
Listen to Yourself! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I haven’t written an article on hypnosis in a long time. As I’ve shared with you, I’ve been traveling for the last seven months for Tesla BioHealing. I actually did hypnosis sessions while I was on the road. It seems as though people find me wherever I am. The right people, the right time and the right reason to do hypnosis.

About two weeks before I moved back to my hometown, I started getting request for hypnosis sessions. I find this really interesting since I closed my office and stopped advertising two years ago. There have been more request for hypnosis sessions since I closed my office.

Why do you want hypnosis?

This is the first question I usually ask when someone contacts me. As I have my pre-hypnosis discussion with each individual, I listen closely to what they are saying. You see, if I hear phrases like, “My spouse wants me to stop smoking, chewing tobacco” or … whatever the reason is I decline to do a hypnosis session. Why? Well, if they are only doing hypnosis to get their significant other off their back, it’s not going to work.

It doesn’t work because you’re telling yourself, “I don’t want to quit.” You’re listening to yourself. However, when I hear someone say, “I’m just ready to stop. I don’t like the process I have to go through to support this habit.”

That’s what I heard with the client in today’s session. He’s just tired of the whole process. Think about it. If you smoke or chew, you have to plan when you can make the time to do it. You have to plan to buy the product, then there’s the cost. If you work, there are only designated times you can take your smoke break. If you chew tobacco, you have to make sure you have a container to spit in. Then you have to have a way to dispose of the by-product. Think about what are you going to do with the spit, the tobacco wad, how do you dispose of it. It’s hard to find a way to dispose of the after effect. Do you put all the spit and tobacco wad in the trash? It’s not a good idea to flush it down the toilet.

Listening to when the time is right

Timing is everything! When the time is right, it’s right! I’m going to be speaking to a couple of children next week about hypnosis. One is ten and he’s interested in learning about it. I’m not sure how old his sister is. I love working with children. So, I’m looking forward to talking with them before I do a session for mom. No, she doesn’t want to let them watch the process. She has an issue she wants to work on and the children don’t need to know about it. Therefore, I will do a very short session with them to walk them through the process.

Who knows? Maybe, hypnotist in training.


Remember, I’ve told you before that hypnosis is a good tool to have in your tool bag. So, listen to yourself. When the time is right and you are listening to yourself, find a hypnotist in your area to help you reach your goals.

Output the Input by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The year 2020 is a difficult year. Some may say that it’s been traumatic. In other words, 2020 is dumping a lot of input into our brains! Doubt, anxiety, uncertainty, and instability into ones belief system, you’ve been kicked to the curb! Turned upside down and shaken like a stuffed toy in a dogs mouth!

What do you mean by input?

Global events are just that! Global! The whole world is dealing with the same life changing event, COVID-19. This article is not another story about the virus, rather, it’s about what the virus is doing to the peoples of the Earth.

Our brain is like a dry sponge. It soaks up information and we’re not aware that this is happening. At least not until physical symptoms began to emerge. Be careful of what you expose yourself too. Protect your mind from the hysteria that is currently being circulated by the mainstream news media. Remember, they are more interested in the number of viewers and ratings than in reporting the truth. (That’s another story for another time.) Back to the topic, input.

How the brain uses information

Stage 1: Input

The brain is exposed to a stimuli, the information is then analyzed and evaluated. For example, you are exposed to new information, at that time you determine whether it’s worth remembering. However, the brain is sometimes stimulated to information that the subconscious decides to hold on to. You’re not even aware how powerful this seemingly insignificant piece of information was on your thought process.

Stage 2: Storage

Our brain stores the information for later use. Next, the data is added to our mental framework and is processed for storage. If the information is not reinforced, the brain may simply forget it over time. However, with the constant exposure to the pandemic, the information is reinforced over and over again.

Stage 3: Output

Your brain decides what it’s going to do with the information. Then it determines how it will react to the stimulus. For example, after listening to the latest update on the virus, you decide how you will use the information.

How to output the input

Pay attention to what you’re thinking! You’ve seen my articles on this topic. You become what you think about!

Do you know that sleep can help you throw out the trash from your mind? You know those nights when you can’t fall asleep? This is an example of your mind being filled to over capacity.

Your brain washes itself when you sleep. Your brain cells begin to shrink by up to 60% during sleep. This process is to clear out space so your glial cells can remove the waste and clean the synapses. (Glial – the connective tissue of the nervous system, consisting of several different types of cells associated with neurons.)

Therefore, you actually have some control over what your brain decides to delete while you sleep. The synaptic connections you don’t use are the ones that get slated for deleting. The ones you do use are the ones that are stored. So, pay attention to what you’re thinking!

Help is here

Stress causes physical symptoms. You know the signs. If not, I’ve written articles on stress you can read. If, you find that you’re having difficulty in releasing unwanted thoughts, seek out help.

Just let it go, is not helpful to hear. In other words, take action! A fast and reliable action to take is hypnosis. Some people find hypnosis scary and don’t want to try it. What are other options?

Talk therapy is helpful for most people. This is usually short-term and the results can be quite good.

Find a support group. During this time of quarantine, it may be difficult. Online support groups can be found. Skype and zoom are being used more now than in the past in the mental health arena.

Take a second look at hypnosis

Why are you reluctant to try hypnosis? Is it because you really don’t understand how it works? You are an active participant in the process. Really, you are. You are aware of what’s going on throughout the entire session.

Being in a relaxed state is great! It’s through being relaxed that the work is done. I can’t make a client do something that they normally wouldn’t do. Certainly, you will not tell a deep dark secret, unless you want to. The control is yours at all times.

I work with my clients through this relaxed state. The back door to the subconscious is used.  Sneaky I know! But, it’s very effective. During this relaxed state of being, you are able to remember things that are the root cause to your current issues.

Anyone who wants to be hypnotized can be. Hypnosis with a skilled hypnotist is very effective. You are released from the stressors in your life. In other words, you have an insight in a short time. With this insight, you resolve the stressors causing you discomfort.

Choosing a skilled hypnotist

Look online for hypnotist in your area. Interview the hypnotist before you make an appointment. You feel at ease when talking with this person. You make a connection with them. It’s then you know you’ve found the skilled professional to work with on your issues.

If there are no listings for hypnotist in your area, you can contact the National Guild of Hypnotist for help in locating a professional.

National Guild of Hypnotists · Phone
3 Lesa Dr, Merrimack, NH 03054
(603) 429-9438
Tips to remember
  1. A professional hypnotist will take the time to talk with you before you schedule an appointment.
  2. If the hypnotist wants to schedule a session on the phone, run! Hypnosis sessions on the phone are not ethical, especially if you have never been hypnotized.
  3. Listen to your “gut” about the hypnotist you’re interviewing. Sometimes people just don’t connect. That doesn’t mean that there’s a problem with the professional. It just means that you need to continue to look for a professional you feel comfortable with.
  4. Realize that you may have to travel to see a hypnotist. I’ve had clients come from out of state to see me.
  5. Be prepared for one of the most rewarding experiences you will have. Your first session will be an eye-opener for you!
In conclusion

Now is the time to dump the input that 2020 has loaded into your brain. Start 2021 in a better state of mind. Remember, output the input that’s not needed!

The Mind is a Powerful Thing! by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Henry knew from an early age that he would die at the age of 50. However, there were no indications that Henry would die at an early age. Henry has perfect health from birth never being sick a day in his life. He was physically strong and looked like a weight builder. Henry is blessed with intelligence and has a prestigious job. Henry’s doctor could not convince him that there is a reason to believe he would die young.

Knowing he would die at the age of 50, restricted Henry in living a full life. Yes, he has an abundance of friends, but Henry never married. He opted out of living life to the fullest because of his belief in his life expectancy. Because of this, Henry was a lonely man. He longed for a wife and children, but he didn’t want to put a family through the grief of loosing a husband and father.

When Henry turned 49 years old, his attention turned to what he wanted to experience the last year of his life. Despite his doctor’s efforts in trying to convince him of his excellent, Henry began to plan for his funeral.

Henry turned 50.

Ending #1

The night before Henry’s 50th birthday, he wrote out his instructions on how he wanted his funeral to be conducted. Henry then joined his friends for a big celebration. Everyone enjoyed the evening. Laughter, good food, friends singing… the evening is the best evening Henry has ever had.

The next morning Henry is found dead. It’s his 50th birthday.

The thoughts you dwell on are your reality. Henry willed himself to death with his belief that he would die at 50.

Ending #2

The night before Henry’s 50th birthday, he wrote out his instructions on how he wanted his funeral to be conducted. Henry then joined his friends for a big celebration. Everyone enjoyed the evening. Laughter, good food, friends singing… the evening is the best evening Henry has ever had.

The sun rose the next morning and to Henry’s surprise, he woke up on his 50th birthday! Henry live for another six months before he died.

Beware of what you think!

In my hypnosis practice, I see clients whose thoughts have manifested in their lives. The thoughts you dwell on are the ones you see directing the outcomes in your existence. Many of my clients have set themselves up for failure by the beliefs they hold on to. These ideas are not based on facts, but on internal perceptions that have no foundation.

Beware of what you wish for is a warning for us to pay attention to what we contemplate. What are your thoughts focused on? Do you realized how powerful your mind is?

Change your thoughts, change your life!

Who are you? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Do you know who you are? Are you sure? Where did your definition of yourself come from?

Who defined you?

Your initial self image came from your parents. They told you who you are from birth. The programing started even before the moment of birth. Then your programing came from teachers, religious leaders and other people who ebbed in and out of your life. As a teenager, your friends had a big influence on the self-identity.

How do you define who you are?

First you have to dump all the programing that was installed into you from birth. What?! Yes, you have to throw away the beliefs that others put into your mind. Next, you have to open your mind and look at who you want to be. Easy? No. Look outside of the box that was built around you. See beyond the limits you have set in place. Move past what has been taught to you.

What are you preparing for?

Look deep inside of yourself and see who you want to be. What if I don’t know what I want to become? How do I know what I really want? Becoming an individual is not that hard.

Sit quietly and listen to the little voice deep inside of you. This will include listening to your shadow side. What is the shadow side? The shadow side is what many refer to as the negative side that we deem as being bad or evil. However, the shadow side is not negative or evil. It makes us whole.

What if I can’t access my desires?

Hypnosis can help one connect within, to explore the possibilities available to each of us. Hypnosis can help us bypass the gatekeeper so to speak. While working through the subconscious, we are able to connect with ourself to expand our knowledge within our mind.

Hypnosis is a good tool to help you move outside of the programing that was instilled into you from birth. Until you define who you are how can you know who you really are? Seek out a certified hypnotist to help you seek the knowledge of self identity.

Are you using GPS? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Today is January 1, 2020. Many people are making new year resolutions today. Are you one who likes to make resolutions for the new year?

Challenge for 2020

I challenge you to move away from the typical new year goal setting. Most of the declarations we make are superficial. Why bother with those? I challenge you to get to know yourself this year and in the new decade we have just entered. How do you do that? Why bother?

We’re on a journey in life. When one starts out on a journey, especially one that has not been traveled before, we often depend on GPS to show us the way. Have you turned on your internal GPS? How does one do that?

“I’m old,” you say, “Why bother at this point in my life?” Well, you’re still alive aren’t you? It’s never too late to take a look at where you’ve been and where you would like to go.

I wish I had had the opportunity to get to know myself and what my life journey was early in life. Instead, I had to go through the “school of hard knocks”. Had I been able to go within and explore what my life purpose was, at an early age, I would have been lightyears ahead in life.

Just because one is mature in age, doesn’t mean you can’t review where you’ve been and where you would like to go from this point forward. It’s never too late to turn on your personal GPS.

Turning on your GPS

Hypnosis is a great tool to use to see your roadmap. Hypnosis, so to speak, is your internal GPS. If you are a young person, hypnosis can help you find your life’s purpose. Hypnosis can show you what direction you want to proceed. Deep within you know what your life goals are, hypnosis can unlock the answers for you.

Imagine how great it will be to know what your purpose in life is without constantly asking, “Who am I? What am I supposed to do in life?” Hypnosis will help you bypass the frustration of always seeking the answers.

Deep within our subconscious mind, we have the answers to the questions we’re constantly asking ourselves. It doesn’t matter what age you are, it’s time to learn what your path in life is. Even if you’ve spent your adult life on one path, what are you going to do with your life in the next phase? It’s ok to change paths!

Are you nearing the end of your life cycle? It’s important to be able to clearly see the contribution you make in this life time. Sometimes, we can’t see the trees for the forest. Through hypnosis you will be able to remember many lessons you experienced in life.

What now?

I hope you will accept this challenge. Live your life with purpose. Know who you are. Know where you’ve been and where you going!


Clearing Out The Gunk From Your Diet By Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Americans are lazy when it comes to our health! We want someone else to be in charge and make the decisions for us. That way if the outcomes are not what we want, we can blame the healthcare provider. We don’t want to take responsibility for ourselves. Let someone else make the decisions!

Clearing out the gunk

As this article is being written, the end of a decade is rapidly approaching. People make New Year’s Resolutions only to see them fall to the wayside in just a few weeks. One of the most popular resolutions is, “I’m going to lose weight this year and keep it off.”

You look for the latest fad diet promising that you will lose 20 pounds the first month. We want fast results with little effort! Most diets are restrictive and don’t help you change behavior. Behavior modification is the key for success.

How do you clear out the gunk from your diet? Have you decided how much weight you want to lose? Are you pumped up and ready to get started?

What is the gunk that you need to clear out of your diet? How much junk food are you eating? You know, cookies, pies, cakes, soda pop, fast foods, and the list continues. I don’t need to tell you what junk foods are, you already know.

What are the steps to behavior modification?


The very first step is to examine your desire and reason to lose weight. Do you want to lose weight for yourself, or is someone nagging you? Have you set a realistic weight loss goal? Is there a plan in place to help you succeed? Is your support system in place?

The second step is to implement the plan. How you go about losing weight will determine your success. If you have been on the diet rollercoaster ride, you will need some tools to help you. A life coach or talking with a counselor is one tool to add to your tool belt.

Hypnosis and weight loss

Hypnosis is a proven tool to use.  With hypnosis, you are able to get past the gatekeeper, the subconscious mind. With hypnosis, you will be able to get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating. Did you know that the seeds for our overeating is often planted in our childhood? Clean your plate, don’t waste the food. Or if you grew up in an environment where food was scarce, you may be trying to fill up your stomach because you don’t know when or where your next meal will come from. It doesn’t matter that you are no longer in the environment of lack of food. Hypnosis will help you learn to listen to what your body is telling you.

More often than not, people overeat to try to fill an emotional void. We feel empty on the inside and it’s not a good feeling. We want the emptiness to go away. Through hypnosis, you can explore where this feeling of lack is coming from.

Step three is to take the first step towards being free of the stress that extra weight has caused in your life. You have the tools you need, all you have to do is take the first step. Stay in the moment and don’t stress about how much weight you are losing or not losing.


Take that first step! Move forward!

Don’t try to make big drastic changes from the start. Take small steps. Once you have made up your mind that you are making these changes for yourself, you’re ready to get started.

Enlist the help you need from your tool belt. Contact a life coach or seek out a counselor who specializes in eating disorders. Schedule an appointment with a certified hypnotist.

Get to the ‘root cause’ of your overeating! Knowledge is the key to success!

Forget about going on a diet!

When you say, “I’m going on a diet”, it indicates that you will be going “off” the diet at some point in time.

Instead begin to clear out the gunk in your diet. Take small steps in this process. When you go to the grocery store, stay away from the store shelves with the potato chips. Bypass the cookie isle. Run away from the diet drinks! They have been proven to add weight to your body.

Don’t try to clear out all the junk food at the same time. Eliminate one junk food, then after a week eliminate another one. You’re not in a sprint, but you are in a marathon. You didn’t put the weight on over night. You’re not going to lose it overnight.

It’s not about how much weight to lose. It’s about being healthy.

Most of us don’t set realistic weight loss goals. It’s not about a number, but about health. As you explore the causes of your extra poundage and change behavior traits, you are well on your way to success. Your body will guide you on the path of being healthy.

Take that first step! The first step on a journey is the most important!

What do you fear? Failure or Success? by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We work hard to avoid failure, especially when it comes to our job.  One thinks about failure often.  If I try out this new idea and I fail, I will look like a fool.  I will not proceed with this new idea because I’m afraid I will fail and lose my job.


Why is it that we decide we will fail before we even try out the new idea?  What about the fear of failure in romance?  People run from romance like a wild fire is behind them!  A broke heart is something that we can’t bear to think about, much less endure the pain that comes with failure and rejection.  What is the self-talk that you utter beneath your breath to yourself?  I’m not good enough.  That person couldn’t possibly love me, they are out of my class.

I AM not… smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough, worthy?  Is this what you are telling yourself?  Why are you shooting yourself in the foot before you even take the first step?

Fear of Success

I think people are more afraid of success than they are of failure.  After all, if one fails they can make up hundreds of excuses as to why they failed.  But, if one is successful that will take a certain amount of change.  You have to adapt to the new life style that comes with success and to the new responsibilities that come with it.

With success comes adapting to the expectations that others will have of you.  Success brings us out from the shadows into the spot light.  We tell ourselves how great life will be when success finally become a reality.

“No!  I’m not afraid of success!  I have struggled all my life trying to be successful!”

Really? What to rethink that last statement?

If an individual is not afraid of success, then why is it that we won’t move forward to improve our lives when the right tools for abundance are given to us?  What is the reason you will not take that first step to move forward in life?  Change is scary, it takes us out of our comfort zone.  The subconscious mind does not want change, it wants what it knows!

Take your health for example.  Your thirty pounds overweight, your blood pressure is too high, and you hurt!  To be triumphant will take some effort and to be honest, most of us are just too lazy to actually use the tools we are given to move forward.  We don’t want to do the work that goes with using theses tools to dig ourselves out of the rut we are in.

Hypnosis and the Subconscious Mind

Hypnosis is one of the tools in our shed of self-improvement.  What will it take to get you to pick up the phone and call a hypnotist?  After all, one only has to sit in a chair and relax and listen the hypnotist for an hour or so as the session is conducted.  How hard is that to do?  What excuses are you using to prevent improving you life?  Money?  Really?  Do you want to go there?  After all, you have the money to buy the junk food that is destroying your life.  The money is there when the urge comes to get that new tattoo.

When will you decide to make a positive investment in yourself?  Will it take a life threatening event to get you to move forward?

I think people are more afraid of success than they are of failure.  After all with success, comes change and people are more afraid of change.

So, what is your choice?



PTSD and hypnosis by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

When I started my hypnosis practice in 2006, I thought that most of my clients would be for smoking cessation or weight loss.  You know the common things most people complain about.  Life has a way of taking one down unexpected roads.

Women and PTSD

I see women who are abused either physically or mentally in my hypnosis practice.  Recently, women with PTSD are the bulk of my practice.  One woman’s husband was poisonings her by putting a product that dissolves the sticky residue from price tags in her food.  He took out an insurance policy for a large sum of money and forgot to fill out all the paperwork.  The insurance company called her to ask her about the unanswered questions.  This inquiry from the insurance company put her on the trail to discovering that she was being poisoned.  Her doctor was alerted and was able to run the proper test to identify what was going on.  Had it not been for the insurance company calling her, the doctor would have continued to be baffled with her symptoms.

Women and memory loss with PTSD

I see battered woman and this is heartbreaking, but in recent months I am seeing more unusual situations with PTSD in women.  I’m working with a woman who was kidnapped when she was in her 20s.  One of the date rape drugs was put in her soda pop while she was playing a game of pool.  The next thing she knew, she woke up in a strange place and had no idea where she was or how she got there.  She was held hostage for a year before she was able to get away.

She traveled from another state by bus to see me for hypnosis.  For over 20 years she has struggled with trying to remember events during that time frame.  I regressed her back to the event to help her remember what she thought she had blocked from her memory.  She was drugged during her capture on a regular bases.  As it turns out, she does remember what happened to her.  Those times that she thought she could not remember are times of being drugged.

What’s next in her recovery?

I will conduct a follow up session with her soon.  In this session, I will help her come to terms with what happened to her.  I will help her reconnect with her younger self and she will begin to heal herself.  In this session, she will find the peace of mind that she so desperately needs.  I’m trained in regression hypnosis and hold an advanced certification in regression therapy.

It’s always amazing to me to watch each individual as they began to heal during the hypnosis session.  The healing unfolds as I am observing the client work through the process.  I expect to see this woman have the resolution she needs to put this trauma behind her once and for all.  Hypnosis is a valuable tool in the recovery of PTSD.  I’m privileged to have individuals to trust me to help them through this journey in their recovery.


Hypnosis for Anxiety with a Teenager by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I find it disturbing to see what appears to be an epidemic of anxiety rearing its ugly head in our society.  I am even more troubled by the increase in children suffering from anxiousness.

Hypnosis and Teenagers

Recently I had a beautiful 15 year old girl come to me for a session of hypnosis for anxiety, PTSD, stress, and Trichotillomania.  What in the world is Trichotillomania?! The short definition is one who pulls out their own hair, eyelashes or eyebrows while experiencing stressful situations.

This young woman is skilled at soccer.  She’s skilled enough to play on the soccer team for Harvard or Yell.  She’s looking at both colleges for a soccer scholarship.  While she was in the seventh grade she began to experience physical symptoms of sever fatigue and wanted to sleep a lot.  Her coach at the time told her how worthless she was as a soccer player and she would not amount to anything.  As it turned this young athlete was severely anemic.  Thus the PTSD being brought on by a coach hounding this teenager and telling her how she would never amount to anything.

The Hypnosis Session

During the hypnosis session, we addressed all the issues this brave young athlete wanted to address with success.  We also took a look at her “path” in life that she wanted to know about.  This teenage girl wants to know what will happen at all times.  Many of us feel that way.  The fear of the unknown on our life’s journey often causes anxiety for many people. As I guided her along the path, we stopped at each curve and turn in the road for her to examine what was around each corner.  As she rounded each corner, she saw an obstacle in the road.  She was able to overcome each challenge on the path to her surprise.

Post Hypnosis Discussion

After the session, this brave young woman felt more in control of her confidence and felt more calm and relaxed.  The challenges she saw along her path are in reality the battles she faces on a daily bases.  She learned that she can indeed face the trials and tribulations that we all face and do it with confidence.

The Gift

The tools given to this determined teenager during her hypnosis session are tools that she will be able to use for the rest of her life.  Imagine the confirmation she now has in her ability to handle what surprises might come her way.  We talked about the fact that there is no way one can always know what will happen in our life.  If we knew everything that was going to happen before it happened, life would become very boring.  We would miss out on the pleasures of discovering new delightful events in life.

This bright teenager now has what she needs to face life’s unknown’s and she has the confidence in knowing that she has the tools she needs to succeed in life.


The Road Least Taken by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Clients come to me from all walks of life and all ages for hypnosis.  Their reasons mostly boils down to changes in behavior.  Some want to lose weight, others want to stop tobacco use, others want to deal with emotional distress.

My favorite induction to use with my clients once they are in a deep trace is “The Fork in the Road”.  One path leads upward and is a bit of a challenge, but the rewards are huge!  The other path leads downward doing the same thing and has no resistance.

The Path Known

It’s interesting that we say we want change, but in reality we want to stay on the same path that we are currently on.

“So, how’s that working for you?”  I worked the mental health unit at one of the VA outpatient clinics and occasionally the inpatient unit.  This question was most often used by the staff when a patient rejected any suggestions for self improvement.

What’s the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.  The subconscious mind will resist change.  It’s the gatekeeper and will do just about anything to stay on the path known.  I have to be sneaky to get around the gatekeeper.  Fortunately I know how to do that.

Staying on the known path takes no effort.  I take my clients on a journey while they are in a trance.  One year down this path of non-resistance, there is a reflecting pond on the side of the path.  Take a look at your reflection in the pool.  What do you see after one year of continuing the same behavior?  As the walk is resumed and five years down this path, we come to a crystal clear lake.  Take a good look and what do you see after five years of doing the same things over and over?  What do you see after ten years of the same behavior?

It is rather depressing staying on the known path.

Travel the Unknown Path to Change

Once I have taken my client down the path of least resistance, I return them to the fork in the road.  This path leads up and is a challenge to climb.  However, the rewards are gratifying and satisfying.

I guide my client up the path for change to one year of experiencing this positive change.  Once again I have the individual stop by a reflecting pool and look at the results of having changed their approach to their issue.  It feels so good to see the positive results.  Five years out and the results are even more apparent.  The client is feeling so good about themself.  Ten years out, oh my goodness!  Change is wonderful!  The client is freed from the stress and destruction of the behavior that was needing change.

Why do we resist change?

Recently I was walking the trails at Garvan Woodland Gardens close to my house.  I often feel the need to be in nature so I can recharge my batteries so to speak.  On this particular walk, I saw a path that I had not noticed in the past.  Being the curious or nosy individual that I am, I quickly took this new path.  It was a challenging path.  Uphill and very few markers on the path to let me know I was going in the right direction.  At one point, I began to wonder if I had gotten off the path.  But, being more curious than cautious, I treaded forward and upward.

As I was walking on this path, I found myself walking next to the lake.  This particular lake I am really comfortable with because I grew up water skiing and swimming on it.  But, I had not seen this part of the lake before.  It was wild and untouched by mankind’s invasions.  This bay was calm, nurturing and tranquil.  I felt the tension inside of me relaxing.  As I began to open myself to new possibilities, I began to experience excitement welling up within me.  An excitement I had not felt for sometime.

Suddenly, the path turned into a tree lined dirt road shaded by the branches of the trees reaching out over the road.  I soon learned that this road led to the proposed homesite of the Garvan family who had donated the land for development of the gardens.  This dream of theirs was never realized.

I stopped for a moment and looked at my surroundings.  I saw all the new possibilities.  Beauty and positive growth stretched out before me.  All I had to do was continue on this unknown path.

I began to reflect on my own resistance to changes in my life.  Why am I resisting change?  I know the changes are changes for growth and in my highest good.  It was on this walk, on this unknown trail, that I decided to walk the unknown paths in life.  I want to see what life has to offer me.  I know walking the unknown path can be a bit of a challenge at times, but oh my, the rewards are boundless!