Do you let your mind wander? Or do you stay in your head, over thinking things?

I tend to stay in my head too much. At times it’s hard to get off the merry-go-round of over- thinking a situation.  I finally learned to let go, now I allow my mind to wander taking me to unlimited possibilities.

What are the mental health benefits?

Show me the facts! Where is the evidence that a daydreaming mind is healthy?

  1. When your mind wanders, you’re allowing your creativity to emerge.
  2. Zone out, let the answer come in.
  3. Day dreaming allows you to destress.
  4. Research suggests that a wandering mind can serve important functions for our performance and well-being.

For instance, most of my writing takes place in my mind before I put a single word on paper. My inspiration comes from some of the most odd situations. This article is a good example! While cooking a meal for a friend, this topic just popped into my mind. I give myself permission to let go. When I do this, I become very creative, I see all kinds of possibilities.

For instance, by letting go and opening up the mind to the possibilities, you’re able to walk through the door of opportunity.

My roaming mind gave me the inspiration to take experiences from my life and other peoples lives to write my book Guilty PrayersTherefore, my rambling mind was able to create a self help book that gives people the tools to work through difficult situations.

How to let go

First, make time to let your mind explore. For instance, while you’re folding clothes, a boring task, this is a good time to wander through possibilities. By allowing downtime, you’ve unlocked the door to creativity.

Secondly, be aware that you’re in a day dream. Being aware of the mind wandering, releases stress. In other words, take a vacation from the daily stressors! Give yourself permission to escape from the grind. Walk away and have a holiday!

Lastly, practice meditation! Meditation is a prescription to promote overall health. Meditation doesn’t have to take a long time. When you let your mind rest, your whole body is affected. In addition to boosting your creativity, meditation releases stress throughout the whole body. We all know what stress can do to the mind and body. It’s time to become acquainted with what it feels like to let go and destress!