
What will 2020 have in store for you? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.#


The year 2020 is rapidly approaching, ushering in a new era.  I want to take a look at what we might expect in the year 2020 from a metaphysical aspect.  What is the connection with the number 2020 and the spiritual energies we are experiencing?

2019 Energies

First, I want to take a look back on the year 2019.  With the number 2019 we see aspects within the angelic realm giving us guidance on the the year had to bring forth in our lives. The number 2 relates to duality and finding balance and harmony. Two also has to do with partnerships and relationships. It is associated with diplomacy, mediation and adaptability, sensitivity and selflessness. Number 2 also resonates with faith, trust and serving your life purpose.

You find that the number 0 represents being on ones spiritual journey. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with.  The number 1 resonates with creation, beginning new projects and ventures with a view to achieving success.  Remember with the number 1 that we create our own reality.

Number 9 associates with the Universal Laws as well as endings and conclusions.

2019 Changes in my Life

The year 2019 has brought many life changing events into my life.  Endings of relationships that no longer serve a purpose in my spiritual development. Once I examined my shadow side thinking that old wounds had been healed, only to realize they had not been.  Purging the hurts and pain I felt in past relationships was needed so I would heal from the pain.  Hopefully I have finally forgiven those who have hurt me.  I forgave myself in the role that I played in the event as well.

As the year, 2019 comes to a conclusion so have the lessons I needed to learn.

What’s ahead in 2020

When the same two numbers are seen together, you must remember that these numbers are amplified.  The number 2 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of service and duty.  Balance and harmony, adaptability and diplomacy come into alignment.  Co-operation, consideration, receptivity and love play into the vibrational qualities of the number 2.

With the number 0, the frequencies usher in the beginning of a spiritual journey, eternity, oneness, the continuing cycles, potentials and/or choices, and a beginning point to start.

Angel Number 2020 encourages you to show compassion, diplomacy, consideration and adaptability as you passionately serve others.

Angel Number 2020 can turn the most ambitious dreams into reality. Wonderful events are happening behind the scenes that will be of great benefit to you in the near future.  You may not be experiencing these opportunities in your life just yet, but know that they are on their way.  See the bigger picture and work with the details necessary to complete that picture in order to bring forth these blessings on both the spiritual and material planes.

Be diplomatic, co-operative and loving when relating to others.  You are well-blessed in your life.

Endings bring New Beginnings

Take the time to review the last year and the last decade.  Look at the lessons you learned.  Give thanks to all situations you encountered during the last ten years.  It’s from these happenings that you grew and became stronger.  Celebrate the end of an era by reflecting on where you have been and how far you have come.

Be thankful for the new opportunities that are being presented to you in the next phase of your life.

There are several excellent web sights on angel numbers.

Are You Grounded? What Does That Mean? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.


We hear the words, “stay grounded” quite often.  What does that really mean?   I am grounded, is a term used in metaphysical circles that tells us we are connected to the earth.  Is that what we really want to do?

Definition of Grounding

A spiritual definition tells us, the term grounding refers to having your personal spiritual energy connected to the energy of the earth.  We are often told to imagine our energy penetrating deep into the earth.  The instructions are, imagine your energy being like that of the roots of a tree, reaching deep into the earth to hold us in alignment with Mother Earth’s energy.

Another definition, is the disciplinary action a parent takes with a definite child.

Being Grounded in Mother Earth

I have given a great deal of thought to this concept of being grounded into the earth.  In recent weeks with all the energy changes going on in the universe, I have found that my personal spiritual energy has changed.

The transition was a difficult one for me.  I struggled with physical symptoms of headache, nausea, change in the frequency in the pitch of ringing in my ears, and at times a little dizziness.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  It actually turned out to be a three week process of ascension for me that was draining at times.  I went into a hermit mode and allowed the growth to progress at its own pace.  Once I disconnected from social media, I rested.

Throughout this process I thought about staying grounded to the earth’s energy.  My vibrational frequency has changed.  I feel lighter in my energy field and I quite like it.  My innate abilities have expanded and grown.  Understanding how my abilities have changed is an interesting development as well.  I will not go into detail on my personal growth in this posting.  My vibration reached a higher frequency.  I am longer tied to the earth.

What is the alternative?

Earthing took on a new meaning for me.  I am able to move forward in my growth and development as a spiritual being when I’m not anchored.  One can be connected to Gaia without extending spiritual roots deep into the planet’s energy.   Above all, it’s being balanced within ourselves that’s the most important thing one needs to remember.

As you ascend to higher vibrational levels, your energy requirements will change.  Also, as your energy becomes lighter, the vibration frequency becomes faster.  I found that as I have ascended in my personal growth, I no longer want to be grounded into Gaia.  I don’t want to be stuck in one place and stagnant.  I like reaching for the higher vibrational frequencies.

As you ascend in your development, you may find that you no longer want to be grounded as well.



Is There Only One Path To Follow? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I recently did a hypnosis session for a fifteen year-old girl who remarked several times about staying in the right path.  A week later while I was walking in nature, I began to think about her words.  She was obsession about being and staying on the right road.  I get my best ideas when I’m out in nature, so I let my mind wander on this subject of ‘being on the right path’.  The further I walked, the more I thought about the pressure she was putting on herself.  Is there only one path for each of us to follow?

Staying on the path

So, how do you stay on the path?  Interestingly enough, we can take the advice of hikers.

  1. Have a good map. A topographical map is always good.  In life, having an overview of your own life and what you want to do in life is always good.  By having a topographic image of what you want to accomplish in life helps you see the big picture so to speak.  Looking down on the land beneath us helps us to see where we are and where we want to be.  From this viewpoint we see there is more than one way to reach our goal.
  2. Find an experienced hiking buddy, one who can guide you along the way.  Be open to listening to the advice you are given.  However, trust your intuition and be prepared to leave the trail if needed.  While we need the advice of others, understand that the information is coming from their perspective.  At times a mentor may try to influence us to take certain actions, that while these actions are correct, it may not be the best course for you.
  3. Check-in stations along the way are beneficial and necessary.  It’s important to ‘check-in’ to make sure you’re on the right path, but it’s also important to make sure there are no obstacles that could change your course of action if you stay on that trail.
  4. Stop, look, and listen.  When the path seems to be coming to a dead-end, then it’s time to stop going on down that trail and look around to see if there’s a better alternative.  Listen to your higher-self.  That intuition will lead you to safety if you allow it to.  Look at the situation honestly.  Don’t be so determined to stay on this particular trail that you get totally lost.
  5. Seek help when needed and be willing to give help when you can.  We all need help as we journey through life.  If we are willing to ask for help, it’s not a sign of weakness, but an indication of a strong confident person.  You don’t have to have all the answers.  No-one has all the answers.
When do you know it’s time to change directions

You’ve heard the saying, “When one door closes, another one opens”.  Remember the times you were trying to make a situation work and you just couldn’t get all the pieces to fall into place?  These are the times when we need to stop and re-evaluate our course of action.  While there may be obstacles on the path, we have to recognize those moments when it’s no longer a blockage on the path, but a dead-end and potentially a dangerous road that we’re on.

When things seem impossible

When the path you are on seems to be impossible to walk, go back to step one.  Look at the topographical map.  You may find that there are several paths you can take to accomplish what you need to safely reach the goal you set for yourself in life.

Remember, there is always more than one way to do things and have it turn out right.  So it is with walking your path.  There’s more than one right path to take in life.  One will still end up where you need to be in the end.

I have learned through the years that the road is not straight and narrow.  There are curves, blind spots, obstacles, and adventures that we could not have ever imagined.  Don’t worry so much about the path, but enjoy the journey.

Read the article about the hypnosis session with the 15 year old under hypnosis.  You may be surprised how the session turned out!

How to Please a Woman by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Men ask, “What techniques do I use to please a woman?  How do I please a woman?

I’m going to loosely tell you a story.  The foundation of the story is based on an ancient Tale of the Tantrik Priestess.

A young man came to see the Tantrik Priestess, asking her, “What do I need to do to make a woman happy? What techniques do I need to know?”

The Priestess looking at the young man said, “There is no technique greater than understanding the lover’s attitude.”

The young man was disappointed thinking that he would be given steps on techniques to please a woman.  He did not understand what the Priestess meant by understanding the lover’s attitude.

The Priestess looked into the young man’s eyes and smiled.

Lightly touching the young man’s hand she said, “With these hands, I reach out to touch the places deep within you that have been hurt and shriveled up like a leaf closing to the harsh winds.”

Touching his cheek and looking deep into his eyes, she told him, “I use my hands to sooth the parts of you that were once shamed or wronged. I use these hands to hold you in all of the places in which you have been dropped, so you may begin to build trust again.  As I look at you, I see both aspects of your being.”

She continued to tell the young man, “I see your soul, in all it’s vastness.  I see your life-force in its fullness.  I see them without judgement.  I offer these hands to soften your armor and caress the scars.”

She then continued, “My hands are here to heal through pleasure. It’s not me doing the pleasure TO you. The pleasure is yours and I simply witness it.  If you can receive, then healing begins…”

“Never mind the technique,” she continued, “For now just develop the attitude of the lover.  The attitude itself will teach you the techniques.”

Author unknown.  To read the full story go to Divine Yoniverse Temple

When a woman knows that a man has taken the time to truly see her, then she is able to see the man.

When a woman is touched by the man and he feels her energy surrounding her, then she will be able to touch the man and feel his energy surrounding him.

When a woman knows she has been heard as she speaks her truth and tells him her heart’s desires, then she will be able to hear the man as he speaks his truth and reveals his deepest desires.

When a woman is allowed to begin to heal, then she will be open to helping the man heal as well.

To reach your lover, begin to learn the secrets of the lover’s attitude.  Once you do, she will want to learn the secrets of your attitude.  Love starts in the understanding of the heart.

Are You In The Vortex? Do You Know What A Vortex Is? Part 1 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Are you in the vortex?  Do you even know what a vortex is?

Vortex Definition

Notice the photo above.  I took this photo on my walk this morning at Garvan Woodland Gardens.  If you look closely you will see the trunk of the tree is twisted.  This is a characteristic sign of a vortex.  There are vortexes scattered throughout the earth.  A vortex is one of the most influential unseen forces created by nature. The spinning vortex creates a pull upon the immediate environment and influences the flow of prana by altering its straight line path.

Prana? What are you talking about? Prana is the Sanskrit word for “life force”; in yoga, Oriental medicine, and martial arts, the term refers to a cosmic energy believed to come from the sun and connecting the elements of the universe. (www.definitions.net/definition/prana)

As a practicer of Natural Medicine, I know that the “breath or life force” is of vital importance to understand.  It is in the understanding of Gaia’s life force that we begin to understand just how interconnected we are to Earth.

Tell Me More About Prana!

Prana is the universal principle of energy or force. It is the sum total of all energy that is manifest in the universe, all the forces in nature and powers which are hidden in men and which lie everywhere around us. This prana remains in a subtle, motionless, unmanifested, undifferentiated state during the cosmic pralaya, dissolution.

Science once thought the Earth’s frequency or vibrational rate was constant at 7.83 hertz. NASA started measuring our planet’s frequency and discovered that the vibration has increased to 11.2 and at times 14 hertz and is speeding up.

Earth’s heartbeat vibrates at 7.83 Hz to 14 Hz.  Humankind’s rhythm is tied into the the beat of the earth.   We are so closely tied into the heartbeat of the earth that its frequency is said to be “in tune” with the human brain’s alpha and theta states.  This acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly.

What Happens As We Begin To Ascend In Vibrational Energy?

In my up coming book, Dimensional Shift The Fifth Dimension, I have listed 36 symptoms that one feels as your vibrational energy rises.

1. You have a “knowing” that something is happening or changing. You “know” that something is about to happen or to come, yet you don’t know what or when. 

2. You can have stomach or digestive issues that you would not normally have.  

3. Changes in body temperature either being cold or hot are noted. 

4. Symptoms of cold or flu will appear and then disappear without exacerbation. 

5. Sinus and allergy symptoms are escalated and you may notice smells that are strange to you coming out of nowhere. 

6. A change in vision and perception is seen and sensations such as mist or smoke, flashes of lights, seeing shadows, color changes, sparkles and swirling energy is noted.

7. You may notice changes in hearing; high pitched sounds, ringing in the ears, tonal changes with frequency changes, buzzing, or whooshing sounds.

8. You may notice a change in diet.  Foods that you once liked are no longer tolerable or you may find that you are having craving. You may have a weight change that is unexplained.

9. Your sleep patterns may change and you may go from periods of sleeping too much to having insomnia, waking up at odd times during the night especially around 3 in the morning. You may feel restless and not know why.

10. You may be having more day dreams, visions, flashes of insight and creativity.

11. You may experience waves of heat or hot flashes especially over the chakra areas.  You may have night sweats or chills.

12. You may have generalized aches and pains and body soreness that have no explanation.

13. You may experience increased static electricity in the body with the shocks from touching an object or another person.  You may have unexplained muscle twitches and spasms. You may see electrical devices malfunction in your presence.

14. You may find that you are dropping objects or you are clumsier than you would normally be.  You may have vertigo or feel ungrounded.

15. You may have a sudden burst of energy or having panic attacks, scattered thoughts or confusion, and increased mental energy.  

16. You may experience unusual vibrations or tingling sensations in or around the chakra areas.

17. Mood swings from crying to laughter to anger for no apparent reason.

18. You may experience periods of increased heart rate with no explanation or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.

19. You may have skin reactions such as rashes, hives, or tingling sensations or itching that come and go.

20. There may be changes in hair and nail growth, they may grow faster than normal and the texture and color may change.

21. You may feel drawn to nature or quieter surroundings or to be alone.

22. There may be an increase in synchronistic events such as seeing recurrent numbers or phrases.

23. You may have a strong urge to change locations, jobs, friends, or marriage status.

24. Your physical reality may seem unreal at times like a dream state and the dream state may seem more like reality.

25. You may find that you are having issues with your voice or speech and may notice more internal dialog with yourself.

26. You may feel detached from the world around you.  You may feel invisible.

27. You may feel as though you no longer know who you are and are driven to find your true self. There may be a longing to go Home, yet you don’t know where home is.

28. You may have a deep sense that,“something” is going to happen or that you are running out of time.

29. You may have moments where you feel that you are receiving channeled information, or experience automatic writing.

30. You may have spacey thoughts, feeling detached, sudden periods of confusion, forgetting things and in a dream-like trance.

31. Time may seem as though it is speeding up or slowing down.  You may lose track of time.

32. You may start to see auras around people, animals, plants, and nonliving objects. You may have sensitivity to light or your vision may become blurry.

33. You may experience telepathy with people or animals whom you are close with and you may have flashes of increased intuition or insight.

34. There may be an insight that you have a Divine purpose to fill that there is a specific mission you are to reach.

 35. Dreams can become bizarre, prophetic, and dream like visions may increase.

36. You may feel that you are not alone and that there are unseen presences with you.  You may feel angels, spirits or messengers and guides with you.

Vortexes Around The World

Here’s a list of the top 10 powerful spiritual places in the world worth visiting, regardless of your religion or spiritual views.

    1. Machu Picchu, Peru
    2. Sedona, Arizona
    3. Stonehenge, UK
    4. Creator Lake, Oregon
    5. Socotra Archipelago
    6. The Plateau Uluru, Australia
    7. The Easter Island, Chile
    8. Rila, Bulgaria
    9. The Bosnian Pyramids, Bosnia
    10. Mount Kailash, Tibet

In part 2 of this series we will discovery just how interconnected everything on earth is to Gaia.


What Is Your Self-Worth? What Is Your Net-Worth? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m not talking about your financial status.  I’m talking about you personally.  Who you are.

Defination of self-worth:

a feeling that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect

Do you feel that you are a good person who deserves to be treated with respect?  If so, why?  If not, why?

This is not an easy topic.  It’s a difficult topic because one will have to look deep within to answer the questions.  And these are not easy questions to answer.  Where do you start to find the answer?  Can you even answer the questions?

Self-Worth vs Self-Esteem

Although, self-worth is often used as a synonym for “self-esteem” don’t confuse the two.   Self-worth is less about measuring yourself based on external actions.  Self-worth is more about valuing yourself based on your inherent worth as a person. So, self-worth is about who you are and not about what you do.

A true sense of self-worth can also be nurtured by practicing compassion for yourself.  Compassion is the practice of treating yourself with the same kindness and compassion as you would treat a friend.

How do you start?

There are three steps to practicing self-compassion:

1) Acknowledge and notice your challenges.

2) Be kind and caring to yourself in responding to your challenges.

3) Remember that no one is perfect.  Imperfection is a part of the human experience.  Imperfection is something we all share.

How do you start to feel better about yourself?

The way we choose to measure our worth affects the kind of life we’ll live.  Measure yourself based on the factors you can control. Do not focus on the external events in your life.

Once you discover who you are, you will be happy with the person you are becoming. You’ll learn to experience a sense of peace through life’s ups and downs. You’ll learn to believe in yourself regardless of what is going on in your life.

Focus on the things that raise your self-esteem by measuring your self-worth and by knowing who you are at your core. Live according to your values and core beliefs.

Let’s dig a little deeper

What are some questions you can ask yourself to dig deeper into better insight?

What if everything I have in my life is suddenly taken away from me?

What if all you have left was just yourself?  Who are you?

How would that make you feel?

What do you actually have that is of value?

Who are you?  You are… You are not…

How am I within myself?

How am I in the world?

How do others see me?

What do others say about me?

What are the key life moments that have defined who I am today?

What brings me the most passion, fulfillment, and joy?

What are my weaknesses?

Where are the areas I struggle most?

Where are the areas that I need to improve?

What illusions of fear are holding me back?

What emotions am I holding onto that are hurting me?

What mistakes do I tend to repeat?

Where do I tend to consistently let myself down?

What abilities do I have?

What am I really good at?

Moving forward

Forgive yourself for anything you’ve done in the past that you continue to condemn yourself on. Accept yourself unconditionally without judgment.

This is who you are. Accept that by acknowledging the good and the bad.

I fully accept every part of who I am.  This includes my flaws, fears, behaviors, and qualities I have not been proud of.

This is who I am, and I am at peace with it.

Yes, you have flaws, limitations and weaknesses.  Everyone does, that’s part of being a human being.  It’s time to let go of all that no longer serves you.  Practice being compassionate with yourself.

Through self-love, we learn compassion which comes from self-acceptance, which stems from self-understanding. Ironically these are the steps we went through as we moved through this process.

One simple method to begin practicing self-love is to get into the habit of speaking to yourself in a positive and supportive way:

I am loved just as I am…

I love myself completely…

I am a worthy and capable person…

Talking to yourself in this way brings your focus and attention to the beauty hidden within you.

Recognize who you are.

When you have self-understanding and have finally accepted the wonderful person you are, you have made a breakthrough. As you reach a stage where you practice self-love and self-compassion, that’s when you define who you are. People, events, and circumstances no longer define who you are. You alone define yourself.

Acknowledge and recognize that you no longer need to please other people.  You only need to please yourself.

Other people have their own opinions. Their options are not revelant to who you are. You also have your own life and your own opinions.  You own options are just that, yours. Your opinion of yourself is the only one that counts.

You hold the key on how you want to respond to events and circumstances in your life. This is based on your internal knowledge and your own resources which are all a reflection of your speaking your truth.

It’s important to recognize your truth regardless of your earnings, career, possessions, and social standing.

Your true value comes from your internal measurement that you’ve set for yourself. This is where your true power comes from.

Who’s responsible?

You alone are responsible for your life and life circumstances.  You are responsible for your actions in any given situation.  No one can tell you how to feel or react to life’s events.

Taking responsibility for yourself means to acknowledge that you have the personal power to change and influence the outcomes of life’s events and circumstances.

So, what is your self-worth?  What is your net-worth?
What is mine?  My self-worth is priceless.  So is my net-worth.

Yin, Yang and the Circle of Life by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world.  It also defines how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.

A working definition: Yin/Yang: Two halves that together complete the wholeness.  When something is whole, it’s unchanging and complete. Once something is split into two halves it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. Both yin/yang halves are seeking to reconnect with each other as they try to form a new balance with each other.

The word Yin comes out to mean “shady side” and Yang “sunny side”.

The Yin and Yang of Male and Female

There are two opposing sides of this Chinese philosophy. While yang is male, yin is female the concept has a deeper meaning. Flowing through each of us is yin and yang, male and female within us which is why balancing them is considered important. Besides being associated with femaleness, yin also involves Earth, darkness, passiveness, and cold.

Yang is the male energy in action.  Fiery action moving into the Yang is considered to be light or enlightened.

Yang, standing on the left side, is white while the quiet yin, on the right side, is black. This symbol depicts the opposite sides of these two energies.

The Cycle of Life

Our world is in a constant state of change. Movement through distinct cycles can be fast or slow, each having an opposite and equal value:

  • Dark and light
  • Cold and hot
  • Birth and death
  • Sun and moon

The rules of life became evident and proves that the theory of opposites must exist in order to create a whole. Yin is considered the essence of female energy while yang is male energy.

This represents the opposing qualities of the two energies. Note that within each curved half is another very small circle. These tiny inner circles are the opposite color and matches the opposite half. The tiny dot represents that each side is dependent upon the other for its existence. The smaller circle also shows transformation as it’s realized from the co-existence and dependency upon each other. This sign is perfect to illustrate how everything is connected. The symbol signifies nothing is solitary in life. Each person, animal, plant, element and depends upon the others for its existence. Nothing can in and of it self can exist alone.

Eastern Understanding on Life

Ancient Chinese and modern day Chinese understand that the world is in a constant state of change.  Yet in this change, it moves through distinct cycles, each having an opposite and equal value:

  • Night and day
  • Cold and hot
  • Birth and death
  • Sun and moon

By examining this world of fixed cycles, we see that the theory of opposites must exist in order to create the whole.

The yin/yang of life becomes the ultimate divine circle:

  • Night turns into day and then day turns back into night
  • Birth ends in death and death ends in rebirth
Universal Cycles

Within the universe and everything in it, there is a constant cycle. In this infinite cycle, one force dominates and as that cycle fades, it is then replaced by the opposing force. Examples illustrating the yin yang philosophy include:

  • Life and death
  • Heaven and earth
  • Male and female
  • Black and white
  • Night and day
  • Health and sickness
  • Poverty and wealth
  • Cycles of the seasons
  • Positive and negative
There are several good websites on yin/yang.  For more detailed insight on yin/yang visit:
Application of Yin/Yang in Life

I have given considerable thought to the yin/yang of life.  There is no right or wrong, good or bad, light or dark, strong or weak, within this philosophy of life.  Life is not black and white, or clear cut.  It takes both the yin and yang to complete us.

Look deep within yourself to see the heart’s desire and to recognize new ideas.  You have to realize that it takes both the male and female to see these desires come to light.

Each of us have male and female.  Once we identify a heart’s desire, we need to plant the immature seed within the yin/feminine.  Growing within this rich dark soil is where the seed is anchored while it’s nourished and protected.  The yin/feminine holds the seed as it matures, just as the female holds the fetus within her womb as it grows and develops.

Once the seed is ready to break through the ground and reach for the light, then it is ready for the strong action of the yang/male energy.  With the strength of the yang/male energy, we see our heart’s desire become a reality.

Within each of us, we have a “shadow side” and an “enlightened side”.  We tend to want to ignore our “shadow side”.  It’s hard to admit that there is an aspect to our psyche that’s on the dark side, in which we could do harm to others.  What we have to realize is that we need this “dark side” to be complete.  This side gives us the strength we need in times of “life or death” situations.  One would not be able to protect themselves or their loved ones in a crisis without the strength of the “darkness” each of us cares within.

Embrace both the yin and yang of your personality.  It is within this realm of life that we become whole and are able to function in life.  Within this sacred space we become whole.

The Seventh Charka or Crown Charka by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.


Have ever known something, but didn’t know how you knew the information? You just knew that a specific incident was going to happen.  Do you find yourself deep in thought and suddenly a deep understanding about a certain subject becomes crystal clear?  You find yourself in a timeless, spaceless place and feel such joy and bliss.  This type of bliss and joy you have never known before.  What has happened?

What is the Crown Charka?

The Crown charka is your connection to All-That-There-Is, Divine Intelligence, or God.  Everyone has the ability to gain access to higher knowledge. The discovery of truth and wisdom is dependent on the healthfulness of your crown chakra.  This is our communication center between us and Universal Knowledge.  Through deep meditation or prayer we are able to connect with our higher self and with the Divine All-Knowing.  We are able to learn truths about life and our relationship with our Creator.  The colors associated with the Crown charka are purple or white.

What happens if the Crown charka is out of balance?

As we have learned in past discussions on the charkas, charka is known as ‘spinning wheels of light’. Each energy center spins is a certain direction and at a specific speed.

If the charka is overactive (or hyperactive), the seventh Chakra can lead a person to have obsessive thoughts. These individuals live in the past or are constantly thinking about the future. Overactive Crown Chakra can also give rise to obsessive spirituality, so much so that the individual’s other responsibilities are neglected.

A blockage in the Crown Chakra can render it inactive. This individual tends to be rigid, selfish and spiritually unaware. They may have general depression. You will note they have lack of joy and loss of meaning or identity in their life.  A blocked Crown Chakra can also lead to selfish thoughts, inability to see the bigger picture in life and a general lack of values and ethics.

A person with a closed Crown Chakra receives no guidance from their Supreme Power.  This situation tends to anger the individual but they also feel unworthy of receiving such help in the first place.

A blocked or overactive Crown Chakra can lead to various physical ailments such as depression, headaches, neurological issues such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, senility, and dementia are also linked to imbalance in the seventh Chakra.

How do you balance the Crown charka?
  1. Meditate upon the Crown Chakra. Focus your attention on the top of the head and clearly set your intention of balancing the Chakra. Visualize the violet color when doing this.
  2. Thank the Universe and connect to the Higher Being. Gratitude and contentment are the simplest ways of strengthening this Chakra.
  3. Aromatherapy with floral essences such as Lotus, Angelica and white tulip when applied to the pulse points can aid in the meditation process.
  4. Yoga postures like Shavasana (corpse position) or Lotus position (Padmasana) are recommended for aiding the Crown Chakra. An advanced pose, the headstand or Shirshasan, also helps balance the Crown Chakra by increasing blood flow to the top of the head.
  5. Detoxifying and fasting for a day or two is also recommended to balance the Seventh Chakra. Light meals, broth, stews and soups, violet colored fruits and vegetables along with plenty of water must be used to clear the Crown Chakra and enable it to receive the Divine Energy.

Reference: https://www.color-meanings.com/crown-chakra-the-seventh-chakra/

Unless we’re connected with our Divine Source to God, we are not able to function a whole individuals.  If we are not in communion with Source, we feel abandoned and at a loss.  We do not feel as though we belong to our community of family or more importantly, we don’t feel attached to our Higher Power or our intuition.


Thanksgiving Day by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.


A light fog is surrounding my house this morning. The morning sun climbs higher in the sky, the fog burned off and the sunshine brightened the day. Today is Thanksgiving.  However, as the morning progressed, I begin to wonder about the first Thanksgiving Day in 1621. The first Thanksgiving Day is still being taught to children in grade school. Facts on Thanksgiving have been reviewed this morning and I realize that a few of the facts had been forgotten.

Once the Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock September 6, 1620 the two groups of people on the ship knew that there had to be a change.  As it turned out, there were two groups of people on the Mayflower.  The first group, called themselves ‘Separatists’ or “Saints” and the second group were called “Strangers”. Once they landed at Plymouth Rock the two fractions eagerly called a truce. Going forward, it was known as the Mayflower Compact. The two groups merged together to call themselves “Pilgrims”.


In reality, the Pilgrims had been ill prepared for the first winter and many died. Eagerly the local Native Americans befriended them and provided the Pilgrims with food. Working together, the next spring the Native Americans taught the Pilgrims the technique to cultivate corn and how to grow the native vegetables.  Harvesting the crops at the end of the growing season, in 1621 the Pilgrims along with 90 of the Native Americans celebrated the first harvest on November 29, 1621.

Going into the third year, the corn crop was damaged and Governor Willam Bradford ordered a day of fasting and prayer. Soon afterward, rain began to fall.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt formally announced the fourth Thursday in November the official date for Thanksgiving Day.

Is America the only country to celebrate Thanksgiving?

Of course, America is the only country to celebrate Thanksgiving.  Our neighbors in Canada, celebrates  Thanksgiving Day on the  second Monday in October. China celebrates August Moon on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. But,Brazil began to celebrate Thanksgiving because an ambassador emulated our celebration. Comparatively, Korea celebrates Chu-Sok “fall evening” on August the 15. However, Korea celebrates for three days.

Today, I ask that my friends pray for world peace. Sharing the results of a 1993 experiment with my friends, demonstrated the benefits of 2,000 people meditating for peace on Washington D.C. The results at the end of the experiment was that the crime rate dropped over 40 percent.

So, I ask that you also join me and my friends in prayer for world peace. Then, not only on Thanksgiving Day, but on a regular bases, if we meditate together change will be able to begin. In like manner, if we join together and each of you ask your friends to join in, then maybe, we will soon see evidence of peace settling over the world.


Are You Blind To What’s Around You? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Heaven is within each of us.  It is not some far away place. It’s all around us and until we realize this, we will not be able to experience the love, joy, peace, and harmony of heaven.

Sermon on the Mount

Emmet Fox tells us in his book, Sermon on the Mount, about the story of the Rich Young Man. He states that it is one of the saddest stories written because the young man missed out on the greatest opportunity in history.  Then the story talks about the young man having great possessions. The story goes deeper than material possessions. It’s about possessions being preconceived judgments and ideas.  This story is tragic not because the young man had wealth. But because his heart was imprisoned by the love of money and his beliefs about money and material possessions. 

Are You Blind?

Emmet Fox compares us with a color blind man who lives in a world of beautiful colors in the flowers, the sky, and the colors in nature.  All he sees are shades of black, gray, and white. The color blind man does not see the clouds in the blue sky. Nor does he see the life giving green shades of the trees. He does not see the bright red of the male Cardinal as it tries to attract a mate.  Alas, this poor man cannot see the breathtaking colors of red, pink, yellow, and orange of a sunset or sunrise.  If he were also without the sense of smell, then the garden would have no meaning for him and it is forever hidden from him. 

Bringing the Point Home

This passage had profound new meaning for me as I recently walked through a garden nursery filled with a large variety of flowers. The colors were red, yellow, blue, purple, just about any color you wanted to see.  There was a large selection of trees and bushes all around in varying shades of green.  The sweet aromas from the flowering plants were all around me. Aromas lingering in the air as I was immersed in the beauty of this living creation of nature.  

As I walked through the flowers and trees, I saw a blind man standing in the center of the plants.  He was wearing his sunglasses to hide his eyes and had his red striped cane in his hands.  He tapped along the pathways until he found a place to sit down as he waited for his companion to finish shopping.  I wondered if he was able to smell the sweet aromas of the fragrant plants surrounding him.  Or was the garden totally hidden from him?

Are We Blind?

It occurred to me that we to, are like the blind man.  While we have our vision, we do not really see all the beauty that is around us.  We can’t see the ‘trees for the forest’ so to speak.  We have become blinded to our surrounding and we do not see God Our Father who is standing right in front of us.  We have become so caught up in life, that we are not living life.

Have We Missed the Blessings?

Are we not seeing the blessings that have been placed along our path as we walk it.  Do we feel the sensations of the textures with our fingertips of the plants encircling us? Do you feel the smoothness of the rose petals?  The roughness of the peeling bark on a Weeping Willow?  Do we feel the emotions of love, grace, peace, hope, and joy that life offers us?  Or, are we blindly, emotionlessly, senselessly going through life, not experiencing life at all? 

Are We an Automaton?

Are we like an automaton, just moving through life?  How sad it is for the blind man in the garden center, surrounded by all the beauty of the colors that the plants had to offer.  But, it is also sadly tragic for those of us who just exist, blindly and senselessly going through life not experiencing the blessings surrounding us.  We have closed ourselves off to the majesty of life itself.  We have essentially become both the blind man and the rich young man at the same time.  I think this story is more heartbreaking than the story of the Rich Young Man.  The sad reality is, that we did it to ourselves.

Did We Blind Ourselves?

We blinded ourselves and we placed importance on the activities in life that are in truth, nothing more than busy work.  We have not only missed out on the garden, but we have missed out on the true meaning of life.  We have missed out on the Love of Our Father who created us.