release past pain?

I want to specify that I’m not talking about Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in this article. I have articles on PTSD that you can read.

I’m referring to the hurts and rejections we have encountered on a daily bases. An unkind word or two that someone has spoken to us that cut deep in the moment. Or the unkind word we have spoken to others that we regret even after asking for forgiveness and being forgiven. The snub we perceive whether or not real. We hold onto the suffering that in reality, we inflict on ourselves.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), trauma is an event you experience as harmful or life threatening. It has lasting adverse effects on your mental, physical, emotional, social, or spiritual well-being.

So, how is this suffering we feel held in the body’s cells and how does this affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?

Symptoms can manifest as:

  1. Difficulty in sleeping – either getting to sleep or staying asleep
  2. Monkey mind – ruminating about the situation that caused the pain or not being able to let it go
  3. Chronic pain – the injury of reliving the situation can be held in the back or neck muscles as an example
  4. Feeling easily overwhelmed, being on edge
  5. Feeling like you need to be on-guard all the time
  6. Muscle tension – having sore muscles and aches in areas that shouldn’t be stiff
  7. You may have brain fog and forgetfulness
  8. Anxiety that’s not well defined
  9. One might find themselves avoiding being around people
  10. Chest tightness and difficulty breathing

By holding on to these injuries we can find ourselves feeling cut off from our own souls. The guilt we feel for our part in the situation can cause us to withdraw and isolate. We cut our own spiritual selves off from our Creator when allowing unresolved pain to build up inside of us.

So, how does one resolve the pain?

It’s hard to pull yourself out of your head. One can feel like you’re being held captive in the recesses of the mind. That’s a very dark place to be. It’s the little things that really dig-in and hold us hostage.

Steps to take to pull yourself up by the bootstraps:

  1. Acknowledging one’s feelings is the first step. Admit your part in the situation and forgive yourself.
  2. Align your mind and body by getting out in nature. Notice the colors, aromas, the sounds in nature.
  3. Take time out to just breathe. Focus on filling your lungs with oxygen and slowly breathing out. Pay attention on how you’re breathing. Are you breathing from the diaphragm? If you are, then your stomach will rise higher than your chest. Like when a baby is sleeping and you see their stomach rising higher than the chest. Shallow breathing actually contributes to anxiety.
  4. Exercise – take a walk, do yoga, run, swim, dance – it doesn’t matter, just move the body.
  5. Meditate – meditation isn’t that hard, just focus on an object and let the mind become still. The eyes don’t have to be closed. As you focus on an object, it becomes easier to still the mind.
  6. Self-care is important. Take time to do what relaxes you. Listen to uplifting music, sing, play an instrument if you have that ability. Take a nap, a warm bath, watch your favorite movie…
  7. Journal – it doesn’t have to be a work of art – just jot down your thoughts
  8. Enjoy a massage.
  9. Be in the moment. Live mindful, not in the past or in the future.
  10. Pray


As I go to sleep at night, I make a point of expressing gratitude. I make a point of giving thanks for at least three things that happened during my day. I start my day out in the same way that I end my day.

However, there are mornings like this morning, as I was still in that dream-state I saw bubbles floating up. You know when you see bubbles floating up in a glass of carbonated water and dissipating. While still in that dream-state, I asked, “Why the bubbles?” The answer gently came to me that I was letting go of past hurts.

Like the rest of you, I too have traumas. For myself, I tend to want to ignore them, pretend I’m strong and can handle the disappointments. I’ve only had myself to rely on through the years. The last couple of years have been tough on me, who am I kidding, most of my life has been rough at times. Just like you, we’re in the same boat.

I’ve been doing a lot of shadow work for several years (there are articles in my blog about shadow work) and this morning was just part of that process.

While it’s not easy, it’s worthwhile to release the past pain that comes in just living. When you release that trauma, you free up space to allow love to enter into your life.

So, join me in doing ‘fall cleaning’ and empty out the cobwebs, open the windows to your soul, feel the freedom of releasing the past.

Remember to subscribe so you will know when the next article comes out.

Teetering Between Life and Death by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

A reader recently sent me a message asking why I have not written any new articles lately.

I belong to the sandwich group of adults. I’m sandwiched between a parent and adult children. For the past few months most of my attention has been focused on my dad. My dad has been teetering between life and death for the last three weeks. Today, he told me that he thought he was going to pass over last night. This isn’t the first time he’s told me this.

My dad is 90.6 years old. He’s had a long life, that’s true. But, he’s been mad for the last 12 plus years. He’s been irritated since my mother died over 12 years ago. You see, as he put it, this wasn’t the plan, he was supposed to go first. Of course my remark to him was, well we don’t always get what we want.

Let me tell you about my dad. My mother met my dad when they were 14 years old. Mother married another man and I was born. It was a rocky marriage from the start, but the defining moment came one day when he tried to kill me and my mother with a knife. Divorce for my parents generation was considered to be taboo. However, the attempted murder was the breaking point for my mother.

After, her divorce, mother wrote dad a letter telling him she had gotten a divorce. She wasn’t expecting anything to result from her letter. As a matter of fact, she didn’t plan on getting married again. Shortly after she sent dad the letter, he showed up on her doorstep.

They rekindled their friendship and started dating. I went on most of the dates with them. Early on in their reconnecting process, I refused to let mother put me to bed one night. I insisted that dad tuck me in. I was a strong willed three year old. Knew my own mind from the beginning. As he was tucking me in bed on this particular night, I went right to the point and asked him if he was going to be my new daddy. (I still am strong willed and get right to the point.)

It wasn’t long after that they were married. Shortly after they married, the man who I refer to as the “sperm donor” called dad and asked him if he wanted to adopt me. Dad told him that he would meet him at the court house the next day. My dad adopted me then and there.

My dad, is a good man and was a good father to me. I grew up in a middle class home. Money was tight, but he was a good provider and mother was good at managing money. We had a big garden which meant we had plenty of food, we lived in a nice house that his stepdad built, mother made my clothes, and we didn’t do without much.

Fast forward to today. I spent the last week gathering information from the local funeral homes on funeral expenses. Believe it or not, they all charge different prices. I learned that you can order a casket online and it can be as much as 50% to 85% cheaper than the funeral home. Plus next day delivery. Go figure!

Next week I plan to sit down with my sister to make the final decisions on dad’s funeral. One bright note in all of this, dad’s great great-son was born on his birthday six months ago. The circle of life, one life comes in as another is planning to leave.

So, thank you for your patience with my being absent lately. I will be back to writing articles now that certain obligations have been met.

Meet my dad, Charles Lynas. This photo was taken six months ago on his 90th birthday.

What happened to 2023? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Time seems to accelerate faster as we get older. Up to a point that is. My 90 year old dad is at the point where time is dragging by for him. He recently told me, “I’m just waiting.” I get it. He’s not able to live by himself anymore and his mobility is extremely limited. So, for him, he’s just waiting to transcend to the next level.

But what happened to 2023? It has been a rollercoaster ride for the last three years. It seems as though the whole world has lost its mind! All of the world leaders have certainly lost their minds. Especially in the U.S.

No, this article is not going to be a political account of the last year. But, I want to pause for a moment and reflect on the current environment. In 2023 we have seen higher death rates among all ages, especially among the 20 to 40 year olds. These high death rates are not normal. We have seen more fighting among countries that at least use to tolerate each other. The homeless rate world wide has gone up. (No, I’m not going to use politically correct terms. They change too much.) People are struggling to have enough money for the basics for food, clothing and shelter. Hunger is a real issue for people worldwide.

Mental health has deteriorated and there have been more suicides that normal. People are not as friendly as they were a few years ago. Basically, the quality of life is at stake. Gloom and doom seems to be the theme for the year.

While all of this is true, we can take a step back and regroup. I come from the thought that my glass is half full and quickly overflowing.

2024 is at the door

So, what do you want for the year 2024? How do you live in a world that’s so chaotic? I don’t live in the world so to speak. I’m fully aware of what’s going on, but I don’t let the unrest affect my inner peace.

I encourage you to take a step back, take a deep breath, close your eyes and regain your balance. Be aware of events around you, but don’t let these events take over your life.

2024 will be whatever you chose to make it. Truly! Be honest with yourself. What do you want? We are the creators of our own lives. In past articles I have talked about getting the conscious mind and the subconscious minds in alignment. Go back and read them again if you need to.

Write down what you want your life to be like. Put it aside for awhile and then look at your statements again. Fine tune it if you need to. Remember, it’s not written in stone, you can change your goals anytime. You are the creator of your life. It’s up to you to find the inner peace and balance in your life. You certainly have the control and power over your own thoughts.

Visual aids help. Make a vision board. Place it where you will see it each day. We are never too old to have a vision of what we want our lives to look like.

Remember, we might live in this world, but we don’t have to be IN this world! Think about this statement. Don’t let outside circumstances rule your life. Be an observer and encourage others when you can. Ask for help if you feel you’re getting sucked into the sludge of the world. Take an active part in your own story!

God told Moses, “I AM THAT I AM. I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.” Embrace this declaration.

I pray that each of you find your balance in 2024. May your ship have calm waters. Looking forward to seeing you in 2024!

Who is that person? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

You look into the mirror and ask, “Who is that person?” It happens to all of us at some point in time. Not only has our physical appearance changed, but so has our identity. Life happens and somewhere along the path of life, we realize we have lost ourselves.

Stages in life

Early in life one begins to wonder, who am I? What is my purpose in life? Who do I want to be? Am I on the right path?

Children look at the world with awe and wonder. Everything is an adventure. Somewhere in the mind of that small child they only see themselves as an extension of their parents. A child has neither the intellect or life experience to look any further than the reality in which they are living. Children truly live in the moment.

Then children come to a point where they develop self-awareness. At this point in development they begin to identify as being the one who will determine who and what they will be in life.

Let’s fast forward to the autumn of life.

What happened?

Throughout our life time our self-image has evolved. Men tend to identify themselves through their professions or jobs. Women tend to see themselves as caregivers to children, elderly parents, to identify through their careers. Both men and women see themselves as a husband or wife, parents to children with whom they are responsible. Or, as a single person who is foraging their way through life making a mark on society on their own terms.

One day we wakeup and look in the mirror and wonder, “Who is that person looking back at me?” My dad who just turned 90 years old sums it up this way, “I’m a young man trapped in an old mans body.”

Some of my friends are going through an identity crisis. One friend lost her only child and then a couple of months later, her husband. Now, she’s no longer a mother or wife. She’s having to redefine who she is. But, how does she do that? It’s not easy.

Other friends are struggling with the impending inevitable loss of a spouse. They see the love of a lifetime fading away and there is nothing they can do to prevent this process from happening. While their focus is on helping their spouse, in the back of their mind is the looming thought, what am I going to do without my spouse?

For others of us, we have gone through divorce and are redefining who we are as a single man or woman. Many have retired and are at a loss about who they are without the job they worked in for so many decades. What do I do with the time I have on my hands now? To be honest, many die from boredom and lack of purpose. Each of us know individuals who work into their 70s and 80s before they retired. Shortly after retirement, they died. Friends and family vow, I will retire early and enjoy life! I will go fishing, I will travel, I will volunteer… Some even decide to move to another country thinking that it will be cheaper and the retirement money will go farther.

However, I challenge you to reconsider those people who chose to work all their life. These individuals live a long and productive life. They find joy in what they are doing. Life is interesting and has a purpose for them. I’m one of those individuals. Retirement is boring for me. I enjoy being around other people who are having interesting lives. Let’s face it, one can travel, but after a while it’s not as fun as it was in the beginning. You can go fishing and sit on the beach, however, after a couple of weeks it loses its luster.

The grass is greener on the other side

We think if I move to another location everything will be better. The grass looks greener and the future brighter. However, remember if the grass is greener, there’s been more manure put on that grass.

We look externally to redefine who we are or who we want to be. I propose instead of looking at the external that we look internally to define who we are now becoming. No one wants to do this because it will mean facing the dark side of the soul. This can be uncomfortable at the least and scary at the most.

Remember, when we look within we are becoming stronger. We are finally learning who we truly are. It has taken 60, 70, 80, 90 years to gain the experience needed before we can define who we are. End of life experiences don’t mean the end of life. It means we have come of age. One knows who they are. It also frees us to expand and become more than we thought we could be. Do you realize that humankind has the ability to live to be well over a hundred years of age? The human body does have that capability. I’ve made the statement before, that the largest growing age group are those over 100.


As long as there is life, we have the ability to evolve and expand. Death of the human body is not the death of the individual, it’s a transition to another form of life. We are made up of energy. Energy never dies. It transforms into a higher form of life.

I live a diverse life. Many of my friends are decades younger than I am and we have developed deep connections as friends and colleagues. I find myself always looking inward for the answers I need in my life. My higher-self knows what’s best for me. As a result, life is interesting and abundant.

I love life. I love my life.

“Why are you writing this article?” you ask. I guess because recently I have seen so many of my friends and classmates going through the “dark night of the soul” and they don’t know how to deal with it.

I encourage you to embrace the “dark night of the soul”. I have and I came out on the other end wiser and stronger. It’s not an easy or fast process, but it’s a process that has great rewards on the other side. The only questions you need to ask are, what do I really want and what do I need to know for right now? What do I need to know for this moment in time? Embrace the child within that only wants to live in the moment. After all, right now, this very moment is all we truly have. Remember to live your life moment to moment. Be in that moment and be grateful for that moment. Even moments that are uncomfortable or painful will pass. We gain better understanding and endurance because of these moments.

Live your life to the fullest. Continue to evolve and grow. Even when we think life is over, it’s not. It’s just a new beginning. A new frontier.

Celebrate who you are. Express gratitude for your life. Each of us have abundance in blessings. We are blessed in ways that we will never know. Appreciate and be grateful for every aspect of your life.

Your life is just that, yours. It’s up to you to make your life what you want it to be. Never, forget, YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. What you think, you manifest into your reality.

So, be careful what you allow your mind to dwell on.

How do you say good-bye? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

My dad is dying. As I sit with him, he sleeps. I know he’s in the transition stage, moving from this life to the next. I’ve seen hundreds of transformations in my medical career. I sat with my mother as she transitioned many years ago.

When one is ready to leave this life and move into the next, the soul is released. I have been privileged to see the soul leave the body. It’s an amazing transaction.

But let’s go back to the question presented above. How do you say good-bye? People avoid conversations around death. We’re afraid to talk to the dying about the process. I learned early in life how important it is to tell people how you feel about them. No, I’m not talking about when you’re mad at them. Nor am I talking about the superficial “I love you” conversations.

I’m talking about the deep profound conversation that goes down into the gut level. The conversation that comes from deep within the heart and soul. Those conversations are hard. They are hard because we don’t want to reveal our inner most thoughts. It’s scary to reveal your soul to another person, even to the ones we love deeply.

How do you say good-bye?

You start as if each day is the last day you will see that person. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Let them know when they do something that has deep meaning to you. Express your amazement to that person about how you admire the things they do for others. Just say, “I’m grateful you’re in my life.” Conversations don’t have to be deep, just authentic and from the heart.

I told my dad that I appreciate him on more than one occasion. So, even if he doesn’t wake up enough for me to tell him again, I will have already said what needs to be said. I’m sure I will have the opportunity to tell him again before he completes his passage into the next realm. We never want to have the regrets of having unfinished business with the people who mean so much to us.

I picked my dad.

My mother divorced my biological father when I was very young. It was scandalous for people to get a divorce back then. But when someone tries to kill you and your child, it becomes ok. After the divorce, my mother wrote to my “dad” and told him about what happened. She never planned to remarry. However, shortly after she sent the letter, “Dad” showed up on her doorstep. They had been friends since they were 14 years old.

I went on their first date with them. That night I wouldn’t let mom put me to bed. I made dad do it. I was a persuasive four year old. That night as he tucked me in I asked him, “Are you going to be my new daddy?”

It was a short time before he and mom married. Soon after they married, the biological donor called dad and asked him if he wanted to adopt me. They met at the courthouse the next day and it was a done deal. That’s how I chose my dad.

Fast forward 65 years and now I’m sitting with the man who saved my life. My dad. I feel privileged to have had him in my life. I have told him that, but I will tell him again before he passes on.


You start saying good-bye on the first day you meet someone who is important in your life. That way you will never have regrets. You won’t be saying to yourself, “I wish I had told them…”

So, tell the people in your life how much they mean to you. You won’t regret it. But, you will have remorse if you don’t.

Who is Asherah? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Who is Asherah? Is Asherah mentioned in the Bible? What does the Book of Kings say about Asherah? 1 Kings 18:19 states that Asherah had prophets in Tyre just as the Canaanite god Baal had prophets. In addition, 2 Kings 23:6 states that the priests of Solomon’s Temple brought out “all the objects made for Baal and Asherah and all the host of heaven”.

Asherah, is also known as an ancient West Semitic goddess. She is known as the wife of God. Her name also means “She Who Walks on the Sea”. She was also called Elath or Elat, “the Goddess”. She is sometimes called Qudshu, “Holiness”.

Asherah is mentioned over 40 times in the Hebrew Bible. Asherah has been identified as Yahweh’s wife. The worship of Asherah is so deeply embedded within the socio-religious practices of the Jewish, that Asherah became regarded in ancient Israel and Judah as the worship of Yahweh. Biblical Archaeology Review*

Is Asherah the wife of God?

Asherah, the Shekinah, is known as the consort and beloved of Yahweh. God-the-Mother. Her sacred pillars or poles once stood right beside Yahweh’s altar, embracing it. Moses and Aaron both carried one of these Asherah “poles” as a sacred staff of power. The Children of Israel were once dramatically healed simply by gazing at the staff with serpents …

The term, Yahweh and his Asherah, was used commonly is ancient times.

Regardless of her importance, Asherah has largely been edited out of the Bible.  

What other hints are in the Bible?

Genesis 1:26 ESV

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Genesis 1:27 ESV  

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Bold highlight is added by me.

I’ve always wonder who God was talking about when He said, “in our image”. And furthermore, “created in his own image, male and female”.

The explanations I heard through the years never rang true for me. What I was told was that humans were created in the image of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But how can that be when all three are the male image?

These explanations seem to forget about the woman in the creation. God can’t break his own laws of nature that He set into existence. It takes a male and female to create another being.

Canonization of the Bible

I’m not going into detail on the history of how or why the Bible was canonized. What I am saying, however, is that during the time of canonization, the culture was controlled by men. Women had little or no say in decision making. But, I will include a short summary.

According to “Got Questions” https://www.gotquestions.org/Old-Testament-canon.html this is one explanation:

There is little historical data detailing the formation of the Old Testament canon. The scribes compiling the canon would have been mindful of:

• the reputation of each book’s human author
• doctrines and statements within a given manuscript that conflict with the clear teachings of established biblical writings
• historical inaccuracies and/or spurious prophetic utterances that would cast a shadow of doubt on a manuscript
• a book’s widespread acceptance or rejection by respected scholars

Based on these exacting standards, the ancient Jewish scribes demonstrated the highest measure of diligence and scholarship as they settled on the Old Testament canon.

Jesus never questioned the authenticity of the Hebrew Bible. Jesus said the prophets spoke of Him (Luke 24:13–27). Therefore, we have no reason to doubt the authenticity of the Old Testament.

I encourage you to research this for yourself. There are many excellent reference sources that addresses this question.

My point in the above information is the authenticity of the Old Testament is not questioned. So, why was Asherah reduced to a pagan goddess?

What else has been changed in the Bible to reflect the social beliefs of the time? Many stories about Jesus’ childhood were removed from the Bible during the canonization process.

It’s well established that Mary Magdalene was a benefactor to Jesus’ ministry. However, she was portrayed as a prostitute. We also know that the apostles were jealous of her. Could this jealousy be the reason why she was defamed?

In summary

I have questioned many things in the Bible through the years. To question the Bible is healthy. Why? Think about how many times it has been translated from one language to another. Meanings are changed in the translation. The New Testament was written by men who had an agenda. These agendas were not necessarily self-serving, but we all struggle with the Ego. Especially when we have a point we want to prove or make.

I’m not saying Asherah is God’s wife or that she’s not. I am saying, we need to do our own research and not blindly accept what has been handed down to us through the last 2,000 years. As more information comes to light from archeological discoveries, we have to be prepared to look at the new evidence. We need consider that perhaps the history in the Bible is incomplete and maybe this is why new evidence is coming into focus. New revelations where discovered about Asherah in 2011. It has opened up a heated debate in the religious world. The debate is healthy. It makes us look at all the evidence and encourages us to open our minds and think about what is being presented to us.

As a child, my mother used to tell me, “God gave you a brain, use it!” I heard it a lot when I was in trouble for doing something dumb.

Are we willing to look at the evidence as it becomes available? Or are we going to be “stiff necked” and refuse to examine the facts that are being presented to us?

When It Gets Tough by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

“When it gets tough, the tough get going.” This is a popular saying in the U.S. It certainly applies now. Times are difficult not only in the U.S., but worldwide. Having said this, I’m not focusing on the political implications. Instead, I want to focus on what we can do.

It’s time to move out of the feminine energy!

As you know, the feminine energy is about “planting the seeds” and nurturing the idea that is planted. The masculine energy is all about taking action. It’s time to take action!

The peoples of the world find ourselves in the pot on the stove, like the frog who’s slowly getting cooked. For those of you who do not know the story of the frog in the pot getting slowly cook I will share that story with you.

The story is this; a frog is put into a pot of water on the stove. The heat is turned on. It’s on a low setting. The water warms up slowly. As the water begins to warm up, the heat is turned up gradually. Before the frog realizes what’s happening, the water is boiling and the frog is cooked.

Therefore, we are like the frog! We are cooked! To our astonishment, we find ourselves in hot water and have no idea how we got there or what to do.

The time now is to take action! It’s time to weed the garden. Pull out the weeds that suddenly showed up.

What action do we take?

First, recognize that the way of life that you thought you knew is gone. That’s a harsh statement, I know. But, life for people all over the world is different and there’s no going back. Furthermore, I don’t want to return to the way life was before.

The U.S. citizens are focused on trivial things. Getting ahead in life with no regards on what the effect is on other family members. Parents are absent in the lives of their children. The children are growing up without a real connection to their parents.

Let me ask you, Do you know your children? Do you really know them as individuals? How well do you really know your spouse or significant other? When was the last time you had a real conversation with your family? I’m talking about a meaningful conversation.

Above all, did you listen to what they said? Or where you thinking about what you wanted to say instead. Listening is an art. Listen to what someone is saying. Really listen to their words without judgement. Stop thinking ahead on what you think they are going to say and listen to what they are saying.

Clear communication is the first step.

Next, look objectively at what is. Oftentimes, we don’t want to acknowledge the truth. It’s difficult to admit that we’re wrong. It’s just human nature to want to be right.

However, we are good at deceiving ourselves. At times, we are like the deer in the headlights. (Another U.S. saying. Deer get blinded by the headlights on a car and freeze up.) Stop deceiving yourself! See things as they are now.

So, what’s next?

It’s time to wake up and deal with life as it is now.  Or as my grandmother used to say, “You made your bed sleep in it.”

We know that there’s shortages in food, in getting supplies and so on… I’m not going to go over the list of what you already know.

Citizens around the world have the same concerns. Will I have the money to buy gasoline for my car to get to work? Is there going to be enough money to buy food? Can I pay the rent/mortgage? And how will I pay the rising cost in the utilities? Yes, everything is going up in prices.

Having said all this, how do we survive?

First, get to know your neighbors. That’s a concept most Americans don’t understand. We don’t have the “sitting on the front porch in the evenings visiting with our neighbors.” Most people don’t know who their neighbors are, much less visit with them. Your neighbors will be your first line of defense if you get to know each other. Otherwise, you will be out on your own. That’s not going to be a comfortable place to be.

Secondly, it starts in your community. Get involved, know what’s going on in your community. Study what the issues are in your community. Get to know your local leaders. Get up off your backside and get involved!

Thirdly, know your state representatives. Know what the real issues are. Don’t assume you know. Know what’s really going on in the background. Remember, these people work for you, you don’t work for them! If they are not doing the job you elected them to do, fire them! Vote them out of office.


Most importantly, take action to plan ahead. You know there’s going to be shortages. Stock up on food and supplies. As the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts learn, “Be prepared.”

Do not get caught up in the fear that’s presenting itself around the world. Fear will defeat you every time if you don’t recognize it for what it is. It’s a tactic to control the masses.

Times are tough and the tough need to get going! Be prepared, have a plan. Humankind is resilient! The world has been through difficult times before and survived. We will survive again. To survive, we have to be alert and work together.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

People from around the world have to put aside the assumed differences and pull together. No one is coming to save us. We have to save ourselves.

We change the world one person at a time. And it starts with you.

What is happening now? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

As we have learned, our earth is increasing the vibrational frequency to a higher hertz.  This change in our earth is also known as the “Shift”.  Our world is preparing to move into the fifth dimension.  Therefore, this shift will not only affect our planet, but all of our universe and the universes that are connected to ours and beyond.  Time is being altered. 

Change is necessary

As our planet and time is being altered so are we.  Our memory, our DNA, our physical and emotional bodies. Above all, our perceptions of right and wrong, and our awareness of what is possible are all changing. We experience a “Shift” in our perception of our world and of ourselves.  In addition, this change in perception is that we are disconnecting from the ways of the world to realizing who we truly are.  We are beginning to remember who we are, where we came from and our purpose on this earth.  As we remember who we are, our hearts are awakening to the fact that we all are one.  

All of us matter, we all have a contribution to make. For instance, it is this shift that will take us into the higher dimensional awareness. It will align us to the higher vibrational frequency of awareness.

The Process of Awakening

In the process of awakening and remembering who we are, we are losing many of our memories. Therefore, our reference points upon which we had built our reality on is changed.  This is happening because we cannot take negative emotions or thoughts with us into the next dimension.  In our third dimensional existence, we are living in an imbalanced world and we are to learn to bring balance into our life.

However, as we transition into the fourth dimension and beyond, we learn to be in this world but not of it.  “… for I know where I came from and where I am going.” (John 8:14)  Jesus is asking us to remember that we come from I AM THAT I AM and to remember that we will return to the time and space where Creator God resides. 

Entering the Fifth Dimension

  As earth passes away and transitions into the fifth dimension, we too have to pass away along with the earth.  As result, we have to do the will of God.  For instance, we raise our vibrational frequency to stay connected to Him at all times.  To raise our vibrational frequency we have only to ask Him to allow us to be in His light of protection and consciousness.     

So, as we enter the fifth dimension of consciousness we experience full integration with our Higher Self consciousness.  In addition, we know who we are. We think from the heart. In doing so, we can act from the wisdom of our Soul.  We are fully conscious. Connecting into the wisdom and the information available within the higher consciousness of Lord God and we know there is no separation. 

Dimensional Shift and the Effects on the Body by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Ascension is the acceleration of vibrational energy and the shift of awareness in our consciousness.  When a human being raises their vibrational energy to a higher frequency, it is known as ascension.  Having said this, many changes occur during the ascension process. Similarly, as one ascends to a higher vibrational level and expands, symptoms are noted in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. 

Additionally, as we move through the Ascension process there will be periods of time when we will notice that the energy and symptoms of this process are more intense than other times.  Therefore, symptoms may last hours, several days or even weeks.  The symptoms may be mild or intense.  After that, the symptoms are different for each person and the number of symptoms and the intensity can vary depending upon ones awareness and sensitivity.  

Symptoms of Ascension

Ascension signs and symptoms include:

1. You have a “knowing” that something is happening or changing. Therefore, you “know” that something is about to happen or to come, yet you don’t know what or when. 

2. You can have stomach or digestive issues that you would not normally have.  

3. Changes in body temperature either being cold or hot are noted. 

4. Symptoms of cold or flu will appear and then disappear without exacerbation. 

5. Sinus and allergy symptoms are escalated and you may notice smells that are strange to you coming out of nowhere. 

6. A change in vision and perception is seen and sensations such as mist or smoke, flashes of lights, seeing shadows, color changes, sparkles and swirling energy is noted.

Oh, the ears!

7. However, you may notice changes in hearing; high pitched sounds, ringing in the ears, tonal changes with frequency changes, buzzing, or whooshing sounds.

8. You may notice a change in diet.  Foods that you once liked are no longer tolerable or you may find that you are having craving. You may have a weight change that is unexplained.

9. Your sleep patterns may change and you may go from periods of sleeping too much to having insomnia, waking up at odd times during the night especially around 3 in the morning. You may feel restless and not know why.

10. You may be having more day dreams, visions, flashes of insight and creativity.

11. You may experience waves of heat or hot flashes especially over the chakra areas.  You may have night sweats or chills.

12. You can have generalized aches and pains and body soreness that have no explanation.

13. You possibly experience increased static electricity in the body with the shocks from touching an object or another person.  One may have unexplained muscle twitches and spasms. You see electrical devices malfunction in your presence.

14. You may find that you are dropping objects or you are clumsier than you would normally be.  You may have vertigo or feel ungrounded.

15. You may have a sudden burst of energy or having panic attacks, scattered thoughts or confusion, and increased mental energy.  

16. You may experience unusual vibrations or tingling sensations in or around the chakra areas.

17. Mood swings from crying to laughter to anger for no apparent reason.

18. You may experience periods of increased heart rate with no explanation or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.

And there’s more:

19. You may have skin reactions such as rashes, hives, or tingling sensations or itching that come and go.

20. There may be changes in hair and nail growth, they may grow faster than normal and the texture and color may change.

21. Moreover, you may feel drawn to nature or quieter surroundings or to be alone.

22. There may be an increase in synchronistic events such as seeing recurrent numbers or phrases.

23. Subsequently, you may have a strong urge to change locations, jobs, friends, or marriage status.

24. Therefore, physical reality may seem unreal at times like a dream state and the dream state may seem more like reality.

25. You may find that you are having issues with your voice or speech and may notice more internal dialog with yourself.

We’re not done yet!

26. Also, you feel detached from the world around you.  In addition, you may feel invisible.

27. Likewise, you feel as though you no longer know who you are and are driven to find your true self. There may be a longing to go Home, yet you don’t know where home is.

28. You may have a deep sense that,“something” is going to happen or that you are running out of time.

29. Likewise, you may have moments where you feel that you are receiving channeled information, or experience automatic writing.

30. You may have spacey thoughts, feeling detached, sudden periods of confusion, forgetting things and in a dream-like trance.

31. Above all, time may seem as though it is speeding up or slowing down.  You may lose track of time.

32. After that, you may start to see auras around people, animals, plants, and nonliving objects. You may have sensitivity to light or your vision may become blurry.

33. In other words, one can experience telepathy with people or animals whom you are close with and you may have flashes of increased intuition or insight.

34. Above all, there may be an insight that you have a Divine purpose to fill that there is a specific mission you are to reach.

 35. During, dreamtime one can become bizarre, prophetic, and dream like visions may increase.

36. As a result, you feel that you are not alone and that there are unseen presences with you.  You may feel angels, spirits or messengers and guides with you.