
Spirit of a Nation by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The Spirit of America is love of freedom and individual rights. Tomorrow, in America is the Fourth of July, otherwise known as Independence Day. (I love that movie!)

I know many peoples of other countries don’t particularly like Americans. But, I hope you’re able to admire our Spirit of Justice. We fight for the underdog.

Who is America?

White people were not the first inhabitants of this land. Different tribes of Native Americans were here when Columbus arrived in 1492.

By the 1760s, the thirteen British colonies contained 2.5 million people along the Atlantic Coast east of the Appalachian Mountains. These brave individuals came from Britain and France to escape the tyranny and oppression of their homelands. They wanted a better live for themselves and their families.

Our forefathers fought and gave their very lives to ensure generations to come would have the freedom of choice.

At the turn of the 20th century, America saw an influx of immigrant workers and farmers coming to America to find a better way of life. These individuals came from all over the world.

A national railroad network was completed and large-scale mines and factories were established. The Industrial Boom began. In addition, the growing pains brought problems that cause Americans to stand up and fight for individual rights once again.

Therefore, the American Spirit is one of Justice! We don’t like seeing others taken advantage of and trampled on.

Who are Americans now?

Most importantly, Americans still have the Spirit of Justice. However, we have become complacent and lazy. In addition, we have taken our eye off the ball. Our freedoms are being eroded one by one. We have been put in lockdown without clinical proof to support such a drastic move. We’re being force to take an experimental drug that has not gone through the safety protocol. Doctors and nurses are being threatened loss of livelihood if they don’t fall into line.

Following orders is no excuse for the loss of lives this experimental drug has cause. We’re seeing a modern day version the concentration camps with the lockdowns and force injections.

Meanwhile, we are like sheep being taken to the slaughter. Get your head out of the sand or the other place so many like to say!

Over the last year and half, we closed our eyes to what is really going on.  Wake up! Look around! Parental rights are taken away when a minor child is making health care decisions without parental consent. Your freedom of choice is taken away! Government bullying is rampant and out of control!

The American Spirit and the rest of the world

Durning this time of free rights eroding, we see this enslavement spreading around the world. It’s not just American rights that are taken away, but rights of all peoples! That is to say, WE THE PEOPLE of the world have to pull together and put a stop to this tyranny taking place.

Open your eyes and see what’s happening! Stand up for your rights! Take a stand for your right to make your own choices! Now is the time for ALL peoples of the world to unite! United we all stand! Divided we all fall!

Above all, remember that our forefathers gave up their very lives for us. Our modern military forces sacrifice daily for our right to choose.

I invite people from around the world to join with Americans to stand up and put a stop to the atrocities we have endured the last year and a half.


WARNING, I’m posting two songs that were sent to me yesterday. They speak the truth, but have strong language.

Toby Keith Happy Birthday America


Aaron Lewis Am I The Only One



It’s interesting that YouTube seems to have taken down the ability to share these songs. When I tried to copy these sites YouTube has not available.

Go to these men’s official sites to listen to the songs. The truth they are singing is strong. You will be glad you listened to these two songs.

Just copy and paste these sites in your search engine.






Anatomy of the Heart by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I’m sure you think this article is about the physical anatomy of the heart. Sorry to disappoint you. However, this article is about the spiritual silhouette of the heart.

Therefore, we are stepping into a new realm of heart analysis.

A modern view of heart and emotions

When you hear the word heart, in relation to emotions, you think of Valentine’s Day. You think of flowery cards with romantic words. A fairy-tale or little girl’s thoughts of Prince Charming.

Our heart is the center of the physical, mental, and spiritual life of all humans. In addition, digging a little deeper, we begin to see a broader interpretation.

First, the word heart refers to the physical organ and is considered to be the center of the physical life.

Next, the heart becomes the focus for all the vital functions of the body. This also includes both intellectual and spiritual life.

The literal Hebrew translation of heart means to give attention to something, to worry about it.

Spiritual meaning of heart and head

You are what you think! You manifest into your life what you dwell on!

We think decisions are made in the brain. Wrong! Like wise, the mind is closely related to our acts of will. An act of will is a result of a conscious or even a deliberate decision. Therefore, your heart is associated with activities of the mind and the will. In addition, it’s closely connected to the feelings and affections of a person.

Know yourself! Listen to your body as it talks to you. Yes, indeed, your body does talk to you. Are you listening? In other words, are you paying attention to what your heart is saying?

The Spiritual Heart connects the mind, body and spirit. It’s the bridge connecting us to ourselves.

How do we open the gate?

For instance, one way to open the door to your Higher Self is to practice meditation or prayer. Next, physical exercise such as QiGong and Yoga develops concentration. Then, there is the emotional response we have to art or music. Connect to nature and feel the pulsing of the Earth. All of these activities connect us to our Higher Self.

Develop relationships with friends and family. The love we feel for those closest to us is important.

However, the strongest connection in being one with Spirit is to know yourself! If you really want to know yourself, just ask, “What do I need to know?” It’s not hard.

The trick is in listening to the answer. Trust what you hear. For instance, if what you hear, is condemnation, it’s not from Source. Source speaks to us through love and compassion.

What happens when you don’t listen?

In my book, Guilty Prayers, the stories are about real people and what happened to them when they let emotions get out of control. The physical toll taken on the body was difficult for them. Their health was in jeopardy in some cases.

For example, I have a client who had a heart attack about four years ago. This client had no vessel blockage at the time of their heart attack. No real physical reason for the event. However, there is damage to the heart.

As, this client was talking with me, I realized that they had placed a block around their heart. Putting this barrier around the heart, blocked the connection between the emotions they feel in life. Oftentimes, we think we are protecting ourselves when we don’t want to acknowledge what we feel. Instead, we are doing a great deal of harm to ourself. (Mr. Spock was wrong about not feeling emotions! Being a Vulcan isn’t a good idea.)

I suggested to my client that they needed to teardown the wall that is surrounding their heart. When one does not listen to their own truth, the body will react in a way to get your attention.

One may find that they have problems with the throat when not speaking their truth. The voice can be weak when as they talk. It can have a gravelly sound or hoarseness. But, once the individual speaks the truth from within, these systems clear up.

This client stated to me, “If I say what I feel, it will make it true!”

Sorry, my friend, but when you feel it, it’s already made true. My client, didn’t remove the barrier from the heart. As a result, they had a second heart attack. This time, the heart literally blocked a vessel. It will be interesting to see if this client removes the wall.

In conclusion

Each of us have a choice. We can either listen to our Higher Self as we are being talked to or not. Just remember, there are consequences when we don’t listen.

Take it from one who was slow to act on what the heart was telling me. Listen and act promptly. In doing so, I could have avoided dealing with melanoma on my leg. It took melanoma on my leg to get me to take the first step to move out of a situation I knew I should have left years before.

Listen to your heart as it speaks to you. If you don’t, your body will start yelling!

The mind knows nothing! However, the heart knows everything! Listen!



Memorial Day by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Today is Memorial Day in the U.S. It’s also my birthday. It was a memorable day for my mother, that’s for certain! Having said this, I want to indulge myself and share some thoughts with you.

Birthday Thoughts

A man contacted me recently about some health issues. As a Natural Health Doctor, I ask a lot of questions. After all, I have to know the whole story to consult with a client. One of the questions I asked him is, “How old are you?” He didn’t want to talk about that. His answer was to tell me that he was under a certain decade.

I informed this man that in his case, being older was a plus. A younger man wouldn’t have faired very well in the same circumstances. I also told him that the Centurion age group is the fastest growing group worldwide. Furthermore, most are very healthy.

You think that women are more secretive about their ages than men. However, that’s not the case. In American culture, youth is looked upon as being the ultimate stage in life. I have no idea why we Americans think that! Youth has no wisdom or life experiences. In other words, the only thing youth has going for it, is being clueless. Other cultures have it right when they value age and wisdom over youth.


There are certain times that we tend to reflect on life. Birthdays are one of those times. So, today I’m reflection on my life. Therefore, I’m sure you’re thinking, ‘she’s reflecting on her past and her youth.’ Sorry to disappoint you, but, no. I’m not thinking about the past. It’s over with.

My thoughts are on today, this moment in time. Similarly, I’m thinking about the opportunities that have come my way in the last couple of weeks.

I may have the chance to work with women and children who were involved in Human Trafficking. I hope it works out. Therefore, I truly believe that hypnosis can help them. I have women as clients who have been raped, held hostage and had attempted murder towards them. These women come in with sadness, stress and fear on their faces. They leave feeling that the weight of the world has been lifted off their shoulders. Hypnosis is a great tool to add to your box.

Consequently, men have been raped more often than you think! Sadly to say, in America, the military is the biggest culprit. As a result, young boys are sought out as well by pedophiles.

Yesterday, I received a request to participate in a book signing in September of this year. My talk is on my book, Guilty Prayers and I will autograph the books being sold. How cool is that!


Life is to be lived to the fullest. I didn’t come to this life for it to be mediocre! In other words, live your live! Stay in the moment. There are no, could’ve, should’ve or would’ve. To live life to the fullest, you don’t have to travel outside of your own backyard. Remember, Dorothy learned that when she returned from Oz!

Therefore, age is just a number. As far as the Universe is concerned, there is no time. Time isn’t important. I know! You’re saying, “I have to get to work on time!” That’s not what I’m talking about at all. I think you know that.

For instance, take your watch off. Stop looking at the clock on your phone or computer. As a result, after you get over the stress of not watching time, you begin to relax. That’s to say, you begin to live your life as it’s intended.

Actually, your internal clock will take over. I know what time it is without looking at the clock. When I do look at a clock, I’m very close to the literal time on the watch.

Wrapping Things Up

In conclusion, celebrate your life! Life is what you make of it! In addition, you’re not a number! You are unique! There’s only one of you in the whole Universe. How amazing is that!

It’s my birthday! Therefore, I’m indulging myself today. I’m eating a chocolate chip cookie or two!

Oh, I know, you want to know how old I am? I’m not really sure. However, it’s somewhere between being a handful and being a free spirit. In other words, I’m unique and I love this time in my life! I love this moment in time! I march at my own beat!


Inspiration by Janet Lynas, PH.D., N.H.D.

Inspiration means to be inspired or to inhale oxygen into the lungs. When were you last  mentally stimulated to do or feel something? Especially to do something creative. Or to draw in a deep breath?

However, I know you think that there’s a big difference between the two meanings. But, is there? You have a creative inspired moment and you take in a deep breath as the light bulb turns on! The aha moment!  The sense of satisfaction welling up inside of you.

Yes, there is a difference between the two. This article explores the creative process that affects our spiritual lives. Having said this, we look at how the creative inspiration affects the physical as well.


Inspiration is easy for me. I look at the stars in the sky and wonder about all that there is beyond what we see. For instance, I think life is in all parts of the universe. Just because we don’t have proof, doesn’t mean it’s not there. I think we are arrogant to believe that we are the only living creatures in existence. But, life on other planets is not what this article is about.

I find creativity in almost anything I do or see. However, there are moments that are truly more stimulating than others. The first time I saw a live birth was incredible! I find the whole process of life forming from a sperm and egg amazing. This life grows and is now a human is pushing its way into the world.


I learned that mediation was a way of life for me early on. You mediate when you daydream. No joke, daydreams are a form of meditation. Sitting in that fishing boat being in the moment is mediation.

You ask, “What is the point of meditation?” Mediation allows us to connect is a higher consciousness. That higher awareness is known by many different names. God, I AM THAT I AM, Creator Source, All That There Is, it doesn’t matter what name you chose to call your expressive energy.

Prayer is the most common method of meditation.  First, when you pray, you go deep inside of yourself, you become quiet. Second, you speak from the heart. Thirdly, you listen to that soft voice that comes from your heart.

Once you open your mind and heart to listen to what is being spoken to you, inspiration is allowed to present itself. It’s in that moment you are opened to creativity.

Find Your Inspiration

Find your creative voice:

  1. Move forward in life. For instance, get out in nature. Walk, run, skip, hop, jump, it doesn’t matter. Be playful. Just get the blood flowing.
  2. Next, be open to learning new things. For example, take a different way to work. In doing, this you see new sights. In addition, to learning new things, you’re creating new neural pathways.
  3. Similarly, make new friends. Expand your social network. As you learn these people’s stories, you learn new information. You get new ideas.
  4. We know that there are no limits to the possibilities, but reign it in. Too many choices are overwhelming. Besides, we only need one flash of innovation to get us moving.
  5. Lastly, trust in yourself. Don’t look outside of yourself to know your own worth. For instance, imagination comes from you. No one else can give it to you.

Yes, I hear you say, but, “I’m not creative!” Sure you are. You have to pay attention to yourself. That’s called, “being in the moment.” Stay in the moment. In addition, don’t worry about tomorrow or yesterday either. The moment you are in is all that there is.  This moment is your inspiration!

You experience the joy of your individuality during moments of inspiration. The satisfaction of this new idea brings pleasure to you. You take in a deep breath, feel your heart beat just a little faster as you indulge in the moment.

To be inspired doesn’t mean that something big and life changing is happening. For instance, most often it’s the little moments of satisfaction, completing a job well done. Knowing that life is good. All is well with you. The pleasure of having completed the day and watching the sun set.

I’m inspired right now as I write this article. In addition, my generator is doing its weekly test run and a crew with heavy equipment has pulled into the neighborhood. Inspiration comes during moments of chaos too.

Embrace life! Pay attention to what’s going on in your life! If you do, you will see and feel those creative moments. They are there. You just have to be aware.


Relationships by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

Relationships are hard. It’s very difficult to maintain a connection through the years. However, I have been looking at people who have a long-term link with one another.

What is a relationship?

Relationship is defined as the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.

Therefore, how we connect the dots, so to speak, determines how strong the bond is. The list on different relationships is long. However, I’m addressing the most four common types of relationships.

The four most common types of relationships include:

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Work related
  4. Romantic
Family Connections

Above all, I think the family alliance is the most difficult to maintain. In other words, we don’t get to choose our family, at least in most cases. I didn’t choose who my birth parents were, but I did get to choose who my adopted father is.

Being born into a family doesn’t mean you will bond with that family group or even like them. Families put the greatest amount of pressure on us. For example, as one matures, family values may not resonate with our internal values. This causes conflicts. The conflict is so intense that family dynamics breakdown and are never repair. I know a family who had to hire a mental health therapist to observe their interactions and teach them how to get along with one another.

In some families, the interconnection comes easy. They are the lucky ones. Above all, we have to remember the majority of families are a combination of each extreme. It takes work to stay connected as a family especially as the group changes. Children grow up, older  members die off.

Therefore, as the family nucleus changes, it’s harder to stay in touch with each other.


I get to choose my friends. As a result, it’s easier to like those people in my circle of contacts. Friends come and go. If you have one true friend, you’re lucky. To continue the bond through decades is remarkable. I have a dear friend who has been in my life for several decades. That is to say, we have gone years without seeing each other, but when we reconnect, it’s like we saw each other yesterday. We both moved back to our childhood home town several years ago. She moved back the first of April and I moved back home at the end of that April. No matter where life takes us, the entanglement we share from our childhood will stay strong.

The thing about friendships is that they are not all destined to last a lifetime. Friends ebb in and out of our lives like the waves on a shoreline. Some are meant to last for a short time. Others for a little longer. Cherish these connections.


Oftentimes, we spend more time with coworkers than we do with family or friends. This relationship is tricky. The experiences we share on the job creates an impact on the workplace. The workplace is either a place one looks forward to going or one that is dreaded. Having said this, there’s really very little in-between. How do you navigate through these channels?

  • Set boundaries
  • Keep home at home and work at work
  • Maintain a balance between work and personal time
  • Save the chit chat with coworkers for break time
Romantic relationships

This is the most mystical alliance of all to me. I look at my friends and family who have been married for over 30 years. On the outside, it appears that their marriage is a “happily ever after” fairy tail. But, in reality these marriages have their ups and downs like any other long-term connection. I learned in these romantic links the couples have made a point to communicate clearly with each other. The partner may not always like what the other one is saying, but they manage to work through the difficult times.

There are times in these partnerships that they don’t even like one another. However, they seem to work through the situations and survive.

In summary

How do we have meaningful relationships?

  1. Be honest at all times. Speak your truth will kindness, compassion and consideration. Choose your words. In other words, think before you speak.
  2. Put in the effort. Don’t just show up expecting the other people involved to do all the work.
  3. Show respect to the individual you’re with. If you don’t show respect to them, how can you expect for them to be respectful toward you?
  4. Don’t judge. You never know the full story. When we judge others, we’re blocking them into a corner and not open to see the full picture. You don’t want to be judged. Don’t do it to others.
  5. Set boundaries. Don’t apologize for it. Boundaries keep connections healthy. Setting boundaries shows respect for yourself and the others involved.
  6. Listen and be willing to hear what is being said, even if you don’t agree. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Remember, it’s not always what you say, but how you say it.

Relationships are both fascinating and perplexing to me. This is a topic that will always keep my attention.


Keep the pillows handy! They relieve the tension!

Greed by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

The root cause of war is greed. Greed is the root cause of all evil. I hear you saying, “No! There are several causes of war.” But, the root cause is greed. One country wants another country’s gas, oil, land, natural resources etc.

While greed is the root cause of all evil, what is the cause of greed? What is the first act of greed? I believe the first example of greed was in the Garden of Eden. The serpent introduced covetousness to Eve. She is promised the knowledge of God when she eats the apple.

Spiritual greediness

Having said this, let’s look at greediness from the spiritual aspect. Therefore, this addiction spreads throughout all levels of society. Intense desire happens when the natural human impulse to obtain and consume resources makes us aggressive.

In addition, the desire to control and possess material resources becomes a strong craving that consumes people. The problem with greediness is that this compulsion overtakes us.  Therefore, one will not connect to other people in a healthy relationship.

Spiritual Materialism

Most importantly, I have observed in the metaphysical community an all consuming desire to level up. It’s a status symbol to be on a higher level. Yes, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy.

Therefore, an individual is overcome with a voracious consumption of religious teachings. Hunger for spiritual truth sometimes becomes overwhelming and derails one. You go on a hunt to find the ultimate religious teacher. Greed often over takes one in the sense that they want to be the favorite trainee of the guru. We want to be seen as special.

In addition, spiritual materialism completely overtakes rational thinking. Greed has devastating effects on our inner emotional health. With anxiety and restlessness overtaking us, we are out of control as craving for rightness continues to grow.

How does greed affect us?

Consequently, this social gluttony, is a vicious cycle that overcomes us. Greed is a selfish desire to acquire more than one needs. So, with greed we have a selfish craving. We grab and hoard things that we really don’t need.

That is to say, we lose ourself in the quest to become enlightened. Meanwhile, instead of moving forward, ground is lost.

Left unchecked, greed often kills. You are damaged with this consuming addiction. Greed is both a good thing and bad. The trick is to keep it balanced. Greed motivates us to grow and evolve. Altruism is a better force for creating positive change. It takes time to develop it.

In summary

There are times when self interest is necessary. The Air Force has a saying,”Me first!” Yes, we do have to put ourselves first at times. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t help others.

To clarify, there are two sides to greed. The shadow side is all consuming. It is addictive. You will have been lost if left unchecked. The light side of greed motivates us to achieve understanding in life. We have been motivated to grow.

Ascension by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

I hear the term ‘Ascension’ a lot these days. In the metaphysical community it’s the number one topic. I also hear the term ‘Awakened’ frequently. Today, I talk about both of these terms. Therefore, maybe some of the confusion will be cleared up for people who are new to the metaphysical realm.


The definition of ascension is:

the act of rising to an important position or a higher level
In other words, to put it simply, ascension in the spiritual sense is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment. The concept of Enlightened is found in Buddhism. (Which is a philosophy.) Enlightened simply means to have full comprehension of a situation. In Western terms, ‘the light bulb’ turned on!
Last night, I enjoyed sharing dinner and conversation with a lovely young woman. We explored this notion of rising to a higher level. For instance, we talked about the struggle she is facing. She is rejected by some family members for learning about her spiritual side. In addition, she is told that she is wrong in her beliefs.
She is told her practice in yoga is of the devil. (I know! I too think exercise is of the devil at times! Sore muscles and all…) The truth is, whenever, we try something new or unknown to others, it doesn’t set well. Family is like the subconscious mind, it/they resist anything new. How dare you veer out of our rut! Stay in the family rut! Therefore, never question the beliefs you have been taught! Keep your blindfold on!

Awakened means:

“spiritually aware of the universe and [its] direct metaphysical connection to one’s own being and the connection it has to all life forces.”
In other words, she woke up! She came out of the deep slumber. Now, my young friend is aware of the opportunities in front of her. She sees the options clearly. Her eyes opened wide, now new thoughts have entered the mind. In addition, to this new knowledge, she is experiencing doubts. Mostly doubting herself. Once our eyes are opened to all the possibilities the universe has to offer, there’s no limit! But, when we see clearly, doubt in what we see clouds our judgment.
Why do we doubt ourselves? We question ourselves because we have stepped out of the norm of society. What one must realize is the ‘norm’ of society isn’t always right. Common beliefs in society are based on lies to control the population. Hard to believe, I know! We’re lied to! Do you know that 75 books were removed from the Bible? Yes, indeed, there were 141 books originally. However, I am told there are 777 in the original text. I have not be able to confirm that information. Anyway, books are censored. In other words, I wonder who decided these books gave too much information. Yes, I have read a few of them. Very interesting books.
My studies in religion taught me that we’re separate from God. Therefore, we’re not worthy of direct contact with our Creator. However, I read that we are made in the image of Source. Source is perfection. I AM THAT I AM is pure love.
So, in other words, I’m created in the image of the Divine. I am made from Spirit.  However, I’m not worthy to speak directly to God? That makes no sense! I know religion can’t exist without blind followers. But, no one has the right to tell you what to think!
Now that I have throughly ‘ticked’ off a few people, know I respect you have the right to any beliefs you feel comfortable with. Just don’t judge others by their thoughts.  “Judge not, lest you be judged!”
In Summary

Be very careful that you are not a snob in this process. I see those individuals who are enlightened looking down their noses. If you look down your nose at others, you’re not as ascended as you think you are.

I am exactly were I’m supposed to be at this point in my life. I know you are where you’re supposed to be in your life.

Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking, “I’m not doing enough.” Be careful of this trap.

The truth is, we change the world one person at a time. Therefore, you change yourself and you have changed the world.

Go forth in peace, love and light!

Ascension vs Evolution by Janet Lynas, Ph.D., N.H.D.

We hear the word ‘ascension’ quite a bit in the spiritual arena. However, it’s not really all that clear what the term means. When I hear the word ascension, I visualize someone rising up in the air and going to who knows where. Like Christ did after the resurrection.


What is the definition of ascension?

ascension: the act of rising to an important position or a higher level.

Then there’s the religious definition: the ascent of Christ into heaven on the fortieth day after the Resurrection.

Next there’s the New Age concept of ascension: choosing the path to walk/work so you can ascend to a higher level of consciousness.

Therefore, ascension is not something that just ‘happens’ to us. It’s a conscious decision.

Tell me more

Remember in Star Trek the wording, “to boldly go where no man has gone before”? I believe that’s what we’re looking at with the word ascension. I think this word is one that I don’t want to use. It’s vague in its imagery. There’s not a clear concept about what’s really going on. And then, there’s the ‘holier than thou’ feeling with the word.

Ascension is a process, that sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it? For instance, one is aligning with Higher Consciousness one step at a time. Ascension is not only a spiritual process, but a physical and mental undertaking. Sounds like an enormous amount of energy is needed. This is a total transformation to enlightenment.

In addition to this transformation, one has to awaken! To awaken to the ‘truth’ is to have understanding of higher realms and having a different perspective of awarenesses. I guess we’ve been oblivious to what’s going on around us. Above all, who’s to say what the truth is? One person’s truth may not be another’s truth. That doesn’t mean one person is right and one is wrong. Think about it!

After that, you have to clear out lower energies, ground yourself and balance one’s self as well. I don’t know about you, but, this is making me tired.

I know I sound like I’m being condescending, I’m really not. However, my thoughts are, more simple. Last night, I was told life is complicated. In other words, there are things going on that we can’t understand or comprehend. There may be things going on and we may not have all the information, but it doesn’t mean it’s complicated. I guess I must be simple minded. Seeing past the illusions has always been easy for me.


Evolution has a few definitions, but one is more in line with this topic. I like the description of a pattern of movements or maneuvers. After that, my other choices are growth, development, unfolding and change to name a few.

Let me start to tie all this together for you. Ascension seems a little pompous to me. You know, the better than thou attitude. Evolution is letting life unfold to allow one to grow and learn in a natural way.

Another concept of evolution in the spiritual sense is:

Spiritual evolution is the philosophical, theological, esoteric or spiritual idea that nature and human beings evolve: either from an established cosmological pattern (ascent), or in accordance with certain pre-established potentials. (Wikipedia)

It really doesn’t have to be this complicated! To evolve, is to grow. Learning a different way of looking at things. Opening one’s mind to the possibilities!

In summary

Jesus once said to reach the kingdom of heaven, we have to become like little children. A child is pure and open to seeing the truth in the matter. A child senses beyond the logical and feels into a situation. As a result, a child is in tune with what’s going on around them. They may not have the words to describe what’s happening, but they ‘know’.

In this ‘knowing’, one is able to see clearly. Life really isn’t complicated. We make it that way by trying to read things into a situation that’s not there.

In other words, become like a child and clearly see beyond the illusions.




2020 Part 3 by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

Astrology is fascinating to me. However, I admit I know very little about it. We will not go into depth on the terminology. Nor will the ins and outs of astrology be reviewed. Instead, I am giving you a topical look at the practice of astrology.

I do know the gravitational pull from the moon does affect life here on earth. Any nurse or doctor working in obstetrics sees the results from a full moon. In other words, there are more babies born during this time of the month.

In addition, the emergency room has an influx of mental health patients. I have worked both areas during my nursing career. During my last three years with the Veterans Administration (VA), I worked in the outpatient mental health department. Our outpatient department and inpatient department were both busy during full moons. Police officers know this to be true as well!

Astrology, really?

Astrology is defined as:

the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

What’s the difference between astrology and astronomy?

Astrology is the study of movement and position of planets. It’s believed to have influences on events and in the lives of humans. In other words, the main difference between astronomy and astrology is, astronomy is a study of natural science and astrology is considered a pseudo-science.

Understanding what astrology entails takes dedication and commitment. Moreover, in the study of astrology, patterns between planets and relationships are observed. Many people use that knowledge as a tool to find meaning in events that happen in their lives. It falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical.

What can astrology tell us?

Astrology discovers our needs and may also provide us with the best ways to accomplish our goals. The belief is, astrology can predict the major happenings of the future. Astrology gives insight into the personality. It reveals the deeper part of one’s self.

Is astrology always right? There is definitely something to be said about the power of the planets! Astrology can be a very helpful tool in not only being able to understand ourselves better, but it can also shed some light on why we end up going through certain things .

Countries have their own astrological histories as well. I listen to podcast on astrology at times. In doing this, I have learned a great deal about the workings of the universe. In addition, I am amazed with the accuracy of some of these astrologers. Listening to some of the predictions forecast at the beginning of a year gives one insight on what’s coming. Going back to listen to these predictions at the end of a year, is eye opening in many cases.

Is studying astrology wrong?

I have given a lot of thought to this through the years. Childhood teachings have deep roots. Therefore, at times, it’s been a little difficult to open my mind to other teachings. We don’t have to embrace these teaching. However, I think it’s important to understand other philosophical teachings. I have a better understanding of other’s beliefs by learning all I can about their spiritual practices.

Currently two religions and two philosophies are deeply rooted in astrology systems. The Jews and Muslims both heavily practice astrology. Hindu and Buddhists are both philosophies. They too have a heavily practiced astrology system.

What do I believe about astrology? My personal beliefs are not important. What is important is that we have an open mind. Above all, it’s imperative that we understand and respect other people’s beliefs.

Close the door!

Closed minded people rob themselves of knowledge. Therefore, closed minded people are among a large group of bigots. You miss out on the richness and traditions of the people around the world.

Wars fought and lives lost because of closed minded individuals. My beliefs are not the only right ones. Neither are yours. Close the door to your mind and you’re lost to all truth!

I choose to keep my mind open to all possibilities. These teachings do not have to be incorporated into my ideology. But, understanding the perspective of other’s is important.

So, where does this leave us?

Above all, we have the choice to explore new thoughts. We have the opportunity to learn and grow. I choose to grow and learn as much as I possibly can. I hope you make the choice to open the door to knowledge.

Reach out and grab all the tools you can to make your life richer and fuller! A new year is rapidly approaching. What will you do with it? Moreover, do you move forward, or stay stuck in limited knowledge?

In conclusion

The definition of insanity is:




The Straight & Narrow by Janet Lynas, Ph.D.,N.H.D.

“Stay on the straight and narrow path!” This is the instruction we are given from birth. However, this advice is wrong. I travel more than one path. No one path is right or wrong. Each path one takes in life is the correct road for you to be on at that time.

One path in life

I did a hypnoses session with a teenaged girl who was obsessed with ‘staying on the path’. Having said that she had to make sure she was on the ‘right path’, I realized this young woman needed to have her perspective on life opened up to the possibilities.

Many religions teach that there is only one path and it’s straight and narrow. We believe it’s easy to stray from this path. In other words, I will get off the right path at some point in time if I’m not careful.

I tell you, this is wrong! We create our own path. The path has twist and turns and road blocks at times. Therefore, stop and take a moment to think about why you were led to believe that there is only one path in life. Think about why you are taught that you may lose your way in life.

It’s about control

You are controlled by society to behave in a way that each culture deems right. I am a product of cultural beliefs just as you are. I have spent many years discovering that I was brainwashed. Having said this, I have to explain my journey and awakening.

Children are taught that their parents know what’s best for them. In addition, one is taught that we have to conform to societies way of thinking.

“God gave you a brain, use it!” I heard this often as I was growing up. However, when I used ‘my brain’, trouble seemed to follow. I belong to the group of people who think outside of the box. I am no longer willing to blindly follow the collective thinking on how one is to live their life.

Each culture trains their offspring on that culture’s norms. This is done to control what direction this culture will proceed in. Leaders in each population want to have control over their charges. In doing so, the governing body of that society can keep people in line. Keeping you in line makes it easier to promote their agenda.

Thus, the belief that the path is straight and narrow. As a result, there is the stress and worry of staying on the right path. Are you willing to take control of your own thinking? Like most people I don’t like being told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

I know what’s best for me!

My journey is often a difficult one in the sense of not easily accepting what I’m told by others. I’m hardheaded and strong willed. In addition, you will often have to prove to me what you’re saying is accurate.

I have learned to listen to my intuition. The ‘gut feeling’ as many people call it does not let you down. For example, how many times have you had the feeling that you needed to take a different route to work? You decided to take the route always traveled. As a result, you’re stuck in a traffic jam. You know what I’m talking about.

Let go of the fear that is controlling you. Fear is used by the ‘powers that be’ to keep you in a passive state. People are easily controlled when they go about their daily activities out of habit. There is no thinking about the possibilities life offers us. We are herded like sheep to the slater.

I was diagnosed with a life threatening illness eight years ago. I woke up from the slumber from life long conditioning. That diagnosis is the best thing that happened to me. No longer was I just existing. After that, life began for me. Eyes opened, a new chapter in my life was started. The old way of life is ended. That path ended and a new one began.

I travel on my own path now. With each twist and turn new opportunities have presented themselves. Sometimes there is a block in the path. In addition to the block, a new lesson is learned. When a block appears, one may need to go around it, or move to a new roadway.

I have taken many paths!

I know that each path traveled is the right one for me. How do I know? For instance, I was hit by a semi truck three years ago. This incident brought my life to a complete stop. The accident (I don’t believe in accidents) closed a chapter and a new one started. I knew I needed to be on a different path than the one I was on. Lessons along that road had been learned, but I didn’t  move off that pathway. I decided to explore other paths and trails, however, I played it safe by staying on the same one. One has to pay the bills, therefore, I took my time and played it safe by staying put.

Often times, I over think things. It’s hard to get out of my head. The mind knows nothing! Thought comes from the heart. Yes, they really do. I know that the current trail being traveled is an interesting one. Many lessons about universal connection have presented new opportunities for me. Learn to think from your heart. Listen to what your heart is telling you. Having said that, realize, it takes practice to trust yourself.

I know from experience it’s scary to step out of the box we are in. In other words, it’s tough to trust yourself. In addition to trusting yourself, doubts will creep in to herd you back into the pack. To clarify how disquieting it can be to look to yourself for guidance, know that anxiety, panic, self doubt, and insecurity will take over. The mind wants to stay in what’s familiar. Certainly, the familiar feels safe. However, playing it safe keeps us stuck and growth is stifled.

How do you trust?

I bought into the cultural teachings as a child. But, as an adult, I put away childish thoughts.

Steps to take in self trust:

  • Be yourself. Realize that other people are too concerned about themselves to give much thought to what you’re doing.
  • Set goals that are attainable. Be realistic about what you want in life. If you don’t know what you want, get quiet and listen to your higher self. Trust what you’re told.
  • Learn to meditate. As above, get still and be quiet. Turn off all distractions such as the TV, radio, background sounds. In the stillness, you receive the information you seek.
  • Trust yourself. No one else knows what’s best for you. Only you know that. Know that your higher self will guide you in the direction that’s in your highest good.
  • This leads us to acknowledge your personal power. It was given over to others when you were young. They have no idea what’s best for you. It’s your power, take it back.
  • Know that when you feel something is right for you, it is. Once you feel the heart’s desire, then it will materialize. Stay in the emotion of knowing this is right for you. It feels good.
  • In addition, know that you’re not alone. You have the support of Universal Love, God, Creator, whatever name you want to use for this creative source of love.
  • You have all the resources available to you. Don’t let fear creep in. You are enough. You have a higher power to help you.
In summary

Above all, don’t let anyone take your personal power away from you. Understand, you are enough and you have all the support you need. In addition, call upon Creator Source for the support you need. All you need is in the asking. You are not alone.