
Got Milk? by Janet Lynas, PhD., N.H.D.

Cow’s milk is the perfect food… for a calf.

Dr. Joseph Rosenzweig, a pediatrician I worked for early in my nursing career said, “Cow’s milk is for cows, not people.” He also said, “Mankind is the only species that drinks milk past infancy. This is why we have so many health problems.” Through the years I have learned how right he was.

Many decades ago, there was a commercial that used the slogan, “Got Milk?” The marketing campaign herald the benefits of milk. Drink milk and have strong bones! It’s the best source of calcium.

Is Milk Healthy for Humans?

We hear milk is a good source of calcium, protein, vitamins B12 and A.

Milk also provides:

  • iron
  • selenium
  • vitamin B-6
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K
  • niacin
  • thiamin
  • riboflavin

The Dark Side of Milk

Recent research is showing that milk can create significant health issues. We’ve known for decades that milk sugar contributes to cancers. The extensive China Study (Professor T. Colin Campbell) warns against high consumption of milk protein and the links with cancers. Professor Campbell grew up on a dairy farm and agreed that cow’s milk was healthy for humans until he began his research. Professor Campbell was known as the top researcher in heart disease until his research took him down an unexpected path. Professor Campbell’s research demonstrates that cow’s milk has more harmful side effects that benefits. His book China Study takes an extensive look on the determents of cow’s milk on humans. (I read his book several years ago and it opened my eyes to the suppression that is enforced when it comes to money.) Professor Campbell published his findings about the affects milk has on the human body and its relationship to cancers. When his research was published, it went against the status-quote and this resulted in his demise. Professor Campbell fell from grace with the establishment. His funding was stopped. His reputation was destroyed by the establishment.

The Power of Marketing

Marketing is a powerful tool. People are easily persuaded by the twist marketing campaigns add to product information. One example that is popular at this time is the phrase “free shipping”. We know that this is an out and out lie. The shipping is included in the price of the product. No company is going to lose millions of dollars paying for shipping.

A second example is a lotion company stating that the product penetrates 10 layers deep into the skin. Really? How does that work since there is only three layers of skin?

Consumers are feed a steady diet of lies. Companies think that the average consumer is stupid. In some ways we are. We don’t call the companies out on false advertising. Consumers can easily boycott any company that lies about their product. But we are complacent and let it slide.

Back to the Topic!

Recent research demonstrates that milk isn’t as healthy as once thought and the dairy market is using campaign ads to increase the sale of their product.

The fact is cows graze on land which has been treated with pesticide to kill out weeds that affect the taste of milk. Fat is a solvent, which means the fat in milk products will likely bring the pesticides more freely into your body. The exception to this is certified organic milk which means the land is pesticide free.

Then there’s the lactose in the milk. Lactose is a basic sugar, like glucose, it is used as a fuel by cancer cells. (Years ago, I complained to my oncologist about the candy they had in the lobby for their cancer patients. I digress.)

Milk sugar also fuels yeast infections like candida. This has been demonstrated to lead to leaky gut syndrome, fatigue and even depression in many individuals.

Let’s not forget about the added hormones that are included in the heard’s overall care protocol. These added hormones increase the production of milk. Research has shown us for decades what the side effects of added hormones are on humans.

Wrapping it Up

New studies indicate that another consequence of drinking milk is loss in bone density. “You’re nuts!” I hear you say. Am I? Remember the deceptive marketing practices?

Drinking three or more glasses of milk a day may increase the risk of bone fractures in women. This may be due to a sugar called D-galactose in milk. Studies show even a low intake of D-galactose induces changes that resemble natural aging in animals, including shortened life span caused by oxidative stress damage, and chronic inflammation.

There are other alternatives to increase bone density. Weight bearing exercise and proper nutrition such as eliminating sugars from your diet. Calcium is found in dark leafy vegetables and many other plant based diet modifications. Beans, peas and lentils are a good source of calcium.

In recent months I’ve learned about cow’s milk causing death in infants drinking it. Infants can’t tolerate the sugars in cow milk. This is an interesting topic in itself.

Am I telling you not to drink cow milk? Or any other animal milk as far as that goes. No, I’m not telling you what to do. I am telling you to don’t believe everything that marketing campaigns tell you. Especially when it comes to your health. New facts come out all the time about our diet, lifestyles and how it affects our overall health. Be open minded. Do your own research! Stay up to date on new information concerning your health.

Consumers stay updated on the newest cell phone and other technology. Shouldn’t your health be more important than electronics?

Be your own health advocate!


BMJ 2014; 349 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g6015 (Published 28 October 2014)Cite this as: BMJ 2014;349:g6015

Nut Res Rev. 2018 Dec;31(2):164-178. doi: 10.1017/S095442241800001X.Epub 2018 Mar 21.

January 14, 2021 / Nutrition


Living Ageless by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

How old are you? Do you ever think about your age or do you dwell on the fact that you’re getting older? Age is just a number. The number only has meaning if you put emphasis on it.

Be clear on this, you begin to age the moment you’re conceived! 

I’m an ageless person. The number of years doesn’t mean much of anything to me. Being agelessness means not buying into the idea that a number determines everything from your state of health to your attractiveness or your value. However, being ageless is a state of mind more than anything else.

Yes, first of all, it’s important to be proactive in living a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy is important in maintaining your body. Movement is also important. You know the drill on healthy living styles and as a result this article will not talk about that aspect.

It’s all in the attitude!

What is your attitude? First, are you happy? What is your outlook on life in general? Second, what kind of people do you surround yourself with? Thirdly, what thoughts does your mind dwell on? In other words, what do you tell yourself?

Many years ago I worked for a company that specialized in wound care. Being the vice president of the company, I managed the nursing staff. In addition, to managing the nursing staff, I did marketing for the company. So, medical conventions were an important component of the company’s viability.

Often times, to save money the nurses would share a room while working the convention. On one occasion, I shared a room with a nurse I had worked with at another company. The moment this woman opened her eyes the first words out of her mouth were, “It’s hell getting old.” Every single morning I heard theses words come out of her mouth. At the time, this lovely woman was only in her 40s!

You can be younger at 60 than you were at 20 because you’ve changed your attitude and your lifestyle. To be ageless is to deny the rules of what it means to be this age or that age. In other words, it means quite simply, to never grow “old”. (Like Peter Pan!) This woman believed that the best days were behind her and it’s all downhill from here on out. How sad. I haven’t seen her in years. I wonder about her at times.

Who do you keep company with?

I know people in their teenaged years who are old! They think old and act old! There’s an 82 year old woman I know who is younger than most people half her age. Actually, her husband is 16 years younger and he has to stay on his toes to keep up with her. She’s ageless.

In my career, I saw many men and women in their upper years (80 and above) who were very active and healthy. They take no medications, none are needed. These individuals do what they want. Hiking, tennis, golf, water skiing, nothing slows them down!

For instance, most of my friends are many years younger than I am. One of my closest friends is the same age as two of my daughters. When one of my daughters met Lisa she said, “Oh it’s like having another daughter.” Lisa quickly corrected my daughter by saying, “No! Your mother is my best friend!” To this day, Lisa forgets that I’m the same age as her mother.

Think young, be curious and never stop learning or growing!

Living in the moment

Engage life without fear in thinking you’re growing old. We are long overdue for a radical paradigm shift in our beliefs about growing older. Centenarians are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. This group is increasing at the rate of about 75,000 people per year. (I have written an article on this topic already.) There are about 53,300 centenarians in the U.S. and by 2050, there will be 600,000. Yep, you read that right! Ten times as many Americans will be over 100 years old two generations from now. The same is predicted for the world population. Current estimates put the figure of total centenarians worldwide at about 450,000. Most of these centenarians are active and very healthy.

Surround yourself with active happy people. You will be better off for it.

More thoughts on being ageless

Ageless living is being fearless and courageous. It means not being distracted by the petty dramas in life. You have the experience to know what’s not worth worrying about. You’ve already determined your priorities. Above all, it means establishing a new relationship towards time. You have no fear of time. Embrace where you are in life.

During the course of my career, I asked  people over 100 how they felt about being a hundred or more, the most common answers were blessed, happy, and surprised. In other words, because they’re living agelessly, they don’t pay attention to age. It truly is just a number.

Where the mind goes, so does the rest of your life

Therefore, as I’ve already talked about in other articles, what one’s mind dwells on, is what you will manifest into your life. However, if you pay attention to the thoughts that are foremost in your mind, what will manifest into your existence will be so much better.

Above all, live in the moment with a positive attitude about your life.

In summary

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Age is not even a thought for the ageless individual. Do I practice what I preach? I certainly do!

Being a single woman, I have many opportunities in meeting people. I was recently asked out on a date by a man young enough to be my son. When I told him this he said, “No you’re not!” I replied, “Yes, I am.” His response, “I don’t believe you. I don’t care! Let’s go out!”

He truly thought I was his age. Just as my friend, Lisa, continues to think I’m closer to her age than her mother’s.

Did we go out? Of course we did! We had a great time and as a result, we’ve been friends for a couple of years now.

Go live your life fearlessly! Be in the moment! Enjoy the moment you’re in!

After are, you are ageless!


Diabetes, Nutrition & Natural Health by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Worldwide diabetes type 2 is on the rise. In 2019 the reports show that around 9.3 percent of the global adult population have diabetes. The projected number shows a rise to 11 percent by the year 2045. Frighting isn’t it? Or is it?

Keep in mind, I recommend organic foods. No, they are not always more expensive. Often times the price is the same or less than non-organic foods. What price do you put on your health?

Statistics on Diabetes

In April 2019 the estimated growth of the world population had reached 7.7 billion people. Quoting statistics to manipulate people is common practice. Numbers prove an agenda by scaring people with increased stats or down play a fact being discussed. Two sides to the coin so to speak.

Look at the estimated rise in diabetes, it appears we are headed for a worldwide crisis. However, by looking at the world population we are better able to put the numbers in prospective.

Why are we seeing a rise in diabetes?

I want to take a look from a different view point than just the lousy food choices we make.

Diabetes is rising because the population has increased and because the fastest growing age group is the ‘oldest old’. Having said this, we ask, ‘Who are the oldest old?’ People 80 years old and older are the oldest old.

Therefore, the number of centenarians has jumped to more than 340,000 worldwide today. The highest concentration is in the U.S. with Japan coming in nose to nose (using a racing term) according to the latest information from the Census Bureau. This number is projected to grow at more than 20 times the rate of the total population by 2050. For that reason, centurions are now the fastest growing age segment.

Living healthy as the ‘oldest old’

Since the centurion population is the fastest growing age group, how do we age healthy? At one time I did health physicals on elders applying for long term health insurance. Medical providers become blinded in our practices. Just like a horse with blinders, we are not able to see the peripheral view. For that reason, all we see are the sick and unhealthy population.

Once we take the blinders off, we see a totally different perspective. Now is the time to practice ‘preventive health’ care. I teach prevention to my clients. It’s easier to prevent a problem than it is to cure it.

Putting healthy living into practice

Because people have short attention spans, I will try keep this simple. Generally speaking, and let’s be honest, we don’t like to exercise. We don’t like to take responsibility for our own health, we want to blame the health care providers when we don’t have good outcomes. While it’s easier to make someone else responsible for our health status, our health is still our responsibility. Change your mindset, it’s not that hard. (If you’re having that much difficulty, then you need to schedule an appointment with me for hypnosis.)

Eating habits

Immediately you notice I didn’t say diet. Diet brings to mind a restricted food list and being hungry. Simultaneously, we feel deprived. Take the blinders off and think outside of the box. Take a look at my article on the food pyramid.

Increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. Yes, diabetics can eat fruit.

A. Eat blueberries, strawberries, or any other type of berry because they are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, also, they’re low-GI. Tart cherries are also packed with antioxidants, which help fight heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

B. Adding peaches into your food list is important because they contain vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. Peaches are delicious on their own or tossed into iced tea or water for a fruity twist.

C. Eat apricots, four apricots equal one serving. They provide more than 50 percent of your daily vitamin A requirement.

D. An apple a day… Apples provide a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Don’t peel your apples, though, the skins are the most nutritious part, full of antioxidants.

E. Oranges also contain folateand potassium, which may help normalize blood pressure. Don’t forget that other citrus fruits, like grapefruit, are also great choices.

F.  Pears are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin K.

G. You may not know that the brown fuzzy kiwi peel hides a beautiful bright green fruit. Kiwi is a good source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.

From fruits to veggies

Don’t forget to eat your veggies! Eat the rainbow! Remember the more colors you add into your diet, the larger variety of nutrients you will get.Vegetables for diabetics include asparagus, broccoli, green cabbage, Swiss chard, bok choy, spinach, Brussels sprouts, celery, chayote, artichoke, cucumber and kale, along with collard, mustard and turnip greens. You will get a plentiful serving of vitamins A, C, E and K, along with calcium, potassium and magnesium. Green vegetables tend to be low-carb foods.

B. Deep purple color signals a food that is rich in phytonutrients, especially antioxidant-rich flavonoids. Healthy purple vegetables include eggplant, purple cabbage, turnips and rutabaga.

C. Orange, Red, Yellow vegetables include carrots, baby corn, squash, tomatoes and radishes when you want to have fun with bright orange, red and yellow vegetables. Red tomatoes contain high concentrations of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to ward prevent cancers of the prostate, lung, bladder, ovaries, colon and pancreas.

D. Some healthy white vegetables include cauliflower, bamboo shoots, jicama, water chestnuts, onions, garlic, and leeks and scallions. Having said this, pick vegetables with color over white ones because they have more vitamins and minerals. Purple onion is healthier than white onion.






The main points with meat are: eat lean meats and remember that a serving is the size of the palm of your hand.


The top super fat nuts and seeds for diabetics include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and walnuts.

Himalayan Salt

I’ve been asked about Himalayan Salt for diabetics, but I want to expand it to anyone wanting to have salt in their diet.  Make sure you read my article on Himalayan salt.

One of Himalayan Crystal Salt natural benefits includes an extraordinary capacity to balance glucose levels within diabetics.

Table salt contains a stabilizer in the form of sugar, which will raise your blood sugar levels. This makes unrefined sea salt a better choice if you are diabetic, as it does not contain any unnatural ingredients which spike the sugar levels, nor does it contain aluminum.

As always consult with your personal health care provider.

Clearing Out The Gunk From Your Diet By Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Americans are lazy when it comes to our health! We want someone else to be in charge and make the decisions for us. That way if the outcomes are not what we want, we can blame the healthcare provider. We don’t want to take responsibility for ourselves. Let someone else make the decisions!

Clearing out the gunk

As this article is being written, the end of a decade is rapidly approaching. People make New Year’s Resolutions only to see them fall to the wayside in just a few weeks. One of the most popular resolutions is, “I’m going to lose weight this year and keep it off.”

You look for the latest fad diet promising that you will lose 20 pounds the first month. We want fast results with little effort! Most diets are restrictive and don’t help you change behavior. Behavior modification is the key for success.

How do you clear out the gunk from your diet? Have you decided how much weight you want to lose? Are you pumped up and ready to get started?

What is the gunk that you need to clear out of your diet? How much junk food are you eating? You know, cookies, pies, cakes, soda pop, fast foods, and the list continues. I don’t need to tell you what junk foods are, you already know.

What are the steps to behavior modification?


The very first step is to examine your desire and reason to lose weight. Do you want to lose weight for yourself, or is someone nagging you? Have you set a realistic weight loss goal? Is there a plan in place to help you succeed? Is your support system in place?

The second step is to implement the plan. How you go about losing weight will determine your success. If you have been on the diet rollercoaster ride, you will need some tools to help you. A life coach or talking with a counselor is one tool to add to your tool belt.

Hypnosis and weight loss

Hypnosis is a proven tool to use.  With hypnosis, you are able to get past the gatekeeper, the subconscious mind. With hypnosis, you will be able to get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating. Did you know that the seeds for our overeating is often planted in our childhood? Clean your plate, don’t waste the food. Or if you grew up in an environment where food was scarce, you may be trying to fill up your stomach because you don’t know when or where your next meal will come from. It doesn’t matter that you are no longer in the environment of lack of food. Hypnosis will help you learn to listen to what your body is telling you.

More often than not, people overeat to try to fill an emotional void. We feel empty on the inside and it’s not a good feeling. We want the emptiness to go away. Through hypnosis, you can explore where this feeling of lack is coming from.

Step three is to take the first step towards being free of the stress that extra weight has caused in your life. You have the tools you need, all you have to do is take the first step. Stay in the moment and don’t stress about how much weight you are losing or not losing.


Take that first step! Move forward!

Don’t try to make big drastic changes from the start. Take small steps. Once you have made up your mind that you are making these changes for yourself, you’re ready to get started.

Enlist the help you need from your tool belt. Contact a life coach or seek out a counselor who specializes in eating disorders. Schedule an appointment with a certified hypnotist.

Get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating! Knowledge is the key to success!

Forget about going on a diet!

When you say, “I’m going on a diet”, it indicates that you will be going “off” the diet at some point in time.

Instead begin to clear out the gunk in your diet. Take small steps in this process. When you go to the grocery store, stay away from the store shelves with the potato chips. Bypass the cookie isle. Run away from the diet drinks! They have been proven to add weight to your body.

Don’t try to clear out all the junk food at the same time. Eliminate one junk food, then after a week eliminate another one. You’re not in a sprint, but you are in a marathon. You didn’t put the weight on over night. You’re not going to lose it overnight.

It’s not about how much weight to lose. It’s about being healthy.

Most of us don’t set realistic weight loss goals. It’s not about a number, but about health. As you explore the causes of your extra poundage and change behavior traits, you are well on your way to success. Your body will guide you on the path of being healthy.

Take that first step! The first step on a journey is the most important!

What do you fear? Failure or Success? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We work hard to avoid failure, especially when it comes to our job.  One thinks about failure often.  If I try out this new idea and I fail, I will look like a fool.  I will not proceed with this new idea because I’m afraid I will fail and lose my job.


Why is it that we decide we will fail before we even try out the new idea?  What about the fear of failure in romance?  People run from romance like a wild fire is behind them!  A broke heart is something that we can’t bear to think about, much less endure the pain that comes with failure and rejection.  What is the self-talk that you utter beneath your breath to yourself?  I’m not good enough.  That person couldn’t possibly love me, they are out of my class.

I AM not… smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough, worthy?  Is this what you are telling yourself?  Why are you shooting yourself in the foot before you even take the first step?

Fear of Success

I think people are more afraid of success than they are of failure.  After all, if one fails they can make up hundreds of excuses as to why they failed.  But, if one is successful that will take a certain amount of change.  You have to adapt to the new life style that comes with success and to the new responsibilities that come with it.

With success comes adapting to the expectations that others will have of you.  Success brings us out from the shadows into the spot light.  We tell ourselves how great life will be when success finally become a reality.

“No!  I’m not afraid of success!  I have struggled all my life trying to be successful!”

Really? What to rethink that last statement?

If an individual is not afraid of success, then why is it that we won’t move forward to improve our lives when the right tools for abundance are given to us?  What is the reason you will not take that first step to move forward in life?  Change is scary, it takes us out of our comfort zone.  The subconscious mind does not want change, it wants what it knows!

Take your health for example.  Your thirty pounds overweight, your blood pressure is too high, and you hurt!  To be triumphant will take some effort and to be honest, most of us are just too lazy to actually use the tools we are given to move forward.  We don’t want to do the work that goes with using theses tools to dig ourselves out of the rut we are in.

Hypnosis and the Subconscious Mind

Hypnosis is one of the tools in our shed of self-improvement.  What will it take to get you to pick up the phone and call a hypnotist?  After all, one only has to sit in a chair and relax and listen the hypnotist for an hour or so as the session is conducted.  How hard is that to do?  What excuses are you using to prevent improving you life?  Money?  Really?  Do you want to go there?  After all, you have the money to buy the junk food that is destroying your life.  The money is there when the urge comes to get that new tattoo.

When will you decide to make a positive investment in yourself?  Will it take a life threatening event to get you to move forward?

I think people are more afraid of success than they are of failure.  After all with success, comes change and people are more afraid of change.

So, what is your choice?



What Happens When Collagen Declines In Your Body by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

What is collagen? Collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular space in the various connective tissues in the body. What? What is extracellular space? Extracellular space is the space outside of the cell. I’m not going into detail on the extracellular space in this article, I don’t think you really want an anatomy lesson.  But, the composition of the extracellular space in made up of proteins, growth factors, hormones, and biochemical receptors just to name a few functions that affect the function of the cell.

As the main component of connective tissue, collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, it makes 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content. Collagen consists of amino acids bound together to form triple-helices of elongated fibrils. It is mostly found in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and skin.

Collagen and the skin

Let’s face it, most of us are looking for the fountain of youth.  As we age, the level of collagen within our body declines causing the skin to wrinkle and sag.  We begin to wonder who that person is in the mirror looking back at us.  My dad says, “I’m a young man trapped in an old man’s body!”  Most of us can relate to this statement.  While the mirror shows us an older person, our mind is still reflecting the image of a youthful person.  What a cruel trick to play on us!

Did you know collagen makes up approximately 80 percent of the dry weight of your skin. While collagen provides structure to the skin, it also works in conjunction with another protein called elastin.  Elastin allows skin the flexibility it needs to stretch and return to its original state as your body moves.  Think of the stretch marks pregnant women try so hard to avoid!  Without elastin, we would be in a great deal of trouble as our body changes throughout the decades.

Collagen and the bones

Collagen also has an important function in bone. Bone is made up of a mixture of collagen and a mineral called hydroxyapatite. Collagen and hydroxyapatite work together to form the structure, flexibility and strength of your bones. Also science has shown us that approximately 30 percent of bones are made up of organic materials, in which collagen makes up to 95 percent.

So if your bones and joints are creaking and popping and hurting, you can thank the decrease of collagen in your body for these changes.

Collagen and muscles

Collagen is also important in maintaining the function of your muscles. Fibers of collagen provide your muscles with the strength and structure needed to move and serve your muscles throughout the day.  The strength of the muscle tissue reflects on how well we’re able to preform our daily task.  It also determines how well supported our skeletal system is.

Collagen fibers also make up your smooth muscles (such as those in the bladder and reproductive system) and your cardiac (heart) muscles.

You can see how important collagen is in heart health.  When we have a strong heart muscle, our heart will operate at optimal efficiency.

Collagen and vessel health

Collagen makes up the walls of the veins, arteries and capillaries in the body. This gives the vessels strength, structure and flexibility, all of which are needed to effectively transport blood throughout your entire body.  Without the flexibility in the walls of our vessels, the body would not be able to transport the nutrients, oxygen and blood throughout our system.

Collagen Products

What do you need to avoid in collagen supplements?

Soy Fillers
Citric Acid
Artificial Additives
Non-hydrolyzed Collagen
Dairy Preservatives
Natural Flavor

Beware of natural flavors

When you see a collagen product or any product labeled ‘natural flavors,’ run the other way! Run fast!  That’s because natural flavors are derived from chemicals found in food, but are later enhanced in a laboratory. Natural flavors are not actually natural.

The FDA hasn’t officially defined what natural flavors mean, so it can actually be used to describe a lot of different things that may not always be good for you.  It’s a marketing tactic to fool you into thinking it’s safe and healthy for you.

Also look to see if all the ingredients are listed.  Often times the ingredients can be packaged into a vague description that is not helpful or forth coming.

Make sure the dosing is accurate with each serving.  If there are fillers the dose may not be accurate.

What to look for in a collagen product

Diverse Amino Acid Profile
Pasture-Raised Hydrolyzed Collagen From Bovine
Type I and II Collagen

It is my experience in testing collagen products, that most are a waste of money.  They do not live up to what is claimed in the marketing advertising.

Having said this, there is one product I found that has lived up to the claims and has scientific research supporting the promises made by this company.  I’m not easily convinced on a product’s claim on the health benefits.  I have been using this particular product for a couple of months and I’m impressed with the results I am getting.  I see scars that I have had for decades disappear, then I know that this product is the real deal.

If you want to know more about this product contact me through the email listed on my blog.

Also, you may want to check out my YouTube channel at: HEY! IT’S BREAK TIME!

What is Bacopa Extract? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I have recently found a product line that actually measures up to my standards on quality and living up to the promises they make.  That in itself is no easy feat for a company to do as far as I’m concerned.

One of the products that I have been using is their coffee.  This is not ordinary coffee by any means.  This coffee has health benefits that I have not found in other coffee products.

Focused Ingredient

I want to focus on is one ingredient in this coffee.  The ingredient is called Bacopa extract which comes from the Bacopa monnieri plant.  This herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.  The common English name is “water hyssop”.


Bacopa extract is most often used for memory enhancing.  Numerous clinical studies have determined that people who were given 125mg of Bacopa extract for 12 to 16 weeks showed memory improvement.  Studies also showed improvement in reduction of anxiety and depression in elderly test subjects.

Conclusion of the studies

The conclusion of the researchers was that Bacopa extract yielded significant improvement in mental control, logical memory and paired associated learning during the 12-week drug therapy.  It is efficacious in subjects with age-associated memory impairment.  Researchers found that  Bacopa monnieri is a potentially safe herb to enhance cognitive performance in the aging process and support of cognitive activity.

The side effects experienced by some test subjects were limited to gastrointestinal difficulties such as increased stool frequency, abdominal cramps, and nausea, none of which was proved to be significantly debilitation.  A few listed dry mouth and muscle fatigue.

Overall, research reported that Bacopa extract is safe and appears to be effective toward improving memory.

Enjoy your cup of coffee!

You can contact me through my email for more information on this healthy coffee.



Do You Have A Dirty Mind? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Is your mind dirty?  Or should I say, “Is your brain dirty?”

Little is known about natural support of the brain and how to rid the brain of damaging toxins.  Unfortunately few doctors of allopathy medicine have little or no understanding on the natural approach to brain health.

Toxins That Target The Brain

Toxins in our environment are the leading cause of neurological illnesses. We do have a built in monitoring system that has the purpose of protecting our brain.  This system is designed to eliminate these toxins from our vulnerable brain.  However, the regretful reality is that we do live in a toxic environment.  Your brain has been saturated with them on a daily basis.  With this exposure over time, the effects begin to rob us of our memories and is slowly killing us.  To top it off, there is no stopping this exposure in the near future.  Evidence on the effects of toxins robbing our brains of precious health continues to stack up.

Current Alzheimer’s Research journal published a recent study on the devastating effects on the cellular level.  Research reviewed the available data connecting environmental toxins to Alzheimer’s.  The review indicated the terrifying path these toxins take.  Toxins alter the metabolic pathways associated with the development and progression of dementias.

Studies have confirmed the root cause of the frightening disease!  If this is true, why has this not gone viral throughout the news media.  Money!  Industries who are developing the toxins we are exposed to have a high stake in keeping this information out of the media.  Not only are toxins destroying the environment and our brains, but heavy metals are also contributing to these neurological diseases.

The Heavy Metal Mayhem

You’ve seen the commercials on television about mayhem (produced by an insurance company).  Imagine the mayhem caused by mercury, aluminum and copper on the brain.  The big three heavy metals lead to neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques.  Did you know that the mercury level in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients is at least three times higher than the rest of the population?

Where are we getting mercury?  Mercury is found in certain seafoods and fish, such as tuna.  These high levels of mercury are taken in when we eat seafoods and fish that are contaminated with it.  This is why pregnant women are told to avoid seafoods.

What you may not realize, is that you are being exposed to high levels of coal-burning toxins in industries burning coal.  A staggering 48 tons of mercury is pumped into our air every year.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that we ingest 7-9 mg of aluminum daily.  Aluminum is found in antiperspirants, cooking utensils, some medications and vaccines.

Now add to that the growing concern of copper.  High levels of copper destroy essential detoxifying nutrients such as vitamin C, the B vitamins and zinc.  Birth control drugs can increase the level of copper.  You might want to rethink wearing that copper bracelet or jewelry. The copper is absorbed through the skin.

You can ask your physician to test you for heavy metals with a blood test.

What Is The Key To Beating Alzheimer’s?

Did you know that your brain has a natural way of protecting itself from the onslaught of heavy metals and other toxins?  The amino acid glutathione is referred to as the master antioxidant.  Glutathione is produced and regenerated in a process called methylation.  Methylation is responsible for immune system function, brain chemical production, organ protection and detoxification.

This is what happens when the process works according to plan.  However, if the body is overloaded with toxins and heavy metals, the system fails to protect the body and brain.

The good news is that once you eliminate the toxins and heavy metals from you body, you can start to rebuild the support system your body needs.  One piece to the puzzle is a prescription for Cerefolin NAC.  This prescription only medication is pricy and insurance will not pay for it.  Your physician may not write a prescription for the drug either.

You can combine natural ingredients by adding glutathione, vitamin B vitamins, NAC, alpha lipoid acid, zinc, and selenium.  These ingredients will help to protect your brain cells and the rest of the nerve cells throughout your body.

If you are planning on doing a detoxification of any kind, remember that you may feel worse before you feel better.  As the body is releasing these toxins, you may experience what is called a “healing crisis”.  What this means is that as your body is releasing the toxins, you may feel “flu” like until the toxins are flushed out of your body.  A healing crisis response during detox is a good sign.  This will pass in a few days.


First step is to eliminate the toxins from your home as much as possible.  Read labels.  Buy products without aluminum in them.  Don’t cook with aluminum cook wear.

Second step is to eliminate foods that may have toxins such as certain seafoods and fish.  Eat organic as much as possible.

Give your body the supplements it needs for support.

We can not eliminate all the exposure from toxins, but by eliminating as much as we can, we are on the right road to health.