I talk often about ‘pay attention to what you think’. What you dwell on in your thoughts is what you manifest into your life. The thoughts you hold in your mind are the things you are asking for. So, ask and you shall receive.

This article is focused on mental health.

Strange Times

History is being made at this moment in time. A history that has only been experienced once before in world recordings. The historical flood of Noah’s time is the only other event that I know of that has affected the whole earth. Noah and his family were in quarantine. The entirety of mankind is in quarantine now. Yes, there have been other events of major turns in history. However, I’m talking about humans being isolated in every country around the globe.

Emotions are running high around the earth at this time. On April 4, 2020 the whole planet came together in meditation and prayer. The result was that the recording of the Shumann Resonance was 71! Normal frequency is 7.83 to 14.

This energy is running high during other mediative gatherings around the world. On the last group mediation the energy level was 68. The vibration of the earth is humming at new heights.

You are living in an exciting time in history! Change is here and now.

Change is now!

For decades we have talked about pollution, cleaning up the waters and air. Yet, we have not really done anything about it. The insanity continued. We continued to do the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Nature has taken control! Humankind has not acted responsible so we have been grounded. The car keys have been taken away by Mother Nature so to speak. In this moment in time, world wide quarantine is in place. Change is now. Life will never go back to the way it was. That is a blessing!

Momentum is moving us forward

The momentum is moving us forward. We will move forward like it or not. Now is the time to receive the blessings you have been asking for. It’s easier to float downstream than it is to paddle upstream. Go with the flow of universal energy. Take the path of least resistance!

Quieten your mind. Focus your mind on the stillness within. Listen to ‘white noise’, center on your breathing. Be still. Feel what your inner being is noticing. The emphasis may be on the emotions you’re feeling, bodily sensations, or the environment within.

People throughout the planet are being forced into a corner, our back is against the wall! How are you going to respond to this moment in time? Are you responding or reacting?

What are you thinking?

Your thoughts are your responsibility! Are you living in fear? Why? The more you think on fear, the more anxiety will be in your life. Do you not realize that this fear is an illusion? One will experience fear, anxiety and panic to the extent that you focus on it. Feelings are out of control! Why? Each person who dwells in the fear is bringing forth that reality. This world is being created by your thoughts.

On April 4, 2020, when the whole planet came together in meditation and prayer, the energy resonance was one of peace, love, joy. As we gave attention to what was going on during this moment, Mother Earth began to heal. Pollution of the air and water is clearing. The earth is resting and healing. But, more importantly, the people of the world came together as one! We are in control of how we feel! What energy are you going to sit in?

Are you in tune with who you are?

As the people of the earth have come together to align one with another, wonderful change is now occurring! Fear was high in the beginning of this quarantine. Did you become fearful? Did you let your imagination take hold of you and run wild?

The flu has killed 100 times more people than the coronavirus. So, is your fear justified? Misinformation is spreading like wildfire. Are you falling into the fear trap?

Step out of this energy of fear. It serves no purpose. Step into the energy of love and feel the change come over you.

Practice what you preach!

I have talked about going inside of yourself in previous articles, getting to know yourself is of utmost importance. Do I practice what I preach? Yes, I do.

I mediate daily. It may be for just a few moments or for a longer period of time. It just depends on the information I’m receiving. I usually start my day out in mindful thought before I get out of bed in the mornings. This practice is repeated at night as I am winding down from the day’s activities. On occasion, I’m called to take a few moments out to focus, realign with myself and God energy.

You have been given a most unique opportunity. Take advantage of it. Now is the time to really get to know yourself. In living mindfully, one learns to pay attention to their thoughts. To be aware.

The other day I was feeling irritated. There was no reason for me to feel angry. I decided to sit in the emotion for a few moments and to listen to what I needed to know. Asking myself basic questions, “What is it that you are feeling? Why?” As, I anchored into the emotion I was feeling at the time, a realization began to come forward. I had personal insight move to the foreground. Realizations that I had been pushing into the background.

How do you deal with emotions?

First of all, by taking the time to acknowledge my emotions, I was supporting my mental health. To deny emotions and feelings is not healthy. We don’t want to admit that our emotions are not always happy. It makes us feel like we’re not being positive when emotions are running low. Where is it written that we have to be feeling happy all the time?

Next, one has to realize that emotions are not good or bad. Emotions just are. It’s what is being experienced at that moment. If someone has said or done something that has triggered a strong response from you, ask yourself why? Usually, when we have a severe reaction to an individual, it’s because that person has mirrored a part of our personality that we don’t want to admit we have.

Rather than thinking we have to be happy, loving and kind all the time, embrace all of your emotions. But, remember not too dwell on the emotions that cause us to fall into a never ending loop of fear or anxiety.

Lastly, you are the creator of your world! Because our thoughts create the reality to be experienced, it’s important to pay attention to what you’re thinking.